Why was he able to stop the virus but idiot Drumpf couldn't?
Why was he able to stop the virus but idiot Drumpf couldn't?
It's less political in China since the government is fundamentally run by one person that can push the buttons and pull the levers
He didn't. China's lying and hiding the deaths of thousands because Chinese people are totally disposable to their government.
You mean the guy thatt stopped testing to keep the numbers down and Wuhan funeral homes reporting shows a death toll likely to be 40,000 plus in Wuhan alone vs the 3,300 for all China.
Because all the epidemics that never hit the US allowed us to grow complacent while countries they did hit got the political will to prepare for the next one. If sars 1 hit the us hard we would have been prepared for this.
Extra extra! Watch this video! Get your news right here!
They likely will uncover the mass graves of the hundreds of thousands and discover they used gas to liquidate the entire infected area.
Its easy to contain a sickness when life has no value, friend.
Because kill squads.
Hmm, I feel like that would leak pretty easily if that was happening though. I was able to use a VPN in china without any issue the many times ive been there. I still follow a youtuber in china, who is still able to post outside the great firewall. Do you have any evidence or is it just speculation?
He hasn't stopped it, you fool.
because chinese people are smart
white trump supporters are fucking retards
sounds like america,or are we ignoring the way trump and obama have ran the country
>hurr durr,me joke about china on technology that the chinese created
i bet that red make america great again hat your wearing was made in china to wasnt it? moron
What's wrong chink? Dont like seeing how subhuman your people are?
imagine buying into conservative propaganda this hard. go back to infowars
says the poor white trump supporter
guess what kid,the chinese built the computer your posting this on.cry more hillbilly,your gonna wish republicans never considered trump after the loss your going to have in november.have fun butchering the english language with your trump guy and thinking propping the stock market up is going to improve coronavirus when america continues to have dozens more cases every day
Cant get any new cases if you weld doors shut right chinkbot
Actually if you ever buy one, it is clearly made in America. I know because I bought one in white and gold back in 2015 or 16... Unfortunately a commie from California stole it, but yea. They're made in USA.
says the trump voter who thinks his redneck conservative blog is real news
fact is that china's incinerators were active for soo long that it became visible from space
>hurr durr california
california is better then your shit southern redneck republican state
all this pro american bullshit coming out of the mouth's of people who were more then happy to elect a traitor to his country,draft dodger donald
Not white or a trump supporter but keep throwing shit, I'm sure it'll stick eventually chink
Theres articles out there. Just search. They turned off like 20 million cell phones. People in China talk about how the crematoriums were working 24/7. Once all the coronavirus shit is said and done we'll see more truth b/c right now everyone and everything is so crazy it makes it a bit easier to hide. Even then though there are still leaks and people are seeing whats going on for real.
Xi is going to be on his hands and knees on camera in front of Trump by the end of this year.
im not saying what they are doing is good. they have literally sealed people in their homes which is horrible af. but there authoritarian measures have reduced spread.
on the other hand, doing nothing is fucking irresponsible as well. look at how italy, spain, and france in the beginning were going. the US had loads of warning to starting enforcing social distancing to avoid this mess. all it took was delaying action by 1-2 weeks and shit got out of control
he stoped the virus? right now the virus is in your neighborhood, at the gate of your house, came from china, he stoped nothing, you retarded indoctrinated piece of shit
everything a mainland chink says is a lie
Chinese onlybuild this stuff because white countries outsource it. They gave them rhe technology to manufacture things which only pass to a Western standard.
Since youre such a chink cuck why dont yougo there and be a slave to the ruthless commie shithole, you retarded imbecile?
Because they’re not reporting the real numbers. You don’t have to like the idiot in chief to see this.
Wait you mean communists cover up the truth? Since when?
The marshall plan?
I read ‘kill quads’
So have some quads
Cause when you have a billion people & they're all the same, you really couldnt care less how many "disappear." Their population is expendable on purpose.
>woo ping cough
Because in China you can implement anything. In the West we generally value individual lives and human rights, that is not the case in China.
Also, the numbers from China are bullshit, and the real numbers are likely far higher, at least 10x the reported numbers.
Yeah not all of them.
Maga shit is all over Wish.com
nice western propaganda
here's your (You)
Alt-Reich horsetrump.
The last two days of US Covid-19 data show some clumsy manipulation. You know, like with hurricane Dorian.
Didin't they deny it initially?
Poor chinks, their government silenced initial concerns (Li Wenliang).
But it's fine, they wouldn't do that again to make themselves appear controlled. All is fine.
(And if it's not then the CCP will make it seem ok)
He didnt but you have to be able to read stupid fag
Ah yes, listening to the lying Chinese Communist Party.
what stats are you looking at guy?
That’s pretty funny you guys are accusing China of killing their own when Trump And his media cheerleaders tried to force people to go back to work, even if it ended up spreading the virus everywhere and killing a lot of old people.
Holy shit this is some high quality bait!!
>believing Chinese anything
Thanks for the input, Chang. BTW How's the weather in Hubei City?
It's way too obvious. Yas Forums is just too fucking stupid to not reply to anything.
Because trump fired the u.s. pandemic response team in 2018 saying it cost too much and did nothing yet stopped 4 outbreaks alone literally ever other year. Swine flu, sars, birdflu, and so on....
Trump’s response to the COVID-19 crisis has been a mix of arrogance, incompetence and greed. Trump’s only strategy now is to shift blame on China.
trips of truth
Totally agree. NYC should've been shut down like Wuhan and disinfected from top to bottom. Can't believe the republicans refused to do that.
Lol you actually believe CCP propaganda? You're probably a Chinese shill.
Trump and his media CHEERLEADERS???? Are you fucking retarded??? Are you just some foreigner trying to make a zinger? The media HATES Trump. BTW fuck you commie I bet you're posting from Beijing.
This. If you can't see the truth you have other serious issues, they have consistently lied in the past, not to mention even the initial outbreak. Shit, they even claim 30/31 of their original cases were brought in from foreigners, how the fuck would any retarded Libcuck make any type of sense out of that. FOREIGNERS BROUGHT IT BACK INTO THEIR OWN COUNTRY, even honk kong hates them.
You'd have to be a complete fucking idiot and shouldn't even be in this country if you disagree with this statement.