They went from an ancient civilization, to a group of subhuman barbarians that cook animals alive, and belive the additional suffering the animal feels makes the meat taste better.
Like blowtorching, boiling, bbqing dogs alive.
Pouring boiling hot cooking oil on a donkey thats tied up and carving the meat from it as it wails in agony.
Not only that, but they literally have ZERO empathy even to other human beings. They will literally back up and run over you again if they accidentally hit you with a car to insure you die.
Sounds like literally nothing about then changed. It's called arrested development.
David Peterson
China will be the economic and cultural empire oh this century, for the past 20 years they have been buying pretty much everything from every country. hate them all you want user, soon enough you will be arrested for it
Grayson Davis
You're a sheep, they're sheep, everyone is a sheep.
Anthony Moore
That doesn't answer the question as to why they are uncivilized barbarians, that seem to feel no emotion at all.
Owen Nguyen
They have a long history of killing their strongest men. Their only advantage is their numbers.
Insects build things, big whoop. Their Asian values are barbaric and subhuman. Asians are insects.
Aaron Green
Not a video game user, power isn't measured by the biggest missile
Joseph Scott
And the US has the best nukes and more of them than anyone else.
Matthew Rogers
The article is explaining that US doesn't just want to nuke China to destroy them. It's saying how the US military is about to keep China subjected even on thier own coast. Chinese military is a joke, they can't even make aircraft carriers or deploy their insect army. Like shooting ducks in a Chinese pond.,
Asher Watson
The US cant keep China from hacking every phone that ships to the US, Chinese government is shareholder of some of the biggest US companies, so they are all over the US, Europe and pretty much everywhere else already
Luke Barnes
>power isn't measured by the biggest missile
It's in values. Remember this, both world wars were won by the country with the best human values, not an authoritarian country. It was America, and we'll win the third world war when the Asian insects (Chinese and Russians) start it.
Dominic Walker
WWII was won by the soviets, a pretty fucking authoritarian state, some US bankers did finance some of the war efforts by Europe and US, but who has the biggest fucking bank in the world today? the Chinese government
Elijah Torres
Nothing has changed. Actually look at their history. They've always been indifferent to the suffering of othera.
Elijah Rivera
Inbred races are inferior. East Asians are literally inbred, and that's why they even look the same and think the same, like insects, with the same hair color, same eye color, same skin tone etc. No individuality, nothing original in their thoughts which is why they only try to steal technology and ideas, no spirit, no God, no souls inside of them. Lack of genetic diversity in their DNA is actually the cause of why they could never be a world leader, which is why a diverse Western culture IS that world leader because we embody human values. Asians will never understand that, that's why they're doomed to forget World War 2 and jump up to get beat down again.
Brandon Cox
they live in a society where human live is considered a burden, not something special.
there are 100 dudes that will take your place if you die off, your only worth is what you are/can contribute to china.
they are literally ants, that's why they are becoming huge, no morality = higher deathrate + profits.
Jose Martin
World War 2 was won by America. Russians got lucky that Hitler turned on Russia or else they'd been nuked with the other Asian insects.
David Hughes
One word: communism.
Noah Thompson
if america didnt come in from the west, hitler would have taken moscow and then pushed the americans/english out of europe.
Parker Garcia
China got rekt by soyboys from Japan btw. Imagine all Asian countries getting invaded by cucked Japanese military. LUL. We squashed all those bugs. History repeats.
John Moore
>They have a long history of killing their strongest men what?
Joseph Walker
I don't deny the american role in the war, but it is way smaller than the stories you guys have been hearing. And for a good reason, how else the US would spend so much money with their army while having the worst healthcare system in the whole civilized world?
Zachary Lee
you should tell your representative to stop accepting bribes from China for a chance of not having your whole country sold to them
Brayden Hill
>worst healthcare system in the whole civilized world
If that was true then why did we win both world wars.
Adrian Gonzalez
You should tell your president he shouldn't be president for life, chink.
Ryder Martin
I have a screenshot saved on my phone somewhere that explains why and how the Chinese have become what they currently are. It basically entails their civilization being like the invading force rape capital of the world for a few centuries... basically china has been the subject of so many conquests throughout recorded history and that consequently they no longer have a strong ethnic identity due to their gene pool being diluted through so many rapes. Couple that with a shit load of their people dying during the famine and you have a country full of cutthroat opportunists who value growth above decency and have modern day sociopath China.
the us spent so much on the war by raising taxes from like 16% to 75%, the whole country was literally fueling the war.
and i understand what your saying, the american's contribution wasnt as great as its displayed in america, and the soviets arguably did far more than they are given credit for.
but if america didn't get involved when they did, germany would be running europe right now >ohwait.png
Xavier Jenkins
You can put a gun to a mans head and make him move a box, but you can't out a gun to a mans head and make him have a good idea.
