What are the actual, real, benefits of having an attractive girlfriend?
What are the actual, real, benefits of having an attractive girlfriend?
1. have attractive girlfriend
yeah that's the goal, but in reality, when you have one, what exactly makes it better than having a less attractive girlfriend? that you can boner easier?
They're fun fap toys.
You dont have to put a bag over her head when you fuck her
You will ejac faster than if she was ugly that's it.
not wanting to cheat ??
Would you rather fuck an attractive girl or an ugly one? Tf are you dumb or somethin?
no. see
'Traditionally' attractive girlfriends are just status symbols. I go for the girls who are cute but could never be considered gorgeous. I make them feel sexy and desired so they stay with me.
The skinny, attractive ones are mercenaries who are always looking for the better payday.
so its basically only about cumming easier, nothing else?
> Establish status above the other beta males
> Possibly not ugly children if you reproduce, which would in turn spare them from bullying in school
> You'd have to keep an extra eye on her bec she knows shes attractive and will use it on other males to see if they're better (hypergamy)
> It'll sting more when you get old and if she gets ugly.
feeling good about yourself. That's probably about it.
yup. If they look vain as fuck they probably are and if you need that to feed your vanity you are probably going to live in pain for the rest of your life.
sex with the lights on
You nailed it.
is that maybe why most men would rather watch porn than dating an ugly girl? since porn is still a better cum-trigger than an ugly girl?
Avoid attractive girls at all costs, they are totally not worth it. Likewise avoid the munters. You want to be aiming for the 7.5 mark. Once you get to an 8 + the work significantly increases for no real benefit and all girls 8.5 and above are complete self obsessed nobheads.
Lara Croft is that you?
Late teens early 20s
> Fuck the 10s
> Fuck the shy quiet girls
> Fuck older women
> Fuck a married woman
> Fuck a woman in a relationship
Late 20s early 30s
> Identify your preference in personality
> Find a good woman, not some girl
> Find a woman who will be a good mother (cook, clean, caring, creative, confident in herself)
> Find a good partner who has seen your highs and lows.
>what exactly makes it better than having a less attractive girlfriend?
Bragging rights. Nothing more, nothing less. If that weren't true, there would be no point to any discussion about who's "more attractive" and who's "less attractive."
But if you get down to brass tacks, bragging rights are really the only benefit that EVER has come out of having a girlfriend. And what specifically ARE those bragging rights?
>I have free access to pussy anytime I want
But I'm telling you, no matter how hot she is, no matter how many guys want her, some other guy is sick and tired of putting up with her shit.
Don't be that guy.
There's 1 and only 1. If she's not stupid she'll use her looks to get ahead in life. That's it
>is that maybe why most men would rather watch porn than dating an ugly girl?
Only a woman would make a post with logic like this. Only a man knows the REAL reason we'd rather watch porn than have sex with you, and unless you're a fuckin' wildebeest horseface, your appearance has nothing to do with it.
ease of arranging sex shows
none, you always have to be worried that she will trade up on you because there are plenty of hot guys trying to get her attention. more so than if she were average looking.
Better nude pics
Yeah thats all i got sorry
distracts you from Yas Forums
nah i'm a man. and i just wonder why exactly i'm attracted to beautiful women more. whenever i'm around highly attractive women i get soft knees, i feel like i lose control, i feel like "what the fuck is happening with me?".
pic related
She'll make more money. Attractive people make way more money than ugly people
An attractive one doesn't have to have a locking trigger guard, for starters.
''i'm going to post a picture of amaranthe and rile up immature young men who are probably very lonely and then post about it on discord / reddit so as to prove a point. this point is that these guys are bad and need to be attacked viciously on the internet. And no i am not going to push for mental health services, m4a, nor on an individual basis help change the cultural fabric so that they do not find themselves alone. i am very intelligent.''
>tries to make me look mentally ill
>makes himself look mentally ill by even knowing all these thought patterns that others couldnt even think off
never called you mentally ill. i called you a moron shooting fish in a barrell that acomplishes nothing.
In my experience I'd trade some character for some looks because within a second after cumming in her I don't really care about her looks. Within a week or so of fucking her if she's a bitch you'll start to hate the sight of her.
Would u guys fuck my girl? Nudes for replies
Eventually they pop out a kid or 2 and turn into beasts. At least ugly bitches have a personality.
fuck off faggot
Because if she’s not attractive why have her around?
>highly attractive women
>pic related
Pick one
are you gay?
This. Chick isn't attractive. The average man has such fucking low standards. Thank god I'm a tall handsome chad. I literally don't know how these kyles live with themselves.
post your version of a highly attractive woman.
Pride, increased self respect, increased happiness, better sex, better looking children.
These are the concrete results. There are more but they vary
No, I would not. Please do not post pictures of her, there are enough naked sluts on the internet.
almost perfect
Amouranth is getting fat. Check out her recent videos on YouTube. Ass is huge, tight body is gone, and she is clearly starting to develop a gut.
quick, start a lsf thread about it!!!
Not sure what you are implying?
I dunno if status but at least provoking jealousy on others because youre tapping that
Not really implying anything. Just pointing out how awful the wall is. Your hot girlfriend will get old and if you get married you will be stuck with her.
>calls other girl ugly
>post almost exactly the same girl
you are trolling right?
That is why you need to take a look at her mother. 90% chance they are going to be the same size and shape.
Great sex?
>Why am I attracted to attractive women?
Beautiful women are fine & good, but they generally speaking do nothing for me. I prefer "girl-next-door" types who don't concern themselves with fashion, have read at least two books on most people's "classics" lists and can spot the difference between a communist and a socialist (protip: they're NOT the same).
Basically, more than 3 firing synapses = I'm interested. Barbie dolls? You can have 'em. Couldn't give two shits.
FWIW, I think she looks better in the "after" pic. And I'm a huge Trek fan.
they still look good after you beat them
Other men and women respect you more. My life was probably twice as easy when I was with my hottest ex. It just makes you easier to like.
the girl in that picture is held together by tape and make-up.
She's really not too hot. She has man legs too.
Your peepee will get hard with less effort.
>Barbie dolls
calling them "barbie dolls" is just a strawman argument to make all "beautiful" woman seem shallow. we are talking about actually highly attractive women here.
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