"A lot of people were saying think of it as the flu, but it's not the flu," he said. "It's vicious."

"A lot of people were saying think of it as the flu, but it's not the flu," he said. "It's vicious."

he was just saying the opposite last week, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DONALD!!???

how can anyone still defend this hamster in human form, he literally just spouts any old shit from his mouth without thinking

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i'm dragging you down with me you beta cuck

24 Democrat run states with 54% of the population have 79% of the total cases and 83% of deaths.

These include densely populated states like NY and sparsely populated states like WA.

KY, KS, LA, MI, among those states.

Liberals have excuses...that's about it.

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Shut the fuck up he is the most stable genius we've ever had lead the free world

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mmm orange

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so places where people actually go got the most infected.


But remember 6 months ago you were saying if there was a civil war or anything, that you’d be able to fend for yourself and the flyover states will suffer?
Time to pony up and see if ya can be independent and need no help like you swore up and down before.

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>places where people actually go
multiple centers of the universe eh?

>24 Democrat run states with 54% of the population have 79% of the total cases and 83% of deaths

~half the states
~half the population
most of the cases
most of the deaths

Die mad, faggot.

Fart in my cum.

Trump's gonna be re-elected. Deal with it, faggot. *coof*

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He just needs to cancel the election and declare himself president for life. The Dems were already planning on committing mass fraud anyway. We the People will enforce it.

well democrats are also usually more open as people wich means they're more likely to get infected because of their behaviour Trying to make that political just makes you look like a trannie faggot.
You should look into behavioural psycology

Hope your not in Florida.
It ain't liberals who are gonna kill thousands of grandmothers and grandfathers.

Its that crazy Trumpite governor who still hasn't closed the beaches.

White House estimates 100,000 dead and Trump said that would be him doing a good job.

Just a minute while more people die he also has to brag about his ratings. The man is a complete mess.

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This fat cuck will literally blame anyone for his failures. Obama. Impeachment. Russia. China. Governors. Media. Zero accountability. I banned flights from China...Lie. I closed the borders...Lie. I banned flights from Europe...Lie

If you think he is not a disaster but are like "there is nothing anyone could have done."

Look at Taiwan.
They shut down the disease and were ready while Trump was diddling with his prostate.

His diddling is gonna kill hundreds of thousands of Americans. People with families.

And yeah he might win...
Check out his new ad

MAGAtards like you will call it inspiring,

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>democrats are also usually more open as people
you are a fucking retard, you know that?

Kek, virus will fuck ameriburgers in the anus, and rest of us will watch with popcorn. Already more dead that on 9/11

lame troll is lame

The cities can wither and die, and America will not only live on, but prosper without the disease we call liberalism. The only tragedy about NYC right now is that the death toll isn't higher. 100% would be ideal.

Well aren’t you just a true American

Unlike the humanoid cancer killing this country with their presence, yes.
Republicans are Americans.
Democrats are a disease.

Lmao keep trying berniebros

you know if you guys looked at this on % instead of absolute numbers maybe you would understand this isn't a big deal and that's why its being compared to the flu. obviously it effects you differently than the flu does

You seem troubled

>so places where people actually go got the most infected.
Then how do you explain Florida? Fact is NY and NJ dropped the ball big time. You can point fingers at Trump all you want, at the end of the day you don't HAVE to wait for the federal government to act first. I live in NJ and the governor basically waited for shit to hit the fan before shutting shit down. Now shit is completely fucked here.

See how long you last after all the ports close and there is no more mcdonalds.

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Yup... American calling for Americans to die.

Your a real hero (or a teenage edgelord fag).... unfortunately the disease doesn't give a shit about your politics.
If it did, it would be killing Trump loving boomers.

Wait for it.... his fucking up is gonna hit you to. Every America will know someone who died from this.

And as for prospering... good luck with that. The Chinese are probably gonna start dumping debt... since this country has never been weaker than this point. Hell the Pentagon is so incompotent that the Captain of an Air Craft Carrier leaked a message demanding assistance that hasn't been coming.

There ain't gonna be anyone prospering here for a long time.

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>I live in NJ
for now, Kek

Oh, I have no doubt it'll spread further than the cities. The cities will get hit hardest though, and that's where the majority of the blue population lives. Assuming the God-Emperor doesn't just declare himself the president for the foreseeable future, he'll win in a 50 state landslide anyway with the city population decimated
Stay mad, faggot.

Best president!
I trust him to keep me safe.

Also, Democrats are not Americans. They hate America, and they hate anyone who loves America. They're no better than ISIS, whether they're violent or not. They are a disease, with no purpose in life but to leech and to destroy.

Trust me, when I'm done with college I am noping right the fuck outta here. This state is a fucking joke.

>healthy republican
>ill and mentally ill democrat
really make you think


The CDC doesn't give priority briefings to governors dingledick.
The President dropped the fucking ball.

If you don't believe it...
Look at Taiwan.

It stopped the virus dead in its tracks before it got to be a huge problem.
While Trump was playing with himself and looking at his ratings.

Its everyone's fault but his.
Get your head out of your ass. You MAGA hat is cutting off circulation.

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You need to get out and take a good walk. Get those endorphins going

I feel bad for you edgelords.
The great world that was American dominance is coming to an end.

You are gonna live in a country that is a second rate power in deep denial. Good luck finding a job.

