Have you been getting your vitamin Y recently?

have you been getting your vitamin Y recently?
Jasiri can help

Attached: kion and jasiri sisi ni sawa -o.jpg (474x541, 68.71K)

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Did chu sleep well

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i slept alright, not too much, i saved some for the night, since i'm working tomorrow

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GiVe Me YoUr MoNeY

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And do you remember any of your latest dreams by any chance

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Wow jasiri is beautyfull in that pic. How did you found it?

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not really man, think i did dream but its long gone out of my head, i usually remember them much later on as a deja vu

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I sometimes have the same dream twice and then again forget about it
But lately i had dreams i remembered longer than usually, like for two days or about, which made me feel like i had them more often
Man arent dreams really weird sometimes?
Whats the latest dream you remember?

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No I nEeD yOuR mOnEy PlEaSe

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honestly i can't remember, if it pops up i'll tell you

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There is no money to steal
I cant even afford to buy a room enough to fit ur momma
What a poor life it is

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Oku, so whatchu doin for now fren

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SorRy BuT yOu MuSt GiVe Me SoMe MonEy bEfOrE tHeY kIlL mE

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i might head to bed again soon, might play bl3 for a little bit with friends since we won't get a chance tomorrow, you?

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Im just chatting on discord, then going to either draw or read a bit before going to bed, i think im betting better at it

Does you accept money of very little value

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>Im just chatting on discord, then going to either draw or read a bit before going to bed
i see, alrighty
>i think im betting better at it
i'm sure you are, practice makes perfect

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HmM tHaT dEpEnDs WhAt YoU hAvE

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How far did you get in bl3?

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can't really give an estimate, but i'd say around 20% through, we plan on doing all the side quests, so its gonna be a long ride for us

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I hope itll be fun
And whats the latest main quest have you completed so far

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>have you been getting your vitamin Y recently?
Yeah a few hours ago, but you know how this goes: we need another batch of Jasiri or else we will run out of hyena.

¡Hola de nuevo! How was the siesta? -J

>agricultural soil
and there seemed to be several grins underground

uhh can't really remember the actual names, a bit further up from lilith getting her powers removed
hey friend, i was sure i would only need an hour, but i slept for around 4, it was pretty good, but i'll see how it messes up my night schedule, probably gonna go in 10-20

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I hope there will be more opportunities for that

Ah cool, i instantly rushed main quests and had barely gear good enough to pass thru missions but antagonists were so annoying i couldnt help myself :3
What characters are you playing?


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>Ah cool, i instantly rushed main quests and had barely gear good enough to pass thru missions but antagonists were so annoying i couldnt help myself :3
yeah i am guilty of doing similar things, so this time i'm making sure to take it slow and enjoy all the details of the game
>What characters are you playing?
i'm playing Zane, the gadget boi, he doesn't feel as strong as the rest of the characters but i like the challenge

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No character feels strong when i play them i guess, i picked fl4k and hes nice to play but i feel others are a bit better, about him i can just say that his main ability (pets) are absolutely useless aside from sometimes being a live shield or giving you passibe bonuses
But the rest which includes being fast and shooting criticals is nice, how is zane in gameplay?

Also imma take a quick shower so brb

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>No character feels strong when i play them i guess, i picked fl4k and hes nice to play but i feel others are a bit better, about him i can just say that his main ability (pets) are absolutely useless aside from sometimes being a live shield or giving you passibe bonuses
sounds pretty bad, yeah
>how is zane in gameplay?
so far not too strong, but i think its just a mixture of me not allocating skill points correctly and bad luck with getting good weapons, i'm getting there though

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¡Hola Mónica! How was your afternoon?
>And do you remember any of your latest dreams
I actually remember my last dream from last night if you are interested.

How are your latest drawings? I liked the last one you showed me.

>but i'll see how it messes up my night schedule
Hope it doesn't.

>No character feels strong when i play them i guess
Oh you have the same problem I do with difficulty?

Also: -J

>Hope it doesn't.
>Also: (Cross-thread)
oh god, haha, welp, so long as hes not in ours

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>oh god, haha, welp, so long as hes not in ours
Exactly my thoughts! It is a big relief!

