I work the job nobody wants, I load up refrigerated-trucks with the deceased from this horrible disease

I work the job nobody wants, I load up refrigerated-trucks with the deceased from this horrible disease.

Ask me anything.
>pic sadly related

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More pics for proof

so what's it like to be a necrophiliac?

how do i get this job?

How small is your dick?

We’ve now got 1,000 confirmed dead.
Lots more expected by the peak in May.

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ever fucked a dead body?

I volunteered, lot of people are volunteering because it’s essential-work.

usually start lower. maybe stacking bodies in the freezer at hospitals, or zipping up body bags. gradually you'll get to OP's position, and after a couple years you can buy your own body truck and start franchising.

Nope. We tag ‘em and bag ‘em.

I have nothing to ask except these two things how many truck are you expecting? Roughly how many bodies in a truck?

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Why don't you stack them efficiently?

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Pretty much. I’ve got connections with people in hospitals with morgues that are now overfilled. Most of these people might have to get cremated if they don’t already have a plot purchased.

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some necrophiliac is going to steal a body for reasons

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A true villain doesn't reveal his plan until it's too late to stop it.

not op but bodies are fragile. once you're dead, you are slack and won't brace yourself. so like, when the truck hits bumps all that impact is distributed over the body. this causes bruising and blood pooling, and families get very upset about it. stacking bodies to the ceiling, even worse.

We pick them up by forklift as not a lot of people want to get infected, and lay them flat on their back, one by one. It does get to the point where we do have to stack a few atop one another.


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thats cool that should this virus all be over someday, these very trucks will be again used for food

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Stop eating animals so that people dont die from these zoonotic diseases. If you actually care, that is.

this was the hardest photo to take honestly, the fact that we have multiple trucks ready daily, but these are all full.

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150,000 people die every day in China. Virus or no virus.

Fuck any of the bodies?

I’m a pescatarian, I don’t eat meat, I also like vegetables and fruits.

Brother, you don’t wanna know how bad these bodies smell.

You get satisfaction from bragging about how horrible and 'real' your job supposedly is, don't you OP? You love being able to throw out that trump card in conversation and say 'oh yeah I have to carry the bodies of the fallen ones' like some fucking martyr. You genuinely relish the shock factor your role carries when you tell people in the hope that their manners demand they suddenly show respect for the work you do. You feed of it and inflate your self-worth enough to drag yourself out of bed for another shift. The only thing that keeps you going in is that you have that edge, that ace up your sleeve that you cling to in the pathetic hope to be vaguely interesting.

Where do you think you are? Reading your post put me into the shoes of some bimbo at a bar, I felt like I was there, listening to you humble-brag about your boring fucking life.


Are you aroused?

In New York alone, we’ve loaded five so far. It’s so sad.

Do the orange vs white bags mean anything or is it just random? They look pretty damn organized for random

Liar whore and you know it!


Fish are meat you fucking idiot

I dont give a fuck what bullshit diet you claim to follow. Zoonotic diseases come from fish too.

Is that the maximum they put in the truck how many do they put in the truck?

This job is actually heartbreaking, so many families will never get the chance to have a wake, none of them will ever get to see their loved ones again.
Most of these men and women haven’t the slightest idea what to do when they can’t afford their services.
I don’t relish in anything at all; if anything this job taught me how fragile life is.

>some bimbo at the bar
>boring fucking life

Get fucked. You have no idea how traumatizing this job is. Why don’t you get off your ass and do something about it?

>You love being able to throw out that trump card in conversation and say 'oh yeah I have to carry the bodies of the fallen ones' like some fucking martyr
OP never mentioned your Dear Leader, magaweenie

Trump Derangement Syndrome at its finest, ladies and gents

Protein I guess? But it’s not like meat-meat. I can agree with you to an extent I suppose.

Thank you. I appreciate you calling that out. Trump is a nimrod.

Over half a million every year in the US due to heart disease, another consequence of eating animals.

Last truck had 85.

do you get to have sexy with the sexy ones? If someone offered you money for a corpse would you sell it to them?

are you fucking retarded? do you know what a trump card is you fucking dense cabbage? let me guess, liberal arts college drop out who blames trump for all your problems?

You done pretending you aren't OP?

Chose to do it though

Tofu is a protein.

What the hell are you talking about?

That’s debatable. Heart disease is either a result of diet, but also smoking, poor oral hygiene and genetics.

