Anyone ever successfully sold or traded pics of their gf/wife/ex?

Anyone ever successfully sold or traded pics of their gf/wife/ex?

There seems to be underground rings of pic trading exclusive pics that aren't on the net. I have only seen glimpses of it in threads when people tease pics that were leaked by boudoir photographers or extremely hot women you never see posted all over the net if you reverse image search them.

Anyone have any experience with any of this?

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very curious myself...have great OC but would prefer to share in safer and more fruitful confines.

OC of your current wife or gf?


No one wants to spill the beans

I show nude pics of my wife in my phone for few bucks to a friend of me

Pic related

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How did you approach your friend about it? Did you just say hey give me $5 and I'll show you my girl's tits?

Looks like Mary Louise Parker

We both get so drunk, and he ask me for that, so i said yes. Lol. Just like that


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i have submitted my wife to this treatment i get $300 a month and guarentee to never see them all over.

Actress but that is probably only because of the glasses that they share any resemblance

how do you do it?

Oh shit really? Sounds interesting af. Tell me more.

they take all info i mean everything. and prefer educated women with careers. Monthly I get 300 in venmo payments

Okay but did you find them or did they find you? Is she aware of the arrangement?

she is unaware, and i was contacted on img

img es? So one of those old weirdos that wants to dox and blackmail a chick? I was hoping there was something a little more official or something I guess.

How is it guaranteed?

no i was contacted there, it led to a ton of emails and verification with other husbands. i posted 1 clothed pic and was contacted.

What kind of info/pics do they have?


Do you have all their pics and info?

What room?

So it's one guy buying from a group of husbands? Do the husbands ever talk to each other?

>There seems to be underground rings of pic trading exclusive pics
You've been watching too much Eyes Wide Shut.
It's not about trading pics - it's about trafficking females as objectified goods.

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i got photos of your wife too

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Show her then


They have id, high school and college diplomas, work info all social media and phone numbers. Parents and 5 family or friends info that can be verified.
i have talked to other husbands yes

But why would you expose yourself and her to that extent

full nudes every pose exposed. they pay for local photography if your wife poses all content gets sent directly to them.

And you don't get any other girls?

Imagine paying for porn when pornhub exist.

Why do they pay you monthly?

Have you ever thought about what would happen if one persona has a bad day and exposes her?

more than one person?

to gather more pics and info

what kind of poses are we talking?

What imig room?

i have. that is the risk that also makes it exciting

Do you think the former students of my Gf would pay to see some hot pics of her?


Don't they have all info right off the bat? How much content would they have right now?

Like what?

Why do they need so much info?

Post her first

Can we see her meat please

important work info or functions for instance a typical month could require me to produce 10 pictures and 5 or more emails or #s for family friends or co workers

Seems like not enough for $300 worth

I agree lets see her before we can give you an accurate answer

What will you do if they blackmail you?

the reason they prefer women with professional careers, is because they tend to meet people more often.

I cant theres nothing of her in the web, so if something leaks Im the only suspect, still I wonder how much those guys would pay for such material.

What do you mean?

Post with face

they won't

How can you be so sure? Only reason they want all that info is for blackmail. Why else.

Why else would they want info?

its a power thing, but not a blackmail thing.

nothing was hotter than about 3 months ago she had to go to convention for work. in my inbox that day was time stamped pictures of the hotel

Not worth $300 to have some loser stalking my girl

Shit for 300, I'd pay for this

Wait like they took candids of her live?

So, you're trying to get her raped?

Starting to sound like a LARP otherwise he's a fucking idiot for doing this

its not like that. i have talked to other husbands skyped with the owners i was super skeptical at first

not at all, for some people its a control and power thing more than a sexual thing

no just of the hotel

That's exactly how some people refer to rape. Not sexual, just a power and control thing

Keep telling yourself that idiot. For all you know your unsuspecting wife is in contact with these people unbeknownst to her.

exactly the point

So your wife married a man who is willing to share her as a sacrifice for those losers' satisfaction of power/sexual desire.. What a waste