Isn't it ironic that we're rooting for this man now that Idubbbz is a fucking loser? It's almost poetic

Isn't it ironic that we're rooting for this man now that Idubbbz is a fucking loser? It's almost poetic

Attached: leafman.jpg (455x438, 21.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares, please promptly consume excrement and perish

if this is what it took for you to make you root for him you always were a leafy fanboy to begin with.

We need to bring him back

Oh, no, no. Not one bit, you monstrous fucking faggot. That jewtube cancer with no chin has always been a faggot cunt who deserves to die. There's no "picking sides" here, you fucking jew. All this shit jewtube drama won't excuse that at all. The simp and Chinless Tonk here get no free passes just because one of them isn't currently Flavour of the fucking Day.

It's time for you to KILL YOURSELF.

Seriously, you are in the wrong place. Leave.

based op, simps and faggots seething over leafy. lmao.

user definitely came here during or after the election

don't know what you're talking about, don't give a shit

there is no "we", faggot

It's almost like that was my intetion from the start

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Kill yourself

Literally who?


Let me ask you something. Why do you care? Why do you honestly care? There's no reason to. Leafy and Idubbbz are just two retards on the Internet you barely know.

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Exactly this dude is probly jerking to idubbz gf pic and think he' cucking him. ladys and gents, we found the looser.

this is what an NPC smooth brain looks like

everyone is stuck at home and need something to be mad at. The only reason i'm mad is because of the shit tier photos that dumb cunt has posted. they're vanilla as fuck. and also another example of women living life on easy mode but whats new there

extremely this seethe simp fam based cringe

why do you worship idubbbz?
get a life edgelord

STFU Ian. No one's falling for that one.
We all know you patrol these threads trying to employ damage control.
Just fucking disappear already, your "career" is ruined.

can you kiddies fuck off already

the simp is strong with this one


Who is idubs?
Who is leafy?
What is going on?


>idubbbz is a simp! idubbbz is a cuck! I can pay 5$ to see his gf ass!

Ian ploughing his semi-hot gf and smoking his Canadian weed funded by actual simps/cucks:


Yeah she's making a shitton of money even with butterface just because she has a fake tits, I'm malding over that

''we'' don't need leafy.

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i'm not surprised. Its hard to get mad over anymore.

Idubbbz is a youtuber who always acted like some sort of moral authority. He makes videos called content cops and his content cop on Leafy ended his career because of the overlap in fans. Idubbbz came out recently as a cuck and now Leafy said he's going to return.

>Leafy said he's going to return.

at least he's not a beta male cuck faggot

Wait, Leafy came back?

>rooting for either of these wastes of flesh

wow so manly. telling other people on the internet to kill themselves. this is just a clear sign of how much of a faggot you are in real life.

I always rooted for Leafy

I was a fan back in the day. I miss him. F


This guy looks like the kid who gets bullied so much that he talks about shooting up the school

can this nigga not live a life without being called in for a interview or being asked to come back god damn nigga

>Idubbbz is a youtuber who always acted like some sort of moral authority. He makes videos called content cops and his content cop on Leafy ended his career because of the overlap in fans. Idubbbz came out recently as a cuck and now Leafy said he's going to return.
Except idubbz never said he was moral himself. He even called himself an asshole. He just called out other assholes who were less honest about their assholeness. I enjoy watching fanboys of various no-talent youtubers screaming at eachother though. The fanboy who whiteknight for these guys are the real cucks.

oh shit, for a minute i thought it was Davy504

lmao, leave.

I want to lewd Leafy

leafy and idubbsz are the same general type of person.. typical hyper agressive cs go players who think they are topshit , but are actually drop outs who dobt contribute shit to anyone else .. who gives a fuck about their shitty boring critical analyses.

No body is.. the only people who give a shit about people who bitch about things online are absolute scum and worse than Jews. Stop giving these faggots money

This thread is a portal to 2015. There's no "side" worth "picking." YouTuber drama is obnoxious as fuck. Go back to whatever normie rock you've been living under.

who is "we" you fucking loser faggot. get a fucking life

Won't lie it would be sick to see him come back and throw the current 'wholesome moment' internet culture into a fucking incinerator.

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Still wanna lewd Leafy

No fuck off. Just because idubbbz is a cuck it doesn't make this unfunny cunt any better. Stop shilling yourself, leafy

at least idubbz has a chin

>giving a shit about quasi-interactive Zoomer F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
Just play vidya or get a life you faggots. Who the fuck wants to listen to some chinless mutt ramble, and who the fuck enjoys watching a retard open boxes filled with human feces and then throwing up from the smell.
There's something wrong with all of you.

The king is back? Please let him come back. I fuckin' loved Leafy because you could tell his entire channel was driven by rage over the stupidity of what gets a lot of views and just how little work they actually do to get those views in terms of production value. He wanted to crack the code and the closest he got was basically being the evil version of h2h2. He and dubzz are actually pretty similar in terms of their tastes and goals, really dubbz had everything Leafy wanted to be with ContentCop. Only natural they should fight.

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I was with leafy from the start. Hissss n all that.

Leafy dindu

ian being a faggot doesnt make leafy less of a faggot. it does seem to make OP more of a faggot tho, weird.


I don't give a shit about leafy, but the same crowd who'd try to cancel or ruin someone's life over saying nigga (not even nigger) are the ones praising idubbbz for his opinions on whoring yourself out and that pretty damn pathetic.

can someone post her nudes here already

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imagine being such an incel that you care about what someone else does in their free time