Are we just going to sit here and allow this? Since when is it okay to promote mental illness as something that's normal?
Are we just going to sit here and allow this...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck are you using social media? That desperate for attention?
How do you get your news?
who gives a fuk
I do.
The news?
Trans rights
>The news?
Why do you watch that garbage? It's just them dragging out non-stories for 24 hours with their retarded news anchor voice. Just go online, read the story for 2 seconds, and move on.
You don't need to be on Yas Forums to know that being a tranny makes you mentally ill. It's common sense, retard
>Cringe-worthy Tumblr art and anime pfps
I swear, anime really turns incels into trannies.
Dial 8
Have sex
I will but not with a deranged tranny like yourself. Have REAL sex, faggot.
In the spirit of the day...pic related
bait bait bait bait bait
At least I'll live to be 35.
Since when has Yas Forums been against mental illness?
cope harder faggot
Tranny-trenders should really off themselves. I had very liberal friends who bought into that, and now they're all kinda ashamed of their "I'm non binary bruh" phase. It's just faggotry
Nigga if you get your news from social media that's a problem
true though.
/pol ruins everything.
>bait bait bait bait bait
Are you 12? Why would this be bait? Do you not understand the percentages of suicide in the tranny community? It's more than just being mocked. A grossly large amount of these mentally ill nutcases kill themselves every year and it's a problem because we say it's normal without actually doing research on it.
Are you trans? If so, then care. If not, ignore. why is this a fucking issue for you? Go collect stamps or something. This is no way to spend your time man.
i missed the bait on the first pass, not gonna lie. reddit is out of bed, let's see if you can keep them riled up
>imagine ignoring any news that doesn't pertain to you personally
>imagine there literally not being news, then
Its okay user, trannies can’t harm you more than the rest of the fags
They harm me by existing.
Old Yas Forums would have trolled and raided the hashtag by now.
I guess Yas Forums really did fall to the trannies after tumblr shut down.
You seem pretty mentally ill yourself OP.
Go eat more estrogen pills you psychopath.
Stop being triggered and do something productive with your life
100%, been like this for years. the flood of gay/trans/furry porn didn't give that away?
Guys this shit has just dragged on for so long. It's so hard to give a shit anymore like fuck. Who even cares about them anymore? Go play video games nigga
discord and reddit won
t. Furious Yas Forums incel
You guys aren't real trannies. Just ugly af severely mentally ill men wearing wigs.
Real trannies actually look like women.
You mean like preventing people from living an unhealthy lifestyle? What the fuck are you doing with your life if you're not trying to make people aware of this issue?
>Real trannies actually look like women.
and are also mentally ill.
This is you 5th or 6th anti trans post you have up right now.
Go back to Yas Forums, no one is biting.
Mentally ill gay men or women with an arm hair penis.
Ok, hashtag should make traps visible. Let's post naked traps with huge dicks to Twitter with that hashtag then.
I'm pretty sure my thread was probably made before whatever it is you're talking about. Also
yet here you are replying and bumping the thread. I also think it's hilarious you think this is some sort of meme as if you unironically think it's okay to be a tranny.
>and are also mentally ill.
But they actually look like women at least.
They may look like it, but they aren't women.
>they aren't women
I know. They're trannies. Real trannies which the delusional degenerates in this thread are not.
bumping for justice
pee pee haha hah wOOOOOO YEAH PEE PEE
Yes you are. If you could do some about it it wouldn't be happening. I am going to carry on living my life unbothered by other people's personal affairs. You are going to continue to seethe over the fact that you cannot police other people to your liking.
You're part of the problem.
ah willful ignorance huh?
>trans ppl some of the most hated communities by society at large
>fucks like you call them abnormal freaks for living their lives
>get blamed for pos members of their community
>have to be diagnosed with a mental illness to get
what do u think that causes it, know it all?
>bitches about how they suffer
>asks others why they act the way they do
Being born with a mental deficiency is the problem. Glorifying their behavior and bad habits wont fix their problems, retard. They are targeted because they aren't normal but that's not the sole reason why they are depressed.
>since when is it OK to promote mental illness.
Also user:
>hey guys look at my pissbottles/cumjar/poopsock!
Fucking hypocrites
Imagine the world is burning and your primary concern is advocating trans positivity, couldn't be me
The truth needs a bump.
>hey guys look at my pissbottles/cumjar/poopsock!
Yeah because clearly that's the same people who want to discuss real issues like this.
>trends for you
since we decided the cancer epidemic is not a fair price to pay for your morality
i'm sure you, as a big boy, are going to totally change the world by making your garbage threads on Yas Forums
>In the spirit of the day...pic related