This country once ruled the world.
This country once ruled the world
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what in the god damn is this shit
Fist that slam piggie
This is old
Is that Bongland?
oh god...
Even at the height of the British Empire the working class were drunken scum. They aren't at fault for Britain's decline, it's the greedy talmudic pedos running the nation
He's lucky he got his hand back....Jesus.
How does a country with CCTV everywhere and Orwellian social media police allow shit like this to go on in the street?
based Deano
sometimes you just GOT to fingerblast that bitch
no they didnt wtf britain sucks historically
That pic is fucked up. Probably the first fake pics ever made
Rule, Britannia! rule the waves!
tbqh they reached peak nihilism a good 20 years ago
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves!
Nobody in that drawing is as fat as the typical American.
God save the Queen!
For every bongland video like this that you see,
there is a 99.9% chance it came from the NORF.
Reply "SOUF" to this post if you love your nondegenerate Southern brothers and sisters.
you're country is basically muslim you should be proud of them
Ah yes, the (((English)))
The queen has a strange fetish, apparently she commands her guards to go out in the streets looking for the brownest, sweatiest Indian they can find. They then escort him into the queen's bedroom and let him take a big brown shit in the queen's mouth and yell "Where's your East India Company now bitch" ?
I'm interested in reading Jones, but I hear his books are fucking doorstops.
Offft, thats rich coming from your end.
What percentage jew are you?
To think the rest of you couldn't stop Big Bazza and his mates from rolling up and dabbing on all of you for 500 years. What's that say about the rest of you?
It's called "Anarcho-Tyranny". Let the scum run rampant and enslave anyone well off enough to bother obeying the law, you diseased fuck.
>prime slam piggy
thats a solid 10/10 in bongland
>total brap farm
>imagine smelling that strangely still greasy hand the next morning
This is a "white people hate" thread because Chinks can't handle the bantz. OP is a chink shill hiding behind a memeflag.
All of my frens are going to die because they don't understand isolation protocols. Now I have nobody to share tendies with.
get some, lad
Don't be a pussy. Read it. If it's worth it, it's worth it. No matter the length.
Based. Fuck the monarchy.
jej that's rich
Lol those two are wicked hammered and couldn’t afford a hotel room or shit the back of a car?
this guy is still ruling shit
I'll take some buddy.
Fucken saved.
Remember boys the dance is about you.
Welcum to bongcuckstan.
Wouldn't be surprised if the guy filming is the boyfriend.
Even when you're making up power fantasies you're obsessed with shit.
sure-sure, nigger. but first you read this
oh g-d
>that strangely still greasy hand the next morning
Kek cope
lol I've had that book for a few years, never managed to read it, but there are youtube videos with him for retards like myself. In this he talks about how Israel started broadcasting porn on the tv stations when they occupied Palestinian territory. I saw something about Pornhub offering premium membership for free now during corona or something, reminded me of when he talked about that.
I seriously hope they had their license for public shagging.
And that's how I met your mother.
landwhale hohohoo!?!
200k of those scums within 155 million population iirc. pretty much all of them decided to assimilate into locals, orthodox and want to have shit with kikery, the rest fucked off to israeli and USA as soon as they were able to (in 1991, when Soviet Union collapsed)
why don't you go shart in the mart,
my waito piggu amerifart
Jesus, what must it feel like to get blown by a typical fat Bongfemme with three jagged stumpy teeth?
shit, fucker. since this morning I've been avoiding to reply to you sick greenskins corona zombies. and now you got me.
Why are british women so fat, she's YUUUGE.
My People.
So beautiful.
ooof. gotta roll that bitch in flour to find her wet spot
Imagine the smell
Again with the turd thing.
Anyway, to answer your question, I don't need to travel to a mart because we have designated shitting "bathrooms" at home. Look em up, pretty neat invention. Wait till you guys discover traffic lights. This modernity thing is fucking cool, not gonna lie.
lol he let her know he was gonna nut, what a beta
fap fap fap fap fap
That's absolutely normal in britardstan. The pig this guy is fucking is a goddess for the standards of a white britard. They just let their beautiful women being blacked by Tyrone and suck those filthy piggy pussy instead.
user, it was the pure bred top of the class Anglos who did the ruling, in collusion with Jews.
Not the plebs.
They learned from their British masters
God I wish that were me
Britcucks? Seems that "Gott strafe England" curse works full power
Pink men every time
>he still uses TP
reminder Americoons were literally too uncivilized to adopt bidets, unlike the rest of the modern world.
Still has more sex than you do. Let that sink in.
Belgium is disgusting except for wallonia.
The police surveillance state isn't meant to stop degeneracy, its there to stop you from criticizing said degeneracy.
Wonder why...
Why is there a sudden increase in anti UK posting? Is this one of those psyops?
I don't know what you're talking about, we've had traffic lights here forever. Btw, have you heard about this thing called eating in moderation? It's a new scientific concept so you don't turn into fat pigs.
kek at bathroom, nigger bathrooms are for taking baths, you're thinking of toilets. Btw, learn how to use a bidet after using TP, just TP doesn't clean the poo off your shit stained butthole.
I can't believe a pajeet has to give you the talk about hygiene.
Yes and? I dont get what your point is.
These fucking sea donkeys really owe a lot to alcohol. There is no better an ally to an uggo trying to get laid than booze.
I've spit roasted a few slampigs like that, nothing to be ashamed of.
You meant loicense
>country with the largest number of abandoned orphans from living parents after China coming in wiht the bantz
Tell me more about Russian family values user.
I mean... they did that back then too?
Chinese want the western world and its allies fighting among themselves instead of them.
Any time there's a demoralization thread just ask "Is this some disaffected youth, a social outcast, or someone forwarding Arab or Chinese state agendas?" Very often you'll notice it's Chinese people just furious over some perceived slight going off the fucking rails because they're not used to being disagreed with.
Is this a 10/10 in bongland?
>This country once ruled the world.
Fuck all of it. Corona will bring it all down and we deserve it. Make a better job next time.
Er strafe Es!
hey don't talk back to the white man like that, know your place.
Midluns mate
intresting perspective ill employ that from now on
>t. Faggot American hiding behind a memeflag.
Go fuck a tranny in his pusshole
this what the white men is in 2020
imagine using 25 years old data
Wish that where me.
Would be awesome way to go.
Imagine the smell.
I bet you shove fire hoses up your faggot ass.
that man is black not white. but hes also fit so hes a friend to hard workers.
that's probably not even a white guy
Just an illegal beaner pretending to be a white pig
t-that's a shoop r-right?
Trade Empire. Funny things you belive they were more etc.
Indian yapping about feces. Color me surprised
Ahh yes a bit of the old cobblestone cobbler, getting a bit of cockysnockers on the old gibblynewton with the slappenhappies yeah?
Have you tried turning the lights on then? It is a two step process.
Also, work with me here buddy. Just make one post not about dookie. Just one. You can do it, I believe in you. Sort of.
This is why I'm volcel. The absolute state of British slags.
so that means you don't talk back to real white men? That's good, poop. Remember your place in this world.
You'd give your soul (just kidding, everyone knows hinduchimps don't have souls) to sniff a white girl's panties.
Imagine looking like some sort of misshapen, incongrous, dysgenic baboon. And then imagine having not a single brain convolution whereby one may achieve what is known as "sentience."
imagine the smell
you see this as a bad thing because you've never had sex and envy this lad for getting his dick wet in public
that guy looks sexy, no wonder the guy recording was trying to see his cock