first three words
First three words
Other urls found in this thread:
Feminist armpit hair
Make your dubs
Girl been raaaaaaaaped!!!
disgusting hipster garbage
Shitty tattoos, brah
Show feet, dude
Newfags can’t triforce
Too many tats
no one can anymore, idiot
Suck my cock
Check my trips
not Russian enough
Needs touch ups.
she was molested
Gross tattoos gurl
Zelda you fine
Has horrible tattoos
>>first three words
Is she legal
fucking gay tattoos
▲ ▲
Degenerate pig disgusting
white tattoo trash
Beautiful became ugly
tattoos often shit
thats a dude
wait so are they fake tattoos or did she just keep adding worse ones
>looks at gamer gurl tattoo catelog
"Yes, all of them."
this is the newfag triforce. the original triforce can't be done anymore. site changed something in the code or whatever
Sorry, no change.
she looks like she enjoys taking a beating every now and then
abused child alert
Tattoos look garish!
mental illness personified
Tattoos are gross!
overdue daddy issues
tattoos ruin women
Who hurt her?
Tattoos are how emotionally damaged people externalize internal trauma. Basically, a huge red flag when looking for a partner.
This right here.
ur mom's gross
only a tremendously dumb person would get tats of shit this nerdy
No longer cute :(
>only a tremendously dumb person would get tats
You could have stopped there
Terrible fucking tattoos
Yeah I heard those sites are down
chubby slut stare
green toilet whore
To an extent. Head to toe covered? Run. One or two concealable ones isn’t an issue.
>only a tremendously dumb person would get tats
There, fixed that for you.
post more faggot
if they were actually nerdy tatts and not random video game and cartoon bobbles... it would still look like tacky garbage. but at least it wouldnt be cringey at the same time.
Face - what happened?
She has corona
would totally bang
shitty nerd ink
Eh I guess
This. Was gonna go with “raped by family”
no personality found
that's called a butterfly rash, it's a sign of lupus.
Lol the incels in this thread.
its called makeup you fucktard
Not three words