What do you think of sex work being normalized...

What do you think of sex work being normalized? It seems people are slowly starting to shame anyone who thinks sex work is degrading/immoral.

Nowadays it's normal for guys to be fine with their gfs having an onlyfans etc. Most young women appear to be whores just looking at what they post on instagram/twitter.

Are all morals going to be gone from society? Is there anything to be done to stop it? Should we even bother stopping it or just let denergates slowly brainwash young women into selling their bodies even more?

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vid semi related although he doesn't say anything very original

Nah, its immoral and disgusting. Stay the fuck away from the central states you repugnant heathens.

>anyone who thinks sex work is degrading/immoral.
you missed one detail.
you should have said:
anyone who OPENLY thinks sex work is degrading/immoral.

Your way of thinking is libtard.
Why would you give a shit about the morals of others?
fucking maoist thinking.

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>Stay the fuck away from the central states
yeah because they will ignore your problems and make it unsafe for you if you don't align with their morals.

Boomer mentality.

Fuck off and let people make their money. Those in relationships who are okay with their partners doing this are mentally capable to separate that from their own intimate relationship. Otherwise they wouldn't do it or they'd be broken up.

Get over it.

Just admit you're a degenerate faggot

I think it's fine. But bitches need to stop thinking a picture of their ass is worth 50 bucks. You're just an instagram hoe, not a celebrity.

>being this cucked

Just stay in your shit flyover states.

I think prostitution should be legal, but I don't think casual sex work/general whoring should be so normalized that when a guy feels insecure because his gf posts pics in thongs on insta he's told he needs to get over it and that he's being controlling of her and her body. That line of thinking is totally insane and is pretty much what you see nowadays

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>when a guy feels insecure because his gf posts pics in thongs on insta he's told he needs to get over it and that he's being controlling of her and her body
ok boomer.

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>ad hominem
none of those sluts you follow on insta will fuck you, no need to defend their lifestyle

I don't think that it's right to shame either men or women for sex work, but most if the proponents leaning in hard on defending it are fucking stupid.

I'm just gonna reduce this issue down to "idubz is a cuck"


>defend their lifestyle
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

ok boomer

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Oh, God, put the fucking fedora away, it's impressing nobody.

yeah, women are free to do whatever they want. but men engaging with those women are cucks. those aren't mutually exclusive.

Does anyone find it hypocritical that porn is acceptable, but chads little sister selling ass pics $50 per is crossing the line?

Who doesn't like extra income? But Op is right, we have too many whores.

We should ban sex work, and grow and black market for human trafficking.

Oh, Allah, put the fucking turban away, it's called freedom.

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porn is "acceptable" but pornstars have never been considered desirable partners. they're called pornstars. Nowadays "normal" women post their asses on social media and their pussy on their porn accs and are supposedly still normal women and are to be called as such (as opposed to slut/whore etc).

>men engaging with those women are cucks

no, nothing. just stating it.

>women don't fart.

OP watches too much Fox news

everything vile is being normalized, who cares

cant wait to date 12yr olds

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>Nowadays it's normal for guys to be fine with their gfs having an onlyfans etc.
No, it's not.
For every one cuck who is there's 10,000 who won't stand for it.

ok boomer.

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You are sad. Grow a pair.

perhaps true but I worry about what is being normalized and overall accepted in society. imo the people who say who cares, it doesn't affect you are just as damaging as those who go out of their way to promote it
I don't even give a shit if women are doing this, I just think it should remain to be shamed and looked down on
selling your body is not real or respectful work

yes sex work has always been around, but not nearly to the extent that it is now, which is a result of it being normalized due to the internet as well as a mentality of shaming people who may try to hold traditional "morals"

They can do whatever they want but I don't and will never respect sex workers.

Yeah. The idea that I'm supposed to respect this work is dumb. What on Earth does this add to society?

if you are ok with it and know what you are is fine by me. my problem is with men trying to rationalize it saying that since they see it normal they don't consider themselves cucks.

>You are sad. Grow a pair.
You are too interested in your neighbors morals.
Hurry! Go tell Xi your neighbor is jerking off!!!!

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>Concerned with "normal" women

Is this an ego thing?
You get one whore, pick the one who conforms to your ideal.

Why care what most women do, when you only have one? Also, they are whores.

Inform me

remember when television husbands and wives didn't sleep in the same bed in the show?
>yeah, I know you do.

what would it have to do with ego?
I don't care what the average woman does, I care when the average person says sex work is acceptable work and that whores are on the same level socially as me

How does everyone fail to see the problem with renting yourself out as a human punching bag in exchange to live for another day?

Stripping is already legal those who resort to it and the nature of the job have them shooting drugs all the time to drown out the shame and degredation.

i have no idea what you're talking about.

There’s literally nothing wrong with sex. The only people who think there is are either ugly or insecure.

The irony is that this was a meme in 2010 and is now your actual opinion.

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>thinking women who post images of themselves nude aren't whores
I don't know what world you're living in man

I didn’t say they aren’t, I’m saying that there’s nothing wrong with it. I’ll never understand why people get so uncomfortable when seeing a naked body. It’s like fags who get depressed after masturbating.

