America is the best nation in the world. Prove me wrong

America is the best nation in the world. Prove me wrong

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America sucks. Just look who leads it.

Twump make my life hard... :(

You just proved yourself wrong with pic related. Git gud, amerifat.

t. fellow amerifat


The fact we had to fuck off the British

But you’re right though.

You’re not in it, so I would say it’s great.

>Bad education System
>No health care
"That would be socialism"
>making up reasons to invade countrys
"omg weapons of mass destruction"
>to few gun regulations
>idiot leader

Just to name some

Keep telling yourself that, OP.

You’ve been proven wrong.

Warmongering imperialidtic hyppocritical megalomaniac hypercapitalistic obese creationist cretins

Need 3 jobs to pay bills and rent
Still can't afford shit
Need to take a huge dept to be able to study at university
The American dream is dead

America is the best nation, we rule all!


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They're the only reason we have music that's not polka and edible food.

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We are the British. Everybody else is just visiting.

>Prove me wrong
I can't.
Even with so many non-white residents, America somehow is still better than every other country on Earth.

Exactly, we are the richest Nation in the world. End of.

You speak our language, English is wasted on you pathetic cunts

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Not just that, but the most powerful military by FAR.
Get Russia's nukes out of the equation and the US military is as powerful as the the next top 10 countries militaries combined.

What do you care about your language?
Soon enough the only language spoken in England will be Arabic

Fuck the Queen.
And it's not your language anymore, it's ours.

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School shootings.
Sort it out guys.

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Don't you have to pay to shit out a kid in America?Health care is on point lads

>being this delusional and uneducated.

>Need 3 jobs to pay bills and rent
>Still can't afford shit
>Need to take a huge dept to be able to study at university
>The American dream is dead
lol, professional welfare queens manage $60k equivalent total compensation from welfare alone

Add a side hustle & USA poors can do better then collage educated eu-fags

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We just are baby

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Small price to pay, thins the herd, etc.
Still better than being British.

You can't even go and watch a film without getting shot up

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Had an argument with a delusional American who claimed a spoon in the wrong hands is as dangerous as an AR-15... YOU CAN'T MURDER 50+ PEOPLE FROM A HOTEL WINDOW IN LAS VAGAS WITH A FUCKING SPOON DICKHEAD. America is literally the laughing stock of the world right now. Idiot president. Idiot gun laws. Totally ignorant about COVID-19 and now has the most deaths in the world as a result. Because 'Murica.

And you are still a bunch of pussies dependent on the American economy and military.

America is a continent.
I hope that virus burn that country to ashes.

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keep telling yourself that.

Also a Nation. Cunt.

If we took Europe on tomorrow, we would win with one shot

I love these fucking lefties getting mad over everything that's associated with America or Trump.

Actually, United States of America is a country... USA. America is the continent. The prefix is the country.


Why are you not speaking French or Spanish? They fucked you up all as much as us Brits did. It's because you have taste you fat cunts

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Tell that to the Viet-Cong...

Define Nation you mong

He looks so much better with the slicked back hair

> love these fucking lefties getting mad

> love
> mad

Pro tip : when we're talking politics, and somebody jumps in saying things like "mad" "crying" "butthurt" etc.. you already know that person supports Trump.

But what you don't know is, he's a Russian agent.

Putin has teams of these people, 24/7 scanning the web for political conversations, jumping in and dragging everything down to kindergarten level.

ok I'm unironically a bernie supporter but what you just said is fucking bedrock level braindead

a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory

The term country refers to a political state or nation or its territory. It is often referred to as the land of an individual's birth, residence, or citizenship

That good enough?

That is some great hair boss!

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Corona is just proving you wrong.

Third-world murder rate FTW.

Attached: gun-death-rates-chart.jpg (620x644, 63.18K)

Gotchaaa, Fake American scum

It's because the countries in the New World founded by Brits are far better than those founded by frogs and spics.
USA and Canada ? Cool, rich, first world.
Everything south of the border ? A shithole.
And we're your daddy now, limey. You gave up on being a world power when you gave Churchill the boot ever before WWII ended. For a welfare state. Fags.

Jesus Christ , do you actually read or do you just go with whatever Rachel maddow tells you?

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We gifted you it you cunts and you still fucked it up. America's history is barely 250 years old. Culture?


>> Prove me wrong
Don't have to. You're all asshats. Only you don't know it.
Here's a pic of your asshat president. Good luck to you, he's going to kill you all.

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>We gifted you it you cunts
Yeah you didn't do us any favors. I still don't understand why the British won every battle within 50 miles of where I live and still gave it up in the Treaty. If my house were in Canada it would be worth a half million.

You have the healthcare of a third-world country:

>> Exactly, we are the richest Nation in the world. End of.
Exactly, we were the richest Nation in the world. End of.
Fixed it for you. Now, you're all fucked and Trump will kill you all.

That’s a cool fucking picture, lighten up.

90 percent of the reason trumps gonna sweep in November is because you guys are such fucking bummers

We wanted rid that's why.

>"we need guns, they keep us safe from knife murderers"
>second highest knife murder rate in the world
flawless victory

Yea becuase your ex pm is so much better?

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