So what are you spending your trumpbucks on, user?
>new vr headset
can't think of anything else i'll need for awhile
So what are you spending your trumpbucks on, user?
>new vr headset
can't think of anything else i'll need for awhile
>agricultural soil
and there seemed to be several grins underground
growing crops?
The new Animal Crossing
>not spending every cent on toilet paper
Can you imagine unironically being this cucked?
Nah but honestly if it really happens, money in the bank, I'm saving 1000 of it for if shit goes really bad.
I already got mine I spent it on these quints
Fix my Bug
get a refund fagget
im canadian
Is everyone getting VR?? I have been waitign for the technology to get really good, maybe now is the time. Alyx looks tarded good
Server with no rules
Do whatever
.gg/Yas Forums
Hell ya HL: Alyx.
.....still gonna play it though.
Weed, rent, food and saving the rest
Thats fine, your economy will suffer more.
keep laughing leaf, at least i can buy a gun
I saw a gif where someone deflected a jumping headcrab with a bar stool, then threw the stool and crab out a window shattering it. I was like... okay.
A man of culture
Like I cant?
My government just doesn't allow me to walk around and shoot innocent people cause "Muh Gunz"
Im okay with that.
dividend stocks with a reinvestment plan projected a full return in 5-7 years.
or longterm bond possible state if we get into a war then federal
you won't tho. you'll just smoke weed and thank your PM for waving his finger at trump.
you'd have to sit through training classes, registration, and logging of your weapon purchase
i don't have to do that, just buy and walk out the door. easy.
That's not a good thing kek
Fellow American here, I'm all for training registration and logging etc. No reason it should bother you unless you're a nigger who needs to go rob or murder someone
So Canadians are safe gun owners...
cool, what if someone steals your gun, commits murder with it, then the gun's registration is traced back to you from the crime scene?
it's not a car, you can't report "grand theft firearm" silly. you'll immediately be arrested, likely convicted.
>what if someone steals your gun
report it. You should know where your gun is at all times. Theres no reason to not report it.
>trump bucks
It's our own fucking money, OP. Trump has absolutely nothing to do with it. Don't give that retarded scumbag credit.
I know kek this fucker keeps walking right through the door labeled "bad gun owners"
but his signature is on it. im confused.
Holy fuck this got derailed. I'm getting myself a tattoo. Then everything into savings. I have an essential job and it's secure so I'm chillin til someone I care about dies
He's a retarded toddler who wants his name on things that it has no business or warrant to be on.
Case in point, the CDC and federal government's Coronavirus guideline card that came out said it was "president trump's" on it. It's not. He had nothing to do with it, He just whined like the retard he is and they put it on there.
The money is ours and will come from the treasury as authorized by Congress. Period. Trump has FUCKALL to do with it.
You can thank Congress for it if you really need to, but leave Trump's retarded, toddler ass out of your thanks.
what kind of tattoo?
Don't tell him what to do. Let me tell you what to do instead. Get naked and grease yourself up with lard and slither across your living room like a snail.
Half Life 2 was rough for them to make, then the 2 episodes left them overextended in schedule and satisfying ambition.
So they said fuck it and finally officially made Half Life their flagship for new tech.
I would get a tattoo but I don't feel like answering to the people in my life who would call me out for the irresponsible use of Trumpbux. Maybe just another little one
First tattoo actually! Been putting it off for years but I want to get a tribute tattoo in honor of my old man. Might be basic but I want his birth and death year with his/our favorite band with quotes played at his memorial.
The point is the orange retard is trying to make naive people think he had something to do with the check. He's using it as a campaign booster, which is illegal and false information. Give Trump NO credit for the check and stop using the fake news web brigade shills' "trump bucks" name.
>yfw you try this and I rock up and pour salt on you and it actually works
Congress check.
