What are your thoughts on the growing numbers of white women desiring intercourse with black men?

What are your thoughts on the growing numbers of white women desiring intercourse with black men?

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Glad I found one that hates niggers

so she tells you, so she tells you

your sister doesnt count,racist hillbilly

Love it

It's awesome

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fuck off jew bot

Pic related.

>fuck this thread
>fuck OP
>fuck anyone who cares about this topic at all

If you're such an inbred meth head shithook racist that the idea of white women wanting sex with black men upsets you so goddamn much, turnabout is fair play. Go get yourself some black pussy and then kindly STFU about it.

Otherwise, just STFU. Quit wasting space on Yas Forums & polluting it with this obvious racebaiting faggotry. A thousand twink/lolicon/YLYL/rekt/cock rate/Sixx log threads is better than threads like this. These are literally the bottom of the pile as far as "quality content" goes.

Then again, considering the polesmokers that make threads like this (apart from the obvious Russian trolls) are the same Duck Dynasty low-IQ retards who put Trump in office, bitching about a lack of "quality content" is truly casting pearls before swine.

Go fuck yourself OP.

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Ironic that you call OP a "jew bot" when it's established fact that Russian operatives are the ones that seed boards like this with this type of content.

Gotta get my girl some stuff like that

post her

Can buy it online everywhere these days. Easy to wear outside too since not many know what it means. I've gotten girls to do both

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Feels good. Then I can definitely talk her into getting DP'd like the hot little slut she is.

Enjoy your looong boring missionary-style sex life Ivan.

shut up faggot

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You got stats or is this just you spending too much time in BBC threads?
Also the white race is a fucking myth in the first place
"Established" meaning "misinformation pushed by Jew bots"

It's the best

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who is this?

Can't argue with a fact. The 2 biggest facts are, "white replacement conspiracy theory" is just that: a conspiracy theory and nothing more, and a Russian troll farm from St. Petersburg engaged in "active measures" to manipulate public opinion about sensitive topics to a degree that would best benefit the Russian republic.

To use Trumpspeak: "white replacement" and "Jews shilling racebait on Yas Forums" is fucking fake news. It's not real. NONE of it is. It's all a bullshit lie. The problem isn't that you're stupid enough to buy into it, the problem is that you're too stupid to know that you're stupid.

Or else, you... Wouldn't buy into it. You'd hear people and read evidence about how this shit is all a lie designed to elicit reactions from racists like you, you'd believe it, and you wouldn't care.

Or you could just not be a faggot racist to begin with and no matter where the topic came from, you wouldn't buy into it because, regardless of the manipulation involved, it just wouldn't fucking bother you because it's not fucking important.

I find threads like this hilarious because gigantic half-white, half-Asian fucking losers like YOU, John Bettendorf aka Tenda Spencer, have something to do to stop from KILLING yourself. You get to spam stupid threads like this and fish for low-level idiots to bait. Isn't that wonderful, John? Isn't that fucking HILARIOUS?

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the most beautiful one yet

shut up faggot no one wants to read your paragraph long bull shit

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That's fucking ballsy I love her

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How do you fucking know all this crap about me? Why are you so obsessed?

who could it be?

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They should be deprogrammed.

I want to worship her feet. I want to be under them. Crawl out from under her sweaty sole, then just look up and see her smiling down at me with that expression of cruel delight in her eyes

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as all white boys should

It feels so wrong but so right!

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yeah thats based just imagine how smelly and humiliating that would be.

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Y'all need help. Shit aint normal.

Her feet are perfect and she has such a divine mindset.

I'm very sad that I'll never be beneath her toes

natural order of things

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What do you think about the growing numbers of races desiring to end your filthy jewish race?

You retards realize its shopped right?

yet. You don't realize how many beautiful young girls are starting get into femdom of tiny dick white boys. It's a growing trend i welcome


A lot of girls from Foot Fetish Daily went on to Vixen and Blacked and FF Daily did lots of interracial foot fetish videos where the viewer just stares at the girl's gorgeous feet while she rides a BBC.

It was a low key corruption! A snare, a gateway drug! I was helpless

If enough betas approach her and give her money she'll see it's good business.

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HEY SPENCER!! How are you the only one that knows this secret?? I mean damn YOUR SO WOKE BRO...YOU’RE The ONLY one to knowa about the black spades all these white females are tattooing on their body...THAT Resembles them preferring black cock RIGHT?????? YOU’RE A HEAD OF YOUR TIME BRO!! I mean seriously bro you should use your powers to create world peace and stop the world from the next global crisis. I MEAN BRO! Your sooooo smart that you should try cracking the CICADA 3301 CODE....Orrrrr maybe that’s you !! Are you apart of the Cicada 3301 organisation ??? YOU MUST BE SPENCER!! Your sooo smart, you can see things that no one else knows!!! Wowwwww !

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I want my life to end under her feet. Her sole and QoS anklet to be the last thing I see

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mm an anklet would be so hot

Sounds racist. If a guy said he would only date white girls, people would probably say he's racist.


Never knew sexuality was associated with trendiness

She needs to trample many white boys under foot. Crush them like literal insects.

that nig is intimidating as fuck

She could probably grow an empire of white boy worshippers faster than the coronavirus. Get every white boy to become addicted to her qos feet

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What do you think about the increasing number of minority women interested in white men OP?

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Definitely. She should be on national television breeding black every day and persauding every white women to choose black cock, black only, black baby!

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White Boys can't resist forever. It's a siren call. A deadly siren call but they'd be helpless.

I want to push my daughter into this early
her moms out of the picture for getting busted for meth(probably sucked a few BBC for her fix)

>They wish they were slaves so white men would fuck them lol.

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>weasel words every thread
>same picture every thread
>same words every thread
Like with this virus, a few thousands out of millions, even billions, is nothing, absolutely nothing.
Go back to your containment board you fat fuck

a real african nigga

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You complain about race mixing but then post this, which still achieves the same effect as breeding out whites. So fucking dumb. No wonder White Patriarchy is continuing to collapse

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This is what white wombs were designed for!!!!

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imagine finding a black girl with a slave fetish. you drag her around in chains, call her nigger while you fuck her, spit on her.



I'm actually gay lol. I just find BBC posting annoying and racist. Not only is it racist towards whites. It's also racists towards blacks. It portrays them as savages and living dildos. As someone who's dated a black man I find this offensive. So in return I spam this bullshit to try to trigger whoever's posting it and or encourage white boys.

What's her name?? Instagram?

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She's already starting to do that with her friends. It gets me so hard thinking she's spreading the QoS movement.
I resisted and never imagined being where I am now. Even the strongest white boys will kneel.

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One of her friends she's converted

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Fuck me I'd love to fuck her

I've dated a black guy before too, and he had a huge dick and he was a great lover. Almost all black men are, and they should breed our women so that our inferior Neanderthal genes are eliminated forever!

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Truly don't care. As corny as it sounds, I just want every human to be happy. Do whatever the fuck you want and have fun doing it.

True alphas don't give two fucks about piddly shit like that.

But whatever man. These bitches get spotted & thotted on the daily.

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The fact you got this triggered is telling