I’m bored with this fucking quarantine will some of you come play with me?
My snap is sleepy.tubbo
I’m bored with this fucking quarantine will some of you come play with me?
Timestamp proof and im there
Aint touching this less its stampes
Alright then one sec all my lights are out :)))
Show us you dont have a dick
show us the dick
Op has a dick
Too lazy to flip it but you get the idea :))
If I had a dick it would be bigger than yours
Show us you dont have a dick
100% post surgery tranny
Did you not see?
seems like post surgery at that angle
is that actually your snap?
no dick no interested
show cervix and ovaries
hmmm, didn't see that coming
Not post op :)))
shoe on head
Let's see your ass. Put "Kirapac" on it so my followers believe me
this, but write "Kirapac loves dick"
who is taking that picture?
Lmao no, pajeet
are you a nigger?
Do it, I'm bisexual
That, I might do
It’s on a timer :) I’m single as hell lol
I’m as white as the cocks your mom sucks :)
can you do it but photoshop a penis between your legs?
you got roasties that hang lower than most nuts at least.
write "FitMC" on it. want to show off to my fans
this but write "FitMC is for losers"
fuck off. i'm making bank and what are you doing, nigga?
write this but make it say "remember reach" instead
fuck you bank, my tax dollar are bailing you out
i never said i was jewish, i'm just making money!!
If all your lights are out how are you gonna snap
oh so you make a bank and you didn't join the "Chopped" club? you fucking traitor.
What else? Are you also a communist?
don't you have a phone? there's a fucking flashlight on it!
on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft, there are no banks
Its free to see rail thin women, caked makeup on plenty of porn sites
Chicks with nose piercings that make them look like fucking farm animals....PASS
here, join the jewish club
She is a farm animal
Check your snap, lets have some fun
and the nose ring
painfully based
Aight imma get snapchat
Why yall hating her nose ring?
>Why yall hating her nose ring?
Add me im the dr guy OP
Youre hot as fuck
These guys are haters
Ta.nk20 is my snap
Let's share some things ;)
Because they can’t get with a girl who has one lol
I beg your pardon?
Haha sounds good
Jesus all the cucks in this thread begging for attention
just post more tits im bored
has she added anyone
adding you right now, my nigga!
Hey add the dr guy
ill show you whatever
She charges, sage goes in all fields.
Still waiting for the add.. 11 mins now
me too
She went to write something on her ass, and accidentally got sharpie stuck in pooper.
aww fuck i wanna see
This bitch is just looking for pay pigs
one sec, just killing some noobs... finally! clown down. anyway, sounds good. would you be willing to show me your base coordinates? ahaha, just kidding babe ;)
Waiting for the add, will be going to sleep shortly if you're not tryna play
I have literally hundreds of requests it might take a bit for me to add you back sorry
oh, i'm tryna play babe ;) tryna play on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft. you down?