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>no better than ISIS
yeah, those behading videos from democrats are scary!

trump fan here,
it's obviously not the flu, but it's about as deadly as the flu in peak years (131,000)
it hits older people (60+ or medical conditions) much harder so that why you looking at 200k deaths

US media lies:

Trump admin did not cut funding for the CDC in fact funding for
the CDC has increased every single year

Trump did not get rid of the pandemic unit at the national security
council. it just moved to another division with a different title

Trump did not refuse to accept testing kits from the W.H.O.
the who doesn't even sell testing kits we built our own
like every other country

The American people do approve of trump handling
55% approve 43% disapprove ABC poll
56% approve 44% disapprove Harris poll

Trump said their working with Google to create a testing website
for all Americans the media said Google had no plans to do this.
Trump even presented a release from Google to that effect.

The press wants his daily briefing not to be aired because he is
debunking and exposing their daily lies.

They said he said we win, we win, as if everything was over.
Comparing it to George bushes embarrassing battleship moment.
But if you review the video he said "we'll win, we'll win"

My job's considered essential. Sorry you can't find anything with your women's history and interpretive dance degrees.

So you're saying all the states need big daddy government to do everything for them? Again, dickwad, the situation in California and NY is far different from everywhere else in the USA. Why is it necessary to have universal rules for every single state? So everything has to be shut down because New York and New Jersey can't get it's shit together, and let the situation go to full shit? It's funny how you idiots love big daddy federal gibment ONLY when it's convenient for you.

His base arent the sharpest tools on the shed. They'll believe anything agent orange tells them.

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WHO and CDC were saying the same stuff not too long ago.

Lot of bad information floating around... all we can do is correct as we go.

Hey, faggot. Just curious...what Jr college did you drop out of?

Denial, the post ;^)


He changed his tune once his friends got sick.


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You don't quite grasp exponential growth, do you?

Fucking high school drop out

lmao this guy

You might be the most retarded person on this board. It's to stop the spread, it's as simple as that.

If you discount all those really smart guys, then yeah!

Fucking high school drop out.

its like arguing with a pidgeon ..

just the facts

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Agent orange:. Dumbest fucking individual to ever be illegally appointed to any office

Bro, no matter what party those states are, thats not the problem, is obvious that in those state the density of population and the constant connection with other countries around the world and ppl traffic is huge compered to Arizona 4 example, chill. I'm not even American and I can see this.
Like, NY is almost like 1 of the four capitals of our work if not the capital itself

>Hur dur you're retarded
Exactly my point, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. But sure, let's shut down the entire country even though most of the cases are in NY and NJ. What a great idea. It's funny how you retards aren't bitching and asking why the governors of those states and the mayor of NYC let it get that bad, and waited until there were dozens of cases before shutting shit down. No it's all muh orange man.

The point he's making is that it's the state's job to regulate itself.
The state has primary responsibility for its own governance.

Trump halted flights from china early on.,, so he did his part.

U think u will survive coronavirus in NY Keeek

The stupid is strong with this one.

None of this is true exept the polls. Foxnews is bullshit. If their 180 on it's just the flu didn't make you realize it... You are hopeless.

don't bring logic here

correction: alternative facts

It spread like wildfire in NYC because people are packed in tight spaces in train stations and buildings like fucking cattle. Where everything is retarded expensive so you literally cannot afford to stop working even if you wanted too. With like fucking 10,000 people living in one building and only 100 parking spaces for all of them. What the fuck do you expect is gonna happen? Then retards make it worse by leaving the city entirely and spreading it to long island and NJ, not understanding the whole fucking point is that they DONT leave because they likely have the virus.

I dont feel to good

>My job's considered essential.
Cleaning toilets

Your podunk shit town has it too. You just aren't testing.

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> Trump halted flights from china early on.,, so he did his part

Well it's good to know we'll be dying from Korean and Vietnamese and Japanese virus. Because I get tired of ordering Chinese every time.

Yeah you’re gonna shut down Mardi Gras when the President is up there creating the narrative that it’s 15 people soon to be zero? Or all the travel in and out of NYC? Close down Wall Street? He alone had the power to deliver what America needed to hear. And he completely shit the bed. The moment was just too big for him

Just sayin......

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The states are responsible for their own lack of action.

No he really didn’t. There were enough loopholes and exceptions to drive a truck through. Not to mention every US citizen on those flights waltzed right in unchecked. Brilliant

>It spread like wildfire in NYC
I agree with this user.People in NYC will soon fight for space in morgue for their friends and relatives, but still think "everything will be fine"

Yeah no shit, at this point every town within a 50 mile radius of that cesspool called NYC has it. I live near it and I'm in a hotspot. My neighbor below me is sick and likely has it. I don't even go out there to smoke cigarettes during the daytime, because I see some people with masks and shit walking slowly and coughing as if they have the flu. I'm telling you shit is fucked over here.

what is this faggots job then? twittering? why do you even need a president if he is never responsible for anything?

So every state is like a separate country that can overrun and ignore the whole USA administration orders and do whatever it wants freely? BC I think that might be the problem, if it isn't ordered from above I think they won't do it or maybe they were told not to, as stop NY as it costs a lot of money on loses.
I don't know about this subject BC I'm not American so if u guys can explain that would be great. Ty in advance

Wrong. This requires a national effort. Starting at the top. We still don’t have that

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You realize more than most Americans sadly

>So every state is like a separate country that can overrun and ignore the whole USA administration orders and do whatever it wants freely?

There are rules but the whole point of the state government existing is that certain policies make sense for some states to follow but not others.

So since NY and CA are in special situations, they can make up their own policies and enact those.
There are federal mandates that states are supposed to obey, but even in the clear cut cases, states can get away with a lot of stuff if they want to go against the federal gov.

The president is suppose to lead. This one shits himself

Remember when the black guy worked with Christie when nj got hurricanes? You make excuses because changing your mind means recognizing that you are a moron.

Republican voters don't remember what Trump said a week ago.
They're too retarded.

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