Post your wishlist and hope for someone helping you out

Post your wishlist and hope for someone helping you out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nintendo switch lite
Xbox one X
1000$ Amazon gift card

>Nintendo Switch

I feel that

beware of scalpers on amazon for switch lites. people are asking for $250 right now because of covid. try and get them from gamestop or eb games or whatever if you dont mind waiting a bit longer for a decent price.

My car fixed or a new car

Give me 10$ to get me some fucking chicken wings

I'm a poor old fag lol

rtx 2080 or rtx 2080ti :(

Scalpers have a special place in hell next to pedophiles

trynna save for a gaming pc but bc all the chinese factories are shutting downs shits gonna cost like 2k for the bare basics such a shit show honestly

Gran turismo 4 and a play station to play it with.

the dream

Thanks for Info but fuck gamestop

gaming pc rtx 2060 ryzen 5 3600

used regular switches bumdled with mario kart 8 deluxe are going for 450-550 right now. shit sucks.

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If anyone wants to help me get a new GPU I'd love that kek

Cashapp is $HunterSFF

Yo if anyone wants to help a poorfag buy a guitar, that'd be neato.

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Some one get me dying light for xbox
Osiris269 is gt

I can sell you a BC rich blood red electric guitar for cheap. No BS or scam. I need money

I just need a new iPhone 8 Plus screen, since all the repair shops are closed due to hurr durr Corona Virus...

I just want a Nintendo switch lite. That's all

California property taxes man, got 12 days to figure out how to keep the house away from the state.

you got any pics of it?

Get one off wish app or Amazon bro

A Peavey 6505+ amp head (new)
A $600 Jackson guitar
A $500 Marshall cabinet

Thank you for considering my request anons.

Here bro. If interested Snapchat ?

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OP dying
Hiro fired as admin
Corona growing into a true apocalyptic plague

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This post is not about that. STFU


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I am the only owner of a t bird turbo coupe in my country and I want this baby road ready. Will cost me about 2000 euro's to accomplish this

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A hug

That's a dope ride bro. Dam I would love to have

hiro still owns site wut u mean?

Have somebody buy him out or "get rid" of him. He's raped this site.

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Thanks, I found the existence of this car on my evenung sessions drinking beer listening to the offspring and browsing american cars. Americans are very lucky in that subject. This one was for sale relatively close and bcs barely anybody in europe knows its existence I got it cheap. Only 71000 miles.

The paint though is very low quality (an american thing, they told me) so I need to repaint it. As for the engine, it runs but some belgian numbskull decided to put in a gas system. LPG its called, so it runs on gas. I need to remove that system asap and get the full 200bhp back

A hit on the head so I forget the good games I played so I can experience them for the first time again

I spent $9000 on my pc at the beginning of the month.

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Naw man. I'm good. He's my bestfriend. My only friend

I really don't mind RGB in general, but the RGB on fans just makes the whole PC look really cheap and shitty

Damn bro I'm jealous. I built a SFFPC a while back but the used GPU decided to die

I just want stardew Valley on steam
Not sure what I can do to repay anyone who could help me out, if anyone want to tho hmu being stuck at home not able to earn money sucks atm

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How the fuck does that rig cost $9000? pcpartpicker list or gtfo

Who? Death or Hiro? Same thing I guess.

That's dope. Great find. Take me for a ride in it big brother lol. I love old skool classic

Canadian dollars for one

The monitor alone was $2500
GPU $2000
I9 9900k
2TB Samsung evo plus
$400 in fans and controller

>9000$ for what looks to be gaming rig
How do you even manage that

Where Is this fucking pic from? Im seein it everywhere

The photo doesn’t do it justice. It looks way better in person.

Manage what?

>$400 in fans and controller

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How do I know that you is actually you if I was to gift you something?

ahoy mate, there is a way but you need to raise the black flag

Sure thing, you happen to be dutch or live near?

you exchange kik names or something with the person?

They can link their steam wishlist

Anyone willing to get me Shadowbringers so I can play with my friends? Thank you kind anons

Add you on something like kik or steam profile

1. 10x 5-7yo girl fair little thicc
2. 10x hamsters, 20inch mrga dildo
3. 20x black slaves

$1000 Amazon gift card
Latest Gigabyte Aero 15x
Klipsch T5 TWS

Consider the Lite NS it pretty bad ass and its cheaper.