Howdy Yas Forums. Dubs and I post the pedo's instagram. Roll, my pretties

Howdy Yas Forums. Dubs and I post the pedo's instagram. Roll, my pretties.

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Nope. The people in this pic are named Blake and Logan. No clue who Mickey is.

If I get dubs I'll hunt this fuck down

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Trips and you give link to the sex tape.

were not your personal army you fucking fucking kill yourself

Not your personal army faggot kys

> you fucking fucking kill yourself

Congrats you fucking ape


Damn, you were so close!
No deal.
I'm not requesting a raid, or doxxing. I'm posting public information and what you do with it is up to you.

Oh shit, didn't notice the dubs. It's @blakethethiccone

Its private FUCK

Post more pics so I can weaponize them

14 and 19 is... not that crazy of a difference

Request granted.

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agreed, plus I think fags get the pedo-pass


fuck off faggot

Kill yourself.

Im just saying for some reason when they are both fags nobody cares

Love is love

I'm just a stupid fucking white supremacist sexist gym rat but I think gays are allowed to be pedophiles. Not my rules but yours.

prison is prison you dumbfuck

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Ha Ha - exactly! Fucking stupid logic makes as much sense with pedo as with gay

having a full convo with this fag rn rofl

lmfao at this dude

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Age is just a number. Jail is just a place.
False. Nobody gets a pass.
Bruh moment

he was denying it at first
what a fucking shameless display of autism

They see me rollin'


Another dubs and I post his non-private twitter.

Does that count?

looks like you rolled dubs

Shit, that counts. It's @blakethethicc

His last few tweets about not having sex with minors that's fuckin great

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lol he has the OP pic with the kid cropped out on his twitter

Peak irony.

Come troll a pedo with me

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right behind ya

He keeps feeding into it too

Dude this is hilarious. First day of coming back to Yas Forums in years and this is what I get. Never change, Yas Forums

ur a nahtzee bcuz u want me to stop dating childrn

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Y'all want his youtube? I can give you his youtube. Just get dubs.

I'm already having too much fun with this, but why the hell not. Going for another roll.

According to him if you're attracted to minors and adults you aren't a dirty pedo


Absolute fucking kek, what a pedo

Time for youtube

His youtube is Smiley Cat. Look for the one with Guy Fieri Wario as his profile pic. That's him.

He stopped replying on Twitter unfortunately


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He posted a video titled "pedo lol" with the picture are you fuckin kidding me

I wish I was kidding, that would make this situation funny
But no, he's exploiting a minor.

What a pussy

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"He's not a pedo, what a pussy"
-pedo 2020

Hi Blake

What else can I get with this dubs voucher

You can have his email. It's [email protected]

Were you friends with this guy OP

I used to be, until he told me about his child porn problem.

Pedophiles are usually sneaky about it.

Do you have moar screenshots?

I wish I did. I had to restart my life, so all ties to the old one are gone, including my old social media.


hey, it's blake. some good samaritan linked the thread. i just wanna say you win. y'all probably have my legal name by now. so just fucking kill me already. i'll be waiting at my address which y'all also probably have. kill me. i'll leave the back door unlocked tonight.

tits and timestamp or gtfo


top kek

kek. i need this mans address.

Looks like you got uber pwned!

you're so passionate about being against pedophiles on twitter so you can cover up the fact that you are, in fact, a pedohpile

blake is a pedo fag

you fucking got me down to a science. now take this timestamp and kill me

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better quality or fake

i have a shitty webcam okay