tfw boomers can't even tip right

> tfw boomers can't even tip right

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>zoomers feeling entitled
should've get a real job

Tipping is for fags

>that’s where you’re wrong kiddo

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Once a year if service was really good I will tip 1 euro.

Shouldn't be tipping to faggots that willing work here

tipping shouldnt be forced. at all. if you think that your wage is too low, get a better job. if you think that the tip is too low, try even harder. there's no reason to be entitled to anything.


anyone who tips anything at all is a fucking cuck who probably watches his wife get fucked by an african. how insecure and weak do you have to be to feel forced to pay the teen waitress extra just because she smiled. anyone who disagrees with me is a literal faggot, cant argue against it

I never tip
>then I'll spit in your food
Jokes on you that's what I'm into.

I tip 25% when the service is great, not write some gay sentence on the sheet. All these kids with the feaux libertarian views on not tipping are just karmically stabbing themselves in their cuck-caged penises. Guaranteed you'll lose business and women for this type of jewy behavior.

Is the service somehow magically better because the food is more expensive? If I order a hotdog and 2 drinks for $5 that requires 3 trips to my table, why are these 3 trips worth less than if I order 2k in food that still requires 3 trips?

And TBH, if Erica is the one that screwed up talk the spelling on the check and added in all the nigger cunt remarks I don't think she's paying tuition.

I tip 200% if the service is good. If service sucks, I beat up the waiter after his shift is over and take twice the price of the meal out of his wallet. I feel it's fair.

>tipping shouldnt be forced
Tipping isn’t forced, retard.
There’s no rule that states:
>”you must tip at this establishment.”

I’m not your manager; I’m only paying for my food.

Why do you keep posting this for weeks on end?

With social distancing eating out hasn't even been an option for like two weeks.
Seems dumb.

I don’t tip for a cute waitress or whatever, I cute because the person did well and they deserve to get more than $6/hour for dealing with people’s shit in a customer service job. Maybe you won’t understand since you’ve never worked customer service but once you do you’ll get it

be happy your even getting anything stupid bitch

Not exactly true. Some places enforce a tip on the bill. There's a place in my town that does it at 10%.

Mfw you live in a country that pays a proper wage so there's no need to tip :)

I would assume because turn over rates someone eating a hotdog will be done in a few minutes and someone in fine dining will probably be there a few hours

Virtually all restaurants are closed indefinitely because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Their (former) clients now have to buy their food from retailers and prepare it for themselves.

They will quickly get used to doing that and realise how much money they save by doing so. Also, many of them will be suffering severely reduced income due to restrictions upon their ability to work in nonessential jobs.

Consequently, many people will build up significant overdrafts and unpaid credit card balances.

The majority of restaurants will go out of business unless they offer HUGE discounts on the outrageously exorbitant prices they have become accustomed to charging for their mediocre meals.

This pandemic is the final death knell for "tipping" for menial "service" tasks that require virtually zero skills beyond the ability to walk from a kitchen serving hatch to the correct table while carrying a couple of plates or whatever.

Live with it and learn how to reduce your expenditure to something in keeping with being an untalented servant in an extraneous sinecure.

Being served is more of an inconvenience in my opinion.
I can push a couple buttons on a screen and get my own refill.

>the person did well and they deserve to get more than $6/hour for dealing with people’s shit in a customer service job
You do realise the first people that come to the defence of the low wage of waiters and waitresses are in fact waiters and waitresses themselves?
It’s because of people like you they get paid more than the minimum wage in tips.

If i like the service and plan on returning i always tip over time you will get better service/discounts/free items


>There's a place in my town that does it at 10%
Well I hope the person, or persons, responsible for that policy gets testicular cancer.

Your fault for going in to a job that doesn't pay minimum wage.

It's not my job to pay your wage, but it is your job to provide good service. Or else the businesses loses customers, and you are out of a job.

Born in 1992 so inb4 Boomer.

It’s quite a common practice in high end restaurants. It’ll be written at the bottom of the menu
>15% gratuity included in bill
And then on top of that they still expect you to tip cash

Well I wouldn’t spend a penny at those piece of shits places.
My wallet isn’t about to get cucked because they refuse to pay their staff minimum wage.

One thing I don't like about tipping is alcohol sales. I am go to a restaurant and get a meal for 2 for $40ish. I leave an $8-$10 tip, everyone is happy.

Let's say we order a bottle of wine or some drinks. Now that bill could be close to $100, or even more. Am I gonna tip $25+ for getting the exact same service from the exact same restaurant? Probably not

We all know you don’t eat anywhere except McDonald’s, it’s ok user we’re not judging you

>implying you deserve tips

>We all know you don’t eat anywhere except McDonald’s
That’s because I’m not a pretentious piece of shit.
>it’s ok user we’re not judging you


A 'nice' hamburger with fries in $9.

1lb ground beef, $2.50/lb
1 head lettuce, $0.80
3 tomatoes $1.50
1 onion $0.85
1 8pack of buns $2.00
1lb bag of fries 2.50

So basically I can feed four people the same meal for the same price as eating out.

A prime rib/rib eye with potato and veg. $18

Prime rib/lb $10.
Potatoes $2
Frozen veg $2 a bag

Or two people eating something nicer.

Can you retards even read the fucking receipt? Look at it again.

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No fucking shit you retard. You’re paying for someone else to cook for you. It’s called convenience. Imagine being so stupid you entirely miss the point of a restaurant.

Sorry, I don’t speak Cowardese.

Maybe she should get a job that’s actually required to pay minimum wage. Servers in my state make minimum wage PLUS tips so I don’t feel bad about leaving no tip for shitty service.

Damn nice 4th grade comeback fatty, you fucking destroyed me

It takes longer to drive there/back and wait for service than it would take for you to make the meal.

>You’re paying for someone else to cook for you
You’re also paying for the taste, you great idiot.

Because looking up a recipe and following it is HARD.

YOU might be paying for the taste. I can actually cook so I’m going for convenience.
But you get to spend that time at the table with your family drinking and having a good time, instead of being stuck in the kitchen cooking for them.

Lol, this
>This entire thread is bait

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The taste is just a stick of butter and too much salt mixed in with the food on your plate

>Damn nice 4th grade comeback
Thank you.
>you fucking destroyed me
Yeah, I sure did!

probably an entitled cunt expecting a big tip for curb side or pick up

>looks like I'm cooking for the rest of my life.

Aight keep being a smug fatty I’m gonna stop responding to you now

By your apparent attitude, you're fucking lucky you even got that. Poor service and I start subtracting. Good service and good attitude and I start adding up to 25%. You want to hover over me or just forget about me? You can piss the fuck off.

>I’m gonna stop responding to you now
That’s right, coward, back down and shut up.
MEN are talking.

I changed my mind, shut up fatty

Protip: tuition is for faggots.

There ARE place that "automatically add gratuity" ( gratuity = tip) to the check. So it's already figured into the price. I don't eat at those places. I also don't use grubhub because they automatically add 15$ to the price.

Faggots like this are the reason tips shouldn’t be a thing, and people should just get paid normal wages

If you don't like it go to college Paco

Reading this fanfic gave me a semi.

Calm down, pipsqueak.
Go be gay and stupid elsewhere - huh?

amerifags get rekt

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You’re lucky you get a tip at all. Paying a 200 meal why am I obligated to pay you another 40 bucks? Fuck that