Prostitution is legal in the first world.

Nothibg is getting normalized except these fking fags man that should be stopped hoes always gonna be hoes bro why is that a concern

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Comes across like this
>Women can get ahead by whoring, with no consequence.
>I don't like, therefore, all women are wrong to exploit this.

How should we treat sex workers?
Any whore can become a celebrity/ make more income from selling cute cosplay pics.

I agree, whores are probably not on the same social level as you.

Our society gives them special status.


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It's tough being a pimp, isn't it.....

I suppose that is true but that has more to do with women who get famous off it which has more to do with insta "models" etc who benefit from their good looks
my issue is to do with the average girl being empowered to post her body for all to see and being told there's nothing wrong with it and that if a guy doesn't like it it's his issue

has nothing to do with me thinking it's "unfair", just that it's disgusting

they found an coin exploit and certain boys are butthurt about it.

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Sounds like you’re ugly and upset.

>there's nothing wrong with it and that if a guy doesn't like it it's his issue
this is correct tho.
if you don't share values then you don't have to keep their company.....

But who specifically says theres nothing wrong with it, where im from hoes and looked down on and used and passed around like a joint

Not immoral or anything. But they're useless to society. Should get a real job instead of just posting pictures online.

I am probably not the person you assume I am
but it has nothing to do with me, countless other agree, are you going to say every one of them is just bitter?
I'm sure the average person doesn't condone it but if you go to reddit/any social media pic related it pretty much the mindset

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sex work has always been a normal and worthy part of society

>What do you think of sex work being normalized?

First off, it isn't really being normalised. In the eyes of people who demonize it, it will look like it's normalised. But it's not. It's just not subject to demonization. Aside that, I don't care. People are free to do what they want with their bodies.

>It seems people are slowly starting to shame anyone who thinks sex work is degrading/immoral.

Don't think so. Protesting when you call a sex worker a whore is not the same as shaming you.

>Nowadays it's normal for guys to be fine with their gfs having an onlyfans etc.

A minority of men are fine with it. Arguing that because some are okay with it, it means everyone is, is a fallacy.

>Most young women appear to be whores just looking at what they post on instagram/twitter.

Cognitive bias. Number of young women on instagram/twitter is far fewer than the total number of young women. If all you're looking at is a platform that gives incentive to post sexy pics, then you will mostly observe people posting sexy pics.

>Are all morals going to be gone from society?

Morals are subjective and not at all some sort of objective standard. You are probably speaking specifically about christian morals. And yes, that does seem to be in decline.

>Should we even bother stopping it or just let denergates slowly brainwash young women into selling their bodies even more?

You should absolutely let people make their own decisions about their lives. You should not decide that your preferences should be everyone else's preferences, regardless of what they want.

>Nowadays it's normal for guys to be fine with their gfs having an onlyfans
only cucks.
In this day and age feminism has forced men to...Treat women like objects.
There's no point in dating a woman, no point in giving her any value; You'll become a simp.
Pump&Dump is becoming the only way.

that's right, but then they try to spin it and make it look like it's our fault for our way of choosing partners with similar values. they can't have it both ways.

>both ways
I don't get what you are saying.


Countless people disagree. You’re pretty much all just bitter. I have never seen a prudish person who is attractive, like I have never seen a rich person wishing to be poor.


Agreed, at least we can see a whore for a whore.

But, I don't think we'll win the popular opinion trophy.

saying that they are free to do as they like but we aren't allowed to choose partners based on that. having the freedom to themselves but telling men they have to accept whatever they do.

I aint saying its a good thing, fag.
I'm saying your options right now are:
>Fuck and leave and never get a nurturing relationship in your life
>Become a simp for some whore

Kinda boring, seeing the same old whores every day. Lame, tbh. I'd rather see single girls trying to get attention than this prescribed 'sex worker' crap. It's hard to even get a boner anymore. And being in a relationship with one of these skanks? Ew... Just, ew.

I agree, it's sick. I like sex a lot, but not the way they're doing it. It's boring and fucked up.

>Why does society value purity?
You will figure it out 20 years from now, user, i assure you.

>telling men they have to accept whatever they do
if your values don't match up then you aren't a good pair.
that's why breakups exist.
forcing anyone to do something they don't want to do, whether that be not posting whatever they want online or accepting a partner with other values, is wrong.
sorry if your country doesn't have freedom Yas Forumsro.


I don't have a problem respecting it. I, just, wouldn't date one of those skanks. All the respect in the world for the work. Though, I don't have much interest in seeing some other guy's girlfriend naked? Plus, seeing the same girls over and over is just boring. So, in the end, whether I respect a skank or not, something's gotta change.

Get with the memes grandpa, using desu is 2019 does not makes you more of an oldfag.

Step outside your coom bubble. Normal people dont even know what an "onlyfans'" is.

You're right. I have a girlfriend, and it's turning to total shit. She only thinks about herself anymore, and it's just getting old. She doesn't do sex work or cheat, but what does that matter? She's always gone, working at a job that sucks, for no reason, because she's too stupid to actually be able to think things through.

It's just free love part II with zoomers.