How was the episode of "Scrubs"? -J

oh yeah that static1.e621.net/data/af/28/af28a3b6256bbb10ebe1c48d0707dc67.jpg

Shut up

Attached: Troll-Hunter-6-e1311789321682-940x460 (1).jpg (940x460, 114K)

haven't seen it, i was supposed to see it before my nap but i was so tired i decided to cancel it
this is really weird, i thought the troll hunter guy wasn't you gumboy

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also stop posting porn in my thread, this isn't another s/fur you visit

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As long as its playable then its fine i guess

Heya, im doing alright, and sure tell us about your dream

From my redraws i didnt really draw much new but still i have a few nice ones, lately im practicing something more original

Also naw, i dont have trouble with getting thru the games but i just play characters incorrectly and always end up playing the same way regardless of what an character was designed for

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Seriously? Oh, sorry. I guess i forgot to tell. Well, now you inow

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Ok, sorry

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this is not lining up, the guy who insulted J and thre me kyses at times was related to the troll poster, which was related to a certain gumball/unikitty poster, isn't it weird?

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No, i was Trollhunter, Unikitty, and gumboy. I tought you knew it

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yeah, you were also the demon eyes guy.

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Fuck off you furry shit. Why can't you all just keep to 1 thread on this board

>i was supposed to see it before my nap but i was so tired i decided to cancel it
Probably for the best, you have to be well rested.

>and sure tell us about your dream
Jej, in my dream I go out to the street to recycle the rubbish and when I go out the street belongs to another country (I think it was actually your country, not sure why) and it was filled to the brim of people. I see all this and think "What? How are people so incredibly irresponsible? Aren't they aware of what is going on?" and then I woke up. Not very exciting, lol.

>From my redraws i didnt really draw much new but still i have a few nice ones
If you feel like it you could share them :P

>i dont have trouble with getting thru the games
Jej it is actually the other way around, they tend to be too easy to get thru, like RDR2. You finished it to 100% completion, Mónica?

>i just play characters incorrectly and always end up playing the same way regardless of what an character was designed for
I actually tend to do the same, not sure why. Maybe because to me it is the way I feel more comfortable.

It isn't furry. -J

Demon eyes guy?

Go away, we're here

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Sorry, i meant to say, we're talking here

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are you retarded?, this is the only thread
>Jej, in my dream I go out to the street to recycle the rubbish and when I go out the street belongs to another country (I think it was actually your country, not sure why) and it was filled to the brim of people. I see all this and think "What? How are people so incredibly irresponsible? Aren't they aware of what is going on?" and then I woke up. Not very exciting, lol.
haha that's pretty funny, also i like how you realize you're in another country but the thing that weirds you out the most is the coronavirus, shows how bad the case is, oh by the way i did have fun reading your conversation today
wmf to the rescue!

gonna attempt to go to sleep guys, i'll check up on the thread occasionally if while i'm still awake in bed, buenas noches!

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Haha not all dreams have to be exciting i guess, and how do you rate the street

And i didnt play rdr2, i could give an impression that i did but naw, though it looks like a nice game

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Gn frem

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Are you going to sleep?

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>also i like how you realize you're in another country but the thing that weirds you out the most is the coronavirus
¡Jajajajaja! It is hilarious how some stuff in our dreams don't weird us out so much when they are incredibly strange.

>shows how bad the case is
Yeah, it is really bad.

>i did have fun reading your conversation today
You read it eventually? ^.^

That is why I left that message to you ;)

>buenas noches!
¡Buenas noches! Sleep well!

>and how do you rate the street
A solid six out of ten, I guess?

>i could give an impression that i did but naw
Oh wow you indeed gave that impression, considering that when you first came to our threads you were using characters from the game, lol. -J

>Gn frem
you too monmon
yeah i read it before work
>¡Buenas noches! Sleep well!
you too

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>you too
Oh and hugz, those are important too! -J

>A solid six out of ten, I guess?
Prob not my country then
>Oh wow you indeed gave that impression, considering that when you first came to our threads you were using characters from the game, lol. -J
I did? I always posted either memes or ddlc characters

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woops, came back for this

this will be my last reply now

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Imagine you cringe ass OC being a character that was based on a movie that stole from a dead japanese man's original movie to profit. kys.

What kind of demon eyes guy?

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I suppose i should sleep too, hugs and gn frens
Cya tomorrow

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Oh lo siento I may be confusing you with another person that did that then.

Say, what games do you own both in Uplay and Steam besides the ones you already mentioned? -J

Huh. Well, goodnight everybody. I see you tomorrow

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