Please tell me you're not buying this COVID-19 bullshit.
Please tell me you're not buying this COVID-19 bullshit
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how many of those doubled in
You're already infected, fool
Holy shit you're stupid
You must be a nigger to be this dumb.
>deaths by abortion
That’s a funny one user, good thing we don’t have those 9 million people who “died” to deal with these other problems
Covid is government scam
sorry about your mental illness
Maybe you can make it 249,905 OP
imagine being this homosexual
Yall niggas be callin him stupid but you didnt even refute the stats.
>Deaths by abortion
My sides. OP is a fucking lunatic.
>deaths by abortion
lol none of those other ones are contagions that spread on their own volition, and none of those are unpreventable or untreatable.
You should go organize a rally for the rest of you trumpshits. March united, strength in numbers, fight the fake news, and expose science as the liberal conspiracy it is. Stand together, fight together, and die together!
Sail on mighty ship of state.
To what end, genius?
Please, do explain how this benefits the government.
hurr durr Coronavirus deaths in Nov 2019 =0
fakes news, nothing is real, there are listening devices in my spoons
A bible-thumping conservitard doesn't know how to interpret the stats. Shocking.
six months ago coronavirus was less deadly than hair cuts, can't explain that
>Deaths by Abortion
Your mom should have added you to this tally faggot.
That's because the numbers themselves aren't the issue. OP is trying to downplay the very real danger of a global pandemic by arbitrarily comparing the fatalities to other causes of death.
>10 million unwanted babies didn't get made into poor black niggas and flood our cities
Consider doing humanity the favor of going to italy, knocking on doors and shaking hands with every person you meet, to prove to everyone you're smarter than the world.
Be honest, did you get that infographic from your magaweenie boomer uncle on Facebook? If so, please tell him Yas Forums is laughing at his stupid ass.
why bother, it says nine million abortions in 3 months. save some time in your life and dismiss idiots
Yeah absolute numbers are great, why not talk about relative ones?
The death rate with COVID-19 is 3% while the uncontrolled spread rate is 2^(day/3), meaning if we don't do quarantine within 3 month the whole world will be infected and 240 million people will die.
Sorry but this is a bit more seviere than anything you listed on your image. The thing with such a disease is, a controlled pandemy will lool in the stats like just a small scare. But that because the controlling works.
The only reason there are currently only so little deaths is because all of europe and most of america is in quarantine. The thing you should think about: Most people are in quarantine and there are still 20k deaths. just imagine how bad it must be if we wouldn't be in quarantine
Im tryna figure out how to spell the 007 theme song and I just can't seem to get it down
COVID-19 have saved so many others from dying
It's ok OP, I know exponential growth is difficult to understand for retards.
You know maybe this is why so few invest. Their small lizard brains literally make them incapable of understanding exponents, compounding interest, etc.
Whites & asians in successful modern societies: Smaller family sizes mean that parents can devote more resources per child, resulting in a population of leets competing at a high level.
Nigga mentality at all times: oogabooga, dat obese ass appeals to muh monkeybrain, must stop beating logs fo a sec and breed more offspring I can't provide for bc MORE is BETTER, bc i m simple biological organism
Learn what the most successful people in the world all learn eventually, that a society with fewer, but better people, is preferable to one stuffed full of moronic and animals.
The vast majority who contract it will live, and most of those wont even have severe symptoms, but for some it could easily be guaranteed death, without any means of prevention beyond isolation, and without any fully dependable treatment.
That's what makes this different than all but AIDS on your list, but then the difference is obviously communicability.
Abortion is murder, that is a fact.
BTFO back to Yas Forums retards.
It's just a flu, I feel fine.
This is also true for many influenza versions, or to put it simply, nearly all virus infections. We only have medication for very few strains of influenza, and the only thing that we have against viruses in general are vaccines.