Trumpbux is bullshit propaganda. Knock it off, faggot.
sounds great, user! i hope your pops would be happy, stay strong
Well it's not like anyone's going to know that part. If I'm being honest I doubt we'll get anything, but with work being how it is we're getting extra bonuses so I'm determined to commit to this tattoo
Oh my fucking god I don't care I think he's a nard too it's just funny to call it that, shut the fuck up nobody cares man stop getting mad go drink some water. Trump bux trumpbux trumpbux
I hope I eventually get more from work than what we're getting now, Target just threw an extra $2 per hour onto our pay.
Telling someone to "knock it off" over the internet is the most hilarious, impotent shit. It's like an old man on a rocking chair yelling "slow down" at any cars going over 25. Fuck you, make me you dick sniffing fagprince
It's a lie being pushed by assholes who are trying to get people to associate the check with him. It's re-election campaigning and that's illegal (but then again, since when do any Trump supporters give the finest fuck when he does illegal shit?)
kill yourself.
Oh, and if you're an Ivan pushing this shit, kill yourself twice. Fucking retard.
jesus guys, i made this thread so people would discuss what they're doing with their trumpbucks, not arguing over semantics
so who all is investing in stock? is it a good idea?
Thanks friend! He'd be proud, he was the type of guy covered in tats with the I'll fuck you up look but would do anything to better others. I gotta give thanks to how he treated people and how he raised me
Kek for real go drink some water, do some deep breathing. You're dehydrated from all the salty snacks and soda. You're angry about what the puppets are up to again, user
I am HIGHLY considering it. I'm young and patient and I know one day we'll just have 2 flu shots or an updated flu shot with new Covid flavor, and the world will be normal again
Good on you guys. I'm with Walmart. I've only recently got my raise to 12/h and we were supposed to get that 2 months ago. I'm not complaining though, I went from my last job at 19/h back to Walmart for perks like education and a set schedule with little to no stress. Is this pandemic messing you guys up at all?
fuck outta here fartmart rep
Oh. I'm actually cap2, or recieving? They're changing a lot of shit, not sure yet
i just wish i'd invested in Zoom a couple months agoi
Nah, everybody's taking some kind of hit but Target will be fine. They close at 8 now, that's all. Social distancing has the lines slowed down but it's still busy every day.
Good on you for taking lower pay for a better life. I got lucky as fuck, I'm maintenance so I make 18/hr. This virus has me at 20 temporarily. And I probably sit on my ass more than anyone in the building next to the security guy. His job must be BORING, at least I work with my hands sometimes
Live life with no regrets user, it's a garbage platitude that makes me wanna vomit but it's insanely true. You'll go gray and die a lot faster if you think, or drink, about coulda shoulda woulda.
imma get a new computer with it but that's only if this shit all blows over. in the mean time i'll save it in case i need to buy sixty tons of ramen or something.
>the treasury lmao sure THATS where the money came from
>that's illegal
That word doesn't mean what you think it means. He still signed off in it . Learn how to government
well my comfy gaming rig will finally be complete
currently have a
ryzen 3600
16 gskill ripjaw @3600
asus b450 gaming tuf
1tb patriot ssd
with my trump bucks ill probably buy 2 more ssds and run them in raid for storage
may also splurge for a fractal meshify to replace my focus g case
Kek my thoughts exactly. My priorities are in this order, as things get worse:
>oh shit this is bad, I better make sure I have beer
>oh shit it's THAT bad, fuck beer I gotta make sure I have weed
>oh shit it's true lockdown, fuck weed better make sure I have basic provisions
It's funny you mention security, our security is literally 2 people for the whole store and they've been running around like crackheads trying to enforce the whole social distancing on top of preventing theft. We got markers every 6 steps throughout the store to ensure safe distance. An old man tried to fight one of my managers because he was too close as the old guy was grabbing toilet paper
Yep, same exact situation. I often get the feeling these big department stores spy on each other and implement shit that seems to work. Although do you guys have a dedicated maintenance guy? We call it property management but ya know, like a guy who comes to work every day who is just maintenance