Nathaniel Torres
Xi is going to get millions of you chinks slaughtered in the coming war. You won't even have a choice but to be conscripted. We have a voluntary military. We'll be signing up to squash you bugs.
Lincoln Mitchell
Remember the boxers. Ching changs have always been barbarians. Today they're shady, uncultured, unhygienic, communist barbarians. They copy everything and never have an original thought. They live in filth and spread disease, the only shame is that the virus didn't kill off a lot more of them
Christopher Cruz
i agree with you
not a chink, and you shouldn't be angry, its true, dammit even Yas Forums is run by a Chinese corporation
remember vietnam? Americans didn't volunteer for Vietnam war a WWII. I must say, some of the people that come here are really fucking dumbasses
Kayden Cox
Never was an "ancient civilization". It's a myth. Reality is a endless row of famines over centuries and then came communism.
Leo Myers
oy vey, don't be a racist, you nazi fascist bigot bad goy!
Vietnam was about making another non-commie puppet state to use as a military base like we did South Korea. South Korean doesn't even control it's own military, an American general does. Also, American military still occupies Japan and Japanese aren't even legally allowed to have a military, another military base in addition to the other ones surrounding the coming war theater against you Chinese and Russian Asian insects. See:
Joshua Cook
>Why are the Chinese such uncivilized Savages? >What happened to them?
Because the majority is piss-poor. Always have been. It goes back nearly 2000 years. The average Chinese is just a pesant poor fuck. Being used and dumped for millennia. Their societal system is geared to handle them by the millions as just numbers. To stick out of those masses one has to be extreme and creative, which is why some funky stuff has been invented by the Chinese (good as bad). Thanks to their many peasants, labor is cheap as fuck. They've perfected the art of mass-production in regimentized labor-camps. When it comes to survival, the uglies come out and a human goes to great lengths to survive >pic related
Even draft dodgers don't get sent to executed for not fighting or sent to gulags here in America, buggy. That's an Asian value. We have human values, again, which is proof that we're human and you're not.
Alexander Taylor
i also dont think anyone but china can understand and comprehend the scale of people they have to deal with.
there literally isn't a bigger job on the planet.
Ian Nguyen
Levi Lewis
>get executed correct >sent to gulags incorrect
if you dodge the draft, you will become a fugitive and if found you will be put in prison for a substantial amount of time.
im australian, dont understand the fuck your on about.
Landon King
They've always been that way. Much like the jews who run their country in the shadows, they are a stone age people who are living in the space age. All non-white people are basically the devil incarnate
Benjamin Wood
>Israel and their Sampson Option would like to have a word with you
Nicholas Lee
in america they cant force you int oa contract you dont want. love our constitution
presidents and celebs have dodged the draft with no penalties. there hasnt been a draft in my lifetime. im 31
Anthony Harris
You're all puppets that do what ever the rich want. You are all getting ass fucked while the rich laugh behind your back.
Jackson Rodriguez
>if you dodge the draft, you will become a fugitive and if found you will be put in prison for a substantial amount of time.
I'm talking about draft dodging like using religious reasons or contentious objector as a pacfist. Asians have no concept like that if you don't want to be forced to fight a war. Yet we still win wars. Again, Western values are superior to Asian values in every way. That's why the Asian insects have to resort to warfare by spreading their dirty Chinese viruses in the 21st century.
Dumb chigger.
Evan Clark
Go sleep ameritard bot. All your staged campaign flaming internet with china hate posts everywhere is obvious and ridiculous
Gavin Rogers
Just you wait till papa Xi finds out you're using a VPN.
Christopher Phillips
Steam yourself, riceboi.
Jayden James
Whatever you say dog eating chink.
Jaxson Reyes
it's called communism, it destroys culture and tradition, leaving only savages.
Lu Bu was the strongest man in the 3 kingdoms (who fell in love with Daochan and betrayed all the warlords who hired him), and Liu Bei pretty much deserved to be the legitimate Han successor (Also the most virtuous), none of them sat on the throne.
I also dislike the Chinese generally, but your complete lack of logic and human empathy in judging all of them as one homogenous being makes you just as much as an insect. Low emotional and normal IQ you all deserve to be squashed like the insects you are