COVID-19 is comparable to Influenza just that it is much more deadly (at least a factor 10 more) and it spreads easier, as the virus doesn't need to reach the lungs but can already infect in the pharynx, which makes it spread so rapidly. Combine this with the fact that we humans don't have any antibodies (so 100% of humans can contract it) and you have a really bad pandemic
It is not really comparable to HIV in any regard, because of the spreading, coughing near someone is much more common than anal sex.
How many would-be aborted children have you adopted?
That chart is retarded. Abortions? Traffic accidents? Suicides? The fuck do any of those have to do with each other? Fucking idiots, hope COVID weeds you dumb fucks out of the gene pool.
Yes, it IS murder. So what? Killing someone with no memories, personality, sense of self, goals, dreams, desires, hopes, fears and the list goes on and on, is perfectly fine.
Killing a fetus is like drowning a rat, except a full-grown rat is smarter and more self-aware than a fetus. It only feels like a terrible thing to us because we are old enough and experienced enough to feel empathy even for a half-formed proto-person with no mind. The fetus couldn't, LITERALLY could not give a shit.
Nobody is home. Kill as many as you want. Its fine.
You're a bit dense aren't you?
The only comparison to HIV was in its difficulty to prevent and treat, and only mentioned because OP has it on his jpg.
Influenza indeed comes in many strains and we update vaccines each season, but that doesn't mean a vaccine for an older strain doesn't aid whatsoever, nor does it mean we can't easily treat any strain of influenza once it's diagnosed.
COVID-19's symptoms are similar to influenza, but most other comparisons fall short.
It took 5 months to get to 20,000. But in the six DAYS since this image was created the death toll has doubled.
>this is what child killers actually believe
Murder is a legal term. It's the unlawful taking of a life. Abortion isn't necessarily murder. In fact, in most cases it's not.
> but that doesn't mean a vaccine for an older strain doesn't aid whatsoever
A vaccine for one strain of influenza will only work for that strain
This was the whole point of the H1N1 pandemic
>nor does it mean we can't easily treat any strain of influenza once it's diagnosed.
If someone contracts a new strain of Influenza there is literally nothing we can do. All our medication only works with certain (known) strains of influenza, all our vaccines only work for known strains of influenza.
You know H1N1 wasn't called a pandemic because it was easiely treatable.
No, Covid19’s true death rate is around 0.3%, and for people under 60, it’s less than 0.1%. The people for whom COVID19 is the fucking Grim Reaper are 80+s with shitty lungs and already compromised immune systems.
So 240 million people aren’t going to die.
Which is why not even the WHO is going anywhere near that number in their worst case projections.
>basing your morality on laws
Dont have to buy it.
Its free.
that was six days ago. Today, COVID-19 death toll is 46,496, some 200% increase.
Flu is at 122,096, or 10% increase.
HIV/AIDS deaths are at 422,614, or 11% increase.
Malaria is at 246,330, or 10%.
See something that stands out there? Like one of these things is increasing a little bit faster? No?
Buy it or don't, but skewed data won't help. False analogies won't help. It's your call whether you want to take a chance or not.
Grow up.
9,913,702 women died while having an abortion?
This is what happens when you outlaw abortion, nigga.
Abortions own.
The only way I can cum is when I'm 'bortin, or thinking about 'bortin
>The death rate with COVID-19 is 3%
>No, Covid19’s true death rate is around 0.3%
Where are you guys getting these numbers. If you're gonna toss out numbers, at least provide some sources. Here's one from an actual scientific journal...
I'm basing my words on the definitions for those words.
Just because you think abortion should be CONSIDERED murder doesn't mean it is.
There's 3 kings
Smoking, fucking and eating
While I do not believe covid is a scam nor do I believe that the numbers are fake, the amount of people in democratic states who believe any government adopted solution is the best possible in some sense rather than a way to either maintain the government as is or to make it more collectivist is astounding.
>No, Covid19’s true death rate is around 0.3%
[Citation needed]
The john hopkins university approximated 873k infections with 43k deaths worldwide, which is actually closer to 5%
>and for people under 60, it’s less than 0.1%.