Come back here in a month so I can laugh at you please

fatty animals like pork are a major cause in heart disease, which is one of the reasons i dont eat it. how ever, a healthy diet includes a balance of meat and vegetables.

majority of deaths are happening in blue states. 1 to 2 million dead democrats is going to be a Great thing.

Its not debatable. Its backed up by the science.

What’s the square root of 144?

Red meat is a huge factor too.

>how ever, a healthy diet includes a balance of meat and vegetables.


why different colored bags. is it like day of death or something

You and I both know that science is shrugged off more now than ever

>No other sizes of this image found.

finally some good fucking content

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I chose to do it because unlike your quarantine confined ass, I have a job trying to unload the overflowing hospital morgues.

Should be reply to

Hospitals have pickups for bodies all the time, because people die at hospitals all the time. The real question is, are there substantially more bodies during the COVID outbreak than normal?

I'd think there'd be, like, 1 or 2 extra bodies per pickup. Most of the bodies are probably from cancer patients and coma patients that had no family to pickup the remains.


What a hero. We're really not worthy of your grace

Here he goes again, the martyr with a superiority complex - everyone is hiding but not me, I'm so great look at me everyone

i don't really read into that because i work out and stuff, like i dont eat junk and shit all day but im not sperging at walmart because all they have is read meat

You done acting holier than thou art?

Answer questions faggot


The evidence that being a vegan/vegetarian to prevent heart disease is scarce. Just because atherosclerosis is the deposits of cholesterol and meat/dairy has cholesterol, doesn't necessarily mean it's the cause of it. There are other factors that cause heart disease that we don't fully understand. Plenty of vegans/vegetarians have died from atherosclerosis.

> meat isn't meat-meat....
No wonder you have to stack bodies you're too dumb to do anything else.

You're literally mentally ill. Get help.

after the virus apocalypse, the new global economy will run on toilet paper

sell your gold and silver


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Fresh vs hours old.

Where do you work and how many dead bodies have you moved?

You've gotta die of something. You can die at 60 from a heart attack from a life of eating steak and bacon and cheeseburgers, or you can die at 80 from pneumonia after a life of eating salad. Or you could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Or develop cancer at 40 completely independent from your diet.

I had a conversation with a 95 year old woman recently. I asked her if she had any advice for a young buck like me, and she said "Eat more ice cream." She then went on to explain that if she knew that she was going to live to 95 and outlive all of her loved ones and become a frail, cold, lonely old woman, she wouldn't have bothered eating healthy.

That's not his pic. That pic was taken by a hospital worker who remains unidentified for fear of retaliation by the employee's hospital. It is a refrigerated truck that makes routine pickups for covid-19 deaths.

okay i started lurking in november and i have a question for you old fags out there.
why do yall stay in this toxic shit? like this thread is just a bunch of random people calling each other fags and arguing

>The evidence that being a vegan/vegetarian to prevent heart disease is scarce.

Thats not what veganism is about. And cholesterol comes from eating animals. Period.

The evidence is not scarce tha plant based people arent dying of heart disease. Its fact.

I have a slightly worst job OP, hospice.

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buy a bidet you smelly shit wiper

Like, I define pork, beef, chicken, bacon, and liver as meat.

But fish can be considered protein because it has protein.

Youre still here arent you? I could ask the same thing of you

Fish has lots of heavy metals and oil fats, though.

I’m sorry, that’s rough too.

hey faggot, when you make a list like this you need to provide sources.

Ouch. This was cringe.

Yeah you are definitely projecting.
You have online classes tomorrow don’t you? Shouldn’t you be in bed big boy?

fuck you. i work as a cashier for a grocery store. i have to deal with hundreds of customers/niggers per day

Well over 90 today.
Cedar-Sinai Medical Center

Or maybe don't eat raw fucking bats, like a disgusting savage.

God I hope China gets wiped off the map. The world would be better for it. Please, God, take India, too. And Israel and Saudi Arabia for good measure.

At least they don’t use their hands like some Pajeet.

You caught me. This isn't my picture because I am not able to have my phone on me while I am doing this sort of work. Heaven forbid I use a different person's picture that depicts more or less the same thing instead of risking my job and other's health to get an original.

>fuck you. i work as a cashier for a grocery store. i have to deal with hundreds of customers/niggers per day

And I have to directly put myself at risk. Be glad you still have a job.

Dr. Fauci did this when Dotard referred to the State Dept as the Deep State Dept. It is a disgrace that this ignorant moron is president.

