Terrorist attack in downtown Toronto
It's happening guys
Terrorist attack in downtown Toronto
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ya... in 2018
Someone drove their car into parked cop cars and blew it up.
There's basically nothing on any news sites.
Where is Toronto in America?
Fuck off Mapleniggers.
Canada, terrorism, drive by head shaking
>It's happening guys
No it isn't.
yea yea go back to jerking off to traps, faggot
It should just say "Avoid Detroit, Atlanta, Washington DC, New Orleans, Chicago and anywhere else with lots of niggers"
That would be far more helpful.
quarantine Detroit and let the niggers wipe themselves out
(yellow highlight) AVOID NIGGERS (/yellow highlight)
call me when they bomb an important country
Canada is America's only friend.
what about our chaps on inbred island?
Good question,
Sorry, there's plenty of "chaps" on "inbred" islands. Could you specify? But either way, neither England nor Australia likes America.
Canada puts up with your shenanigans because they got nowhere else to go.
Who said I was American?
pics or it never happened
you mean only slut
If you're referring to this
I did make a shitty assumption about you.
They know your guys are too polite to return fire.
I'll be whatever you want me to be to keep the tariffs down, daddy
belgium has a lot of sandniggers though, if you remove sandniggers from belgium it'd still be lower than niggerless US
Sure, but by like a fraction of a percentage point.
Same crime rate as Belgium or Luxembourg. Kek
the nigger problem is the cockoids fault. if you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at your lazy poarents for being too damn lazy to do their own work. a lazy nigger is only the reflection of his lazy white master
If I was referring to that I would have quoted it, wouldn't I?
a violent nigger is the result of his lazy and violent white master.
you all fucked yourselves. i hope the niggers take over just so that you are forced to die in your errors.
stupid europen cucks
What’s happening?
Literally no one cares, faggot
>the new anti white meta shill game is blaming whites for how violent niggers inherently are
It's hard for me to understand this level of disconnect.
Praise jesus
>and anywhere else with lots of niggers"
so every single city in the US then
Basically. When visiting the USA, stay out of extremely large urban centers where niggers suckle off the welfare tits of the Blue Cucks and you'll have a better time.
google it brainlet
Maple noggers lol
Yeah, he looks like he's having a great time sucking there...
>Where is Toronto in America?
The part where people actually want to live.
San Fransisco, blue cucks, pick one....
In any sane country not taken over by a traitorous political party determined to eradicate the majority race because the minority races vote exclusively for them, this nigger would have either died off or been arrested for being a filthy shitter (literally).
Big urban cities are usually run by Democrats aka the Blue Cucks.
Ok colombine
Yikes. Too l8 he dropped the weak b8
So nice you had to post twice.
Yeah, stay at home eurocucks.
It's in North America. Any other questions, merkin?
Umm that only happens in the states lül
Visit the US? I don't get it. Who the fuck would want to visit the US, other than mexicans?
What fucking crash tears a car apart from the inside
I couldn't agree more, I hate the republicunts too. They have completely taken over the country through gerrymandering and fake news. Good on you to recognize the problem.
>Incels get called out for incel shootings
>Hurr durr well duh noggers
I thought corona said no more terrorism
LOL whenever i see goofy ass euro family tourists in NYC, I'm always so damn glad i dont live in EU
Chinese driver?
That's because they're stupid and have watched too many american movies and tv-shows, the only thing you're good at. There's literally nothing of true interest in merkinland.
file name
So it’s nothing then, call me when maplerambo gets out.
Really starting to get off topic here