I just cannot believe he called it a "DEMOCRAT hoax".
Call it a science hoax, or a medical hoax, if you like. But thanks to his on-the-fly winging-it piece of mouthpoop, HALF THE USA thinks they can ignore quarantine and safety.
I just cannot believe he called it a "DEMOCRAT hoax".
Call it a science hoax, or a medical hoax, if you like. But thanks to his on-the-fly winging-it piece of mouthpoop, HALF THE USA thinks they can ignore quarantine and safety.
Did he actually call a global pandemic a hoax? I can't expect much from the idiot, but that does seem too retarded, even for him
>"DEMOCRAT hoax"
haha, and the dumb democrats ignore quarantine and are highly infected
>haha, and the dumb democrats ignore quarantine and are highly infected
Actually quite as dumb as what Trump said.
Americans are so fucking retarded they start counting infected as voters. People are fucking dying
It just hasn’t made it to your trailer parks yet, jethro.
That’s because we live in civilization not some backwoods, cow farm you fucking hillbilly
democrats say they will declare war if Trump quarantine them.
Wow you’re really this fucking stupid, huh?
thats more of a symptom of people want to go to democratic, aka, urban, areas. it'll show up in urban regions first before reaching the rural areas. but the rural regions are going to get fucked to death by covid19.
>democrats live in civilization
filthy civilization
Fuck you shit bird. Your country is just as fucked
I mean, you want me to google a picture of a run down trailer park to try and prove my point? I could but you get where I’m going.
>Oh I'm laughin' ...oh wait..
High population density = culture = education = knowledge = left wing = high rates of infection due to high population density
Low population density = inbreeding = low education levels = dumbfuckery = ignorance = right wing sheeple brainwashed to think they are freedom loving and independant = trumptards = low infection rate due to living surrounded by cowshit and weeds
If you do, don’t forget a few of meth labs.
>doesn’t understand the word federal
You actually think there is a point of too retarded concerning Trump?
this kills the trumptards
dang obama came round here n gave us the covid! now my granny aint up for anal anymore
Democrats are selfish and want to infect the rest of USA.
education to the lowest common denominator .
It is a hoax. You libbies will do anything to try to hurt his re-election chances. FUCK OFF
Dude, Coronavirus will spread through the urban areas (Democrat) first.
BUT the rural counties (Republican) are totally fucked. They don't have the financial resources stop Coronavirus.
Correct. It doesn't help they think the heat will protect them from Coronavirus, conflating it AGAIN with the flu. But Coronavirus is a resilient fucker. It can survive surprisingly intense heat as far as I can tell.
Basically the rural areas are complacent and hopelessly underprepared & underequipped.
I can't believe it either. But not because I'm stupid but because he didnt do it in the first place.
Who cares?
Immunelets can get fucked.
It will be less than 1% of the population. It is an actual tragedy that it will not kill more people.
By that logic the 'rich's areas that do have the financial ability to 'stop Corona virus' must must be choosing not to do it.
Imagine being so young and naive as to believe this.
By that logic the 'rich areas that do have the financial ability to 'stop Corona virus' must must be choosing not to do it. I wonder why they're choosing not to.
trump: "we need to do more to stop the virus, fuck your 50 person limit, i say it should be like...a 10 person limit"
libs: "you are overreacting...calm down"
then they wonder why nobody likes or trusts them....
if this is bait, then its like poe's bait at this point... it is really something these idiots would say.
Show us where libs says he was overreacting.
Holy fucking straw man
The feds put out guidelines.
Democrat run cities chose to ignore them simply to rebel against orange man. Now they pay the consequences. Hopefully their rebellion is worth it to them.
You havnt been indoctrinated at all lol
Found the cousin fucker
Hah, you're behind the times, now he's rewriting history, claiming he never said any of the lies he said to downplay it and that actually he knew it was more serious than anyone else and before anyone else.
He's even blaming Obama for his failures with no specific evidence and his base is lapping it up even as some of them drop dead after believing there was no virus.
You're a literal retard if you dont think dems push back against every. Single. Thing. Trump does.
I hate trump but I know dems rebel over every single word orange man says.
"Stop flights from china!?! That's racist!"
Feds put our guidelines? The orange dickwad said it was a hoax. How is that a guideline?
Fuck to be this stupid.....
Politicans lie?! Omg someone get this guy a trophy.
You think the rural areas won't fuck it up more if they don't even believe in this disease?
Oh I agree they have a hard on against him ..but like I said before on this...where is your proof, numbnuts?
Lol okay. There were no federal guidelines ignored by the neoliberal masses.
Imagine being as brainwashed as you are.
Proof? Twitter, numerous interviews, the entire house of representatives.
he didnt
>Who cares if he lies, everyone lies sometimes, I LOVE it when the president lies to me about a coming pandemic!
Chinabot is botting
> It is a hoax. You libbies will do anything
How *exactly* did the libbies kill ten thousand people in Italy?
That tweet has been proven fake by like 10 different fact checking sites
Bad photoshop is bad
Democrat scientists and Democrat Doctors, sure.
We don’t care about facts, libtard
We could consult republican scientists if they actually fucking existed
Yeah, you are lying.
Are you a sad Democrat who chers pandemic and global economic collapse; because the Kennedy Center needs new carpets?
Is that the Democrat version of winning?
this exactly
he has said unobjectionable shit, only to have the fucking libs fall back on "the wall is racist!" but the instant that comb-over having fucker says something like "we pay way too much of the defense bill, [x country] needs to pull their weight.....and frankly....its allot, you eat too much China" the libs immediately go.
"Donald Duck fat shames asians!"
"rampant government military spending!"
"i got PTSD from hearing him say a word one time!"
How did you convince yourself that this was a valid or relative point?
nope, just out of jobs and livelihoods because he called this a hoax, disbanded the pandemic team, and never gave us a chance to prevent this!
Hyperbole is not your friend, user.
how did the libs manage to kill 10,000 people in italy?
I say we encourage the idiot red states to believe the virus is a hoax, they won't do anything about it and then it will wipe them out and good riddance
Everyone has something to say, but to think some tiny segment on Twitter speaks for everyone is a sign you live in an echo chamber. Put down the meth, take off the tinfoil hat, and pay better attention. You speak like you’re in a cult.