The death rate for 50-60 year olds is more than 1%, 40-50 year olds ist still 0.4% and only drops below 0.4% for people younger than 40.
>Which is why not even the WHO is going anywhere near that number in their worst case projections.
Sure, I only did a simple multiplication, there is actually much more to epidemiology than that. First of all all nations will take some measures an already have taken measures, which is taken into account by the WHO, than there is of course the fact that at some point (80% infected) herd immunity will kick in. So my calculation was if nothing is done under perfect spread conditions.
If you're the same user, you're being dense, again.
I was obviously speaking of seasonal variants of common influenza, not a novel influenza virus.
Moreover, we were able to treat H1N1 symptoms after early diagnosis, the problem was individuals not getting diagnosed prior to severe to critical symptoms. And even more, the prior H1N1 vaccinations were effective against (H1N1)pdm09, it's just that a very limited amount of the population received it, since it hadn't been regularly used for decades.
>literally nothing we can do
This is just dumb, asshat.
The majority of flu symptoms are the same, so we have a slew of treatment methods, but they will have mixed results with novel viruses.
the "seasonal flu" is the combination of every unpreventable viral infection we had over the history of society. You cannot let a highly infectious virus like coronavirus just integrate into that and tag along, that would be a horrendous outcome
You know whats the problem with their age adjusted mortality rate? It's only a valid approximation for coutnries with similar demographics. For example Italy has a much older population than China, meaning their adjusted result of 1.4% is absoluetely pointless when comparing to other regions. This is the main point why the write: "In china" behind every number.
The usual method to approximate the death rate is much simpler, take the current number of confirmed deaths and divide this by the approximated number of infected (around 10* the confirmed number of infected) from 2-3 weeks ago.
Your paper literally says that they are doing it differently than most of the literature, and while research is great and stuff, their model does by their own admission not compare to reality, in fact they are more than a factor 4 off for their china data
No. Seasonal flu is specifically influenza. But you're right about not letting another coronavirus join in on seasonality.
>The usual method to approximate the death rate is much simpler, take the current number of confirmed deaths and divide this by the approximated number of infected
It may be simpler, but it's not going to produce an accurate case fatality rate given the fact that, according to a recent study, anywhere from 25-50% of infected individuals never develop symptoms.
Yep, people die from lots of shit alright.
Lemme share my plague, btw.
Your numbers are completely wrong. Where are you and the rest of your fellow drooling retards getting your info?
>I was obviously speaking of seasonal variants of common influenza, not a novel influenza virus.
There is no common influenza, Influenza is a family of many different strains of viruses most notably Influenza-A, B and C, where Influenza A contains many viruses like H1N1, H2N2, etc.
Also the seasonal variants are mostly not really variants in the strains themselves, but rather in their composition, i.e. what strains are the most prevalent. But still every few years there is a new mutation of an already known strain that can cause a pandemic.
If you get a flu shot you get a cocktail of vaccines against the most prevalent strains during this season. This only gives you a 80%-90% protection (i.e. chance you won't get infected) but every season there are new strains we have no vaccine against, but the probability of getting one of them is usually rather low, so we only vaccinate against the most common ones (and because only against those we have a vaccine for).
So what you meant was: The most common, well known strains of Influenza. And no shit sherlock, the things we already know for years are greatly treatable. This doesn't change the fact that there are thousands of people dying each year due to strain mutations we have no vaccine against and can't cure.
>The majority of flu symptoms are the same, so we have a slew of treatment methods
Yes we can treat symptoms, but not the disease. Thats a huge difference. For example against bacterial infections we have antibiotics, while against virus infections in general we can only treat symptoms. We are actually already treating corona symptoms, e.g. covid-19 induced pneumonia.
Sure but these are the most accurate and verifyable data we have at the moment. While the study you posted is great as research, fact is their model does not predict verifyable numbers for China, and even if it does, it is not applicable to any other nation than china.
To develop accurate models more information needs to be available, and while reasearch in this area is great and ongoing, *now* we only can use the simple method to get reliable data