Different kind of dick rate thread: Post Yours with an honest rating and see if anons agree. I’m a 6.5 in this pic

Different kind of dick rate thread: Post Yours with an honest rating and see if anons agree. I’m a 6.5 in this pic.

Attached: E2953B29-55EC-4CDC-8C53-3DC7AD6FF48C.jpg (3264x2448, 1.33M)

Been larping a girl for the last 24 hours rating dicks for attention, 7 outta ten op pic related, best one yet, prolly fake

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-29-12-58-21.jpg (720x1560, 476.86K)

God I love it when the shaft curves out on the sides like that. So cool looking.

I would agree with you

you're faggot

Post yours with a rating?

Me, about 5 or maybe 5.5

Attached: 2013-06-22-221319.jpg (684x684, 56.54K)

I’d give myself a 5.5 or a 6, maybe.

Attached: D3A79968-3FBA-4EFB-AA0A-8E29042E349D.jpg (902x1792, 263.91K)

Attached: 08D7F772-1116-4CF2-932B-251D3BF4FFC0.jpg (3088x2316, 1.25M)

6. Cool veins.