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You body produces cholesterol. Cholesterol is only found in animal products, including yourself. You can get atherosclerosis despite being a vegan. Vegans/Vegetarians in the USA don't have a higher life expectancy despite what you've been told.


Why are you LARPing?

He said he volunteered, dude. He could stop at any time he wants. Eat something or jack off, we know you miss school.

stop pretending your jesus and answer questions fag
whats the difference between the orange and regular colored bags

Come on man, don’t call African Americans/non-whites niggers.
It’s stupid, really just shows the world you’re a sore loser about the Civil War, haven’t left the 50s and most likely are a closeted Klansman.

Oh please sky fairy...make this happen!

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someone has to do it Yas Forumsro

someone has to do what you're doing OP.

>everyones going to die so contribute to as much needless suffering and death as possible while you can


Fuck me you're arrogant

Thank you. I would NOT use my own. I’m not allowed to use my phone throughout my whole shift.

Fresh vs hours old.

>Implying niggers don't exist.

There is a fundamental difference between black people and niggers, and it's really easy to spot. If you're blind to it, then you must also be blind to the distinct patterns on a poisonous snake and just assume all snakes are safe.

You thought this would go better didn't you op...you thought this was reddit and we'd suck your holy cock, I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way

Your body doesnt produce the artery clogging cholesterol that you only get from eating other animals.

Please stop talking.

Dad died of heart disease. Vegan for 40 years, fuck off with your lies

Why cant i find love op?

find any young hotties to penetrate?

Or you’re just a racist, xenophobic, probably misogynistic piece of white trash!

>another consequence of eating animals.
Suck my ass, you self-righteous vegan faggot.

Heart disease is a consequence of many things, to include genetics, but is NOT a consequence of simply "eating animals".

Get it right ffs.

How about instead of giving a shit about chickens, which live all of 2 years if they've been bred for meat, so you not consuming them would be to consign them all to a horrible death by their growth outstripping the capacity of their organs, you care about people. Unless you think that cows and pigs and chickens are more important than people suffering in third world shitholes.

You won’t find it here bud, sorry.

I’m engaged to my fiancée, we were supposed to get married in June.

When did i say that it was impossible for vegans to dies of heart disease, retard?

Is falling from a bridge only deadly to suicide jumpers?

lol butthurt denier

>families get very upset about it
There is not going to be visitation or open casket funerals for any of these people. Family members aren't even allowed to be in the hospital room at the time of death. They die alone.

I hate Dumpf so much.

Do you consider this the end of the world?

Dude, that’s rough. You a nurse?

That already happened. It's from some douchey wrestling match.


Absolutely not true. Do you realize how fucking stupid that sounds? How is it that an animal can product 'bad cholesterol' but a human cannot? You think that cows/chickens/goats produce a different type of cholesterol than humans do? You haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Cholesterol is produced in the liver, it's an essential nutrient and you would die without it.

1. Im not convinced that humans are more special than any other species. I actually see evidence to the contrary.

2. Just because i care about a chickens doesnt mean that i cant also care about humans. You literally have no idea what it means to be vegan if you think this way.

Anons heed this screenshot. China covered up the true numbers as it scrambled to cope with the outbreak. Their lies and eagerness to keep numbers low and maintain world perception of control was propaganda. The true infection rate and number of deaths is likely ten times or more than what was reported. Wuhan is larger than LA. China lies.


can anybody here give me a factual reason to hate trump with a source that isnt a bullshit media outlet or biased political website?

Holy shit. So wait when you say you move them, like so do you take the bodies from the morgue to.... where do you take bodies to and from? I mean you’re not in the ambulance.


well to be fair he was getting impeached while this was going down and he still found time to set of the task force on January 29, 2020 when no one was taking it serious. In February 27 Nancy Pelosi, Commissioner Barbot and Levine where telling people to go celebrate in China town for the Lunar New Year parade. On March 2nd Blasio was encouraging to fo on with their lives and even suggested some movie for people to go watch at the theaters.

Now look at New York.

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You dont know the facts. Again, stop talking.

I like how you signed your photo.

>become a frail, cold, lonely old woman, she wouldn't have bothered eating healthy.
see she's an idiot, i'm going to be a happy old man with future internets and vidya living in a post-quarantine world where i don;t have to socialize

I give a lot of props to people who work in hospice, they see them die, we just remove the cadavers.