Old thread died, new "i have become very unwell"/heather thread
Old thread died, new "i have become very unwell"/heather thread
Any updates from the traveler?
Last i saw he stopped to get gas or something
Also other thread
all we've got rn is a bunch of faggots larping as vhs user & one faggot who's probably faking but he might be headed out to the second & third sets of coords.
also a bunch of fake murderer shit. not much to go on, but it's the most entertainment I've got at the moment. also if there's a different thread someone lmk
This one seems to be more active than mine
The stench
Care to elaborate?
ok... this is interesting. we got a timestamp boys.
GA fag here, that's a zip code.
doesn't seem american to me
They found her like three years ago y would it stink now?
update at
It is more active than this one
You sure? Seems more like todays date
>Its a zipcode aswell as todays date and the date from a year ago
College park, GA. That's where the airport is. He killed VHS user and dumped him in a field 2 hours south.
I didn't know Georgia put month first
theres dots between the numbers. its 30.3.2020
its that date over here in aus
what if it was both? holy shit spooky
Absolutely positive. I live an hour away.
>Vhsanon's body has been found in the woods, unable to deliver.
so some fucking abo larper pretending to be in georgia
100% College Park, Georgia
Near Atlanta. The woods are located south of Atlanta by 30-40 minutes?? maybe less
Proof of zip code, but yes, it is the date in other parts of the world. Weird coincidence, perhaps it's not one.
Didn't vhsanon post a pic with him and the vhs in a room? Didn't he get home?
You down to check it out?
get rope
I thought the last of him was when he was driving home, could be wrong though
A Zip code isn't enough information to check out anything.
Don't believe him 100% remember the other user who said lived close? Don't know about him.
can someone enhance the photo, maybe there is something in the woods there?
Some faggot posted saying he was in the same town and I was like "Why the fuck are we driving 2 hours then..."
His response was "muh work early in the morning" and "muh am a pussy by myself"
Good point
I live in Acworth, I've been in the last 2 threads. Idk how to prove that I live in GA. I didn't say I was checking it out, but I am a good source of info regarding the area. I've lived here my entire life.
i mean its /b so
Is that the user who stopped for gas?
Wasn't me, but I remember that.
Go to your local food restraunt or business (not a chain one, a family owned one) and take a picture with timestamps. Also, if that doesn't work go to a landmark like a national park and get a timestamp.
Wait so how many anons went to the place?!
Was this legit? Any exif data on this image? I'm pissed we forgot to go check the 2 coordinates innawoods. ;_;
no this was in the second thread, keep in mind this is the 6th-7th one now...
No exif
already tried, absolutely nothing hiding in the dark. Small white triangle shape appears right above paper edge but thats just the reflection of said paper edge
>> VHS user (House)
>> Late user + Cousin (House)
>> Close user + Friend (2nd/3rd Coords)
What is this thread about?
all known coords.
>> VHS user
>> Late user
34.36477756, -84.3756799 (VHS + Painting)
>> Close user
33.68135031, -84.34350215 (Woods)
33.682750, -84.344819
Vhs user nothing
Late user any news?
Close user who dis? Sorry wasn't in other threads
Ok so tldr
>browsing Yas Forums
>see fag post edgy coordinates
>picture of a painting on the ground in front of a door at coordinates
>no one wants to go
>me and cousin go, plan to meet at gas station in marietta with other anons
>halfway there another user posts close as fuck on ball ground hwy or some shit
>he beats us there and retreives the tape and painting
>we end up skipping the gas station
>go to vhs location
>heather-hero user is gone, tape is gone
>we drive around bored, waisting mroe gas
>forgot to even go to the other 2 coordinates innawoods
>we go home
>vhs user says hes otw home too, with the tape but has no vhs
>get back
>still in the threads
idk dude im confused.
exactly a year ago today someone made a thread about this that painting and a vhs that said heather, and they posted it again and some user went out to some coordinates and retrieved the vhs. now we are waiting
Has a chance of being edited. I checked the metadata it was definitely resized or edited with GD.
Tldr, dude posted coordinates along with a photo of a building with a painting and vhs tape in front of it, one user went and got the tape and painting, but didnt deliver. 2 more anons are checking out seperate coordinates. Original op possibly still here too.
Heather-hero, you are doing gods work faggot, now find a VCR and STREAM the contents before the feds take it and we never see it.
Godspeed user ;_;
I don't think dead bodies start smelling that fast
Goodnight anons! Hopefully something comes out of this
Fuck will we ever see fucking video??? God dam. Us fags have been waiting all fucking fuck day
Deliver or GTFO.
What do you think is on the tape other than rickroll?
Was she found in one peace or cut up??
Guys, can we at least wait until it's daytime i'm scared for you anons. The sun rises in that area in 57 minutes. Guys I'm scared please hug me
Do you have any info on the case??
The first thread was on this exact date LAST year. If he buried a body last year and no one went to the coordinates, it's been sitting there rotting for a year atleast... It would still stink. Bodies decompose over a looooong period of time.
Sorry OP wasted your time like we wasted all of are time
Hug but why wait???
this is partially why it's so gay
I refuse to believe this is fake lol.
This shit has happened on Yas Forums before, you realize this right?
How did you get the tape???
Well then if it ain't fake what the fuck is the hold up. Hurry up and deliver OP.
I wonder how she got kidnapped?!?!
we're checking it out BECAUSE it has that possibility. but every inclination I'm having says "fake & gay"
I remember a guy who posted on Yas Forums and had a foot in his freezer.
I remember a guy who posted coordinates to an abducted girl on Yas Forums.
I remember a dude who had a body in his freezer who posted on Yas Forums.
This shit does happen. Hopefully it /is/ a meme-tier arg/larp, but if it isnt then a real girl named Heather is dead.
This guy needs to do something else before the thread fucking dies lmao
The barrels
I bet the tape shows how she got kidnapped and how she begged for her life.
I recommend you show a pic of her face from screen shot then when you post video block her eye or nose or something. Lol
It's not gonna die but yeah your right.
Animal crossing new horizon time lmao
This doesnt show us anything faggot. Whats on the ground? Is it the location of the burial/mannequin and cross? or the baby doll?
whats in the barrels user?
I spoke too soon
Nigga is just trolling now. Obviously edited. Give us something legitimate or a better clue or we're all going to go to bed and you can fuck off.
Party is over, we're on strike, and we will all leave.
>I remember a guy who posted coordinates to an abducted girl on Yas Forums.
I remember when Yas Forums had dope ass REKT THREAD lol
Some one make it happen then come back here and post the link to pass time.
Thanks in advance niggers
give us something useful or your five minutes of fame is over
so which user is this supposed to be? or this the guy who posted the coordinates? there are too many characters to keep track of
It's getting closer.
Fucking bitch ass troll
It has happened, /numerous/ times...
Both of the photos are edited and are obviously appealing to curiosity.
Dam this is fucked up lol
Why is life and ppl so mean, cruel and disgusting??
It looks like something is on the barrel, I can't make out what.
definitely a troll. think about it- everyone was being helpful & useful until vhsanon dipped. now our best clues are vague & gay
Nigger do you know what website you're on, new fag?
Dam I need some pussy lol
looks like a tree in the background
It's not a barrel, retard, it's the same piece of paper with the zip code written on it.
Did I say anything about the site??
Sorry forgot your a nigger jew. You dont know any better
yeah, and if the numbers on the paper are indeed the date and not the area code, then this is some non american larper who forgot that americans write the month first not the day