I'd love to see the look on your faces when you die and you realize that God is real and he is a Jew

I'd love to see the look on your faces when you die and you realize that God is real and he is a Jew.

How will you justify all your antisemitic bullshit to your creator?

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"But its probly cool, you're one of those 'good jews', right?"


If god is a jew then only jews will be getting into heaven anyway. No point in making any excuses.

Religions existed thousands of years before Jews were even a thing. If there is a creator/god/whatever it most certainly won't be the megakike.

All loving implies forgiving

> How will you justify all your antisemitic bullshit to your creator?

I KNEW you guys were running everything!"

Nigga, he’s Zoroastrian

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Revalations 3:9. I don't hate all Jews, just the satanists.

>Arrive at heaven's gate
>"Greetings user, I am god. We shall now see your life and weigh it against worthiness to enter these gates"
>Mostly good life
>"Congratulations user, you are worthy. Now, ehm..."
>God holds out his hand while looking away
>puzzled, you slap god's hand thinking he wants a high five 'down low'
>God angrily fidgets over your course of action, while looking one way, then another, then quickly looking back at you he gestures rubbing his index finger and his thumb together while clearing his throat
>dumbfounded, you understand the implication and reach in your pockets. Alas, $1.56 is all you find. You hope it is enough and offer it unto god.
>Ravenously, god snatches the spare change and shouts: "$1.56?! Do you know the cost of running heaven? As if a single dollar will make a difference! Had a lot of people donate more, but nothing as insulting as 50 cents! What am I supposed to do with just two pennies? Huh? You should be ashamed of yourself for not keeping up with YOUR end of the deal. If you couldn't afford interest, why did you borrow $2? 33% APY may seem like a bargain but over 3 years (plus compound interest) we're looking at a whole $5! That's halfway to $10 and I don't need to remind you that $10 is the minimum payment required each month for your commitment, which places you in full arrears! Boy oh boy you've done it now - processing fees and a slight penalty (mind you it's for your own good, as we can't reward defaulting behavior); your total balance due at this time is $500.

I can't wait until somebody actually demonstrates the existence of god first.
>hurr durr if I make a claim and then add a description on top of it, it proves god exists!
Mental gymnastics and christianity go together like stink on shit.

Even staunch Atheists accept the existence of God these days

Memeticus - 6:9
"OP is a faggot and so is every Christian"

By definition they wouldn't be atheist. Try again you lying idiot.

>God is real and he is a Jew
How will he justify Hitler

Actually Hitler is the Atheist God

jews dont believe in heaven tho

Even Jews don’t believe god is a “Jew” you retard. By definition Jews are those that follow his law.

Already met (and seen) god. It´s not a jew, its youeself.

Actually you're retarded. By definition atheists believe in no god.

We are all God, so technically Adolf was God too.

*atheists dont believe in a god, there's a difference in a lack of believe and a believe there isn't something

Hitler was a Christian though.

Your scenario is why I would be antisemitic in the first place.

Heaven is an illusion, this world is the real playground and its the best thing you can imagine.

That's literally what I said.
By definition atheists believe in no god. That explicitly means lack of belief in a god. Reading comprehension dude.

Bitch noone wants to go to no gay ass heaven. All the cool ppl are in hell anyway

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well... no? you can actively believe there is or not something;
lacking beliefe comes from a position of not knowing, thus, rejecting the positive claim

The belive in god and the belive in an absence of god are both illusions.

I know the truth, but you are subconsiosly to scared to reply and experience a different kind of thinking.

try me

>lacking beliefe comes from a position of not knowing
Wrong. Belief IS the position of not knowing. Belief is irrelevant and unnecessary in the face of objective reality. Logical reasoning covers everything which belief fails to do, in terms of figuring out what is actually true in objective reality.

Let me get this right... Cosmic being makes earth. Makes each and every living thing on the planet. Each animal, plants, even microscopic life. Each one in so many forms it's insane. Then makes mankind and decide to give them many languages, ethnicities, culture, and religions. Only to choose one of them over of all of them, judging the rest as incorrect with no clear indicator which one was right.

Either you are and idiot... Or God is.
I'm voting it is you.

so? not believing and believing and there isn't are still different things you knob

Who needs facts, valid evidence, and logical reasoning when you can believe in literal superstition and have MUH FAITH IN BELIEFS instead? I mean other than the fact that it's subhuman and anti-intellectual of course.

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I never disagreed with what you just said you absolute retard. I never made an assertion that lack of belief = belief that there is a negative. Fuck off with your mental gymnastics.

You are right, but most "logical reasones" avoid the fact that we are living in an entangeled universe. The logic consequence is, that there is only one consiousness and thats you.

fair enough

You sound like somebody who has no idea what the distinction between logic and reason are. There are not multiple "logical reasonings". Either reasoning is logical or it fails to be logical. If it fails to be logical reasoning then the reasoning is not reliably sound, which means you can't depend on it to explain the objective nature of reality.

this made me laugh my ass off

Only problem with your explanation is that there is noting this cosmic being can make a universe out of. It has to BECOME the universe, the planets and the life on it. So YOU are this cosmic being experiencing you and your creation.

Your reasoning is ilogical not mine.

My reasoning is absolutely in line with modern physics

You haven't demonstrated that in any capacity. You're just making a claim.

Mecca isn't in that circle you retard

So if you DON'T believe in the spaghetti monster, that means you actually DO believe in the spaghetti monster?

You're fucking retarded

Provide valid evidence for the existence of this "cosmic being". You're making a claim and adding a description on to it but that isn't evidence for anything real my dude. That's just you making a claim and adding a description on to it. Demonstrate the existence of this cosmic being or stfu about it

Parts of the Koran occurred farther south than that circle

I don't know if there is one, so i don't believe in it, i dont have proof there isn't one to believe there isn't one

the real mecca isnt in saudi arabia jackass

If we were to assume God is omnipotent (he must be) the fact that we're toiling on this earth right now seems to indicate a case of a very inefficient deity.

Abrahamic religions are literally the same and all terroristic in nature.

So you're saying you believe in the spaghetti monster?

im saying i have no reason to believe in it, so i don't believe there is one

>muh superstition
Fun fact god has never been demonstrated to exist. Making claims about the existence of a god and then adding descriptions after that doesn't prove anything except for what people want to believe.
>but muh book says-
"Holy books" are not valid sources of evidence. Try again.

>dont have proof there isn't one
You can't prove a negative because that's not how the burden of proof and valid evidence works.

Try to sell him a subscription to blacked

You just replied to my post. That means you know the spaghetti monster exists and you believe in it.

Read Heisenberg and modern physics about quantum entangelment. From this point my reasoning is absolut easy logic. If everything is entangeld, there is only one "field of consciousness" therefor you are only one part (as long as you have the illuison of seperatness) of this field. So you are this god-consciousness thinking about yourself.
We (humans) are the neurons of the "heavenly body",a tool where the god-consciousness can think about itself.

>lacking beliefe comes from a position of not knowing, thus, rejecting the positive claim
no it doesn't

>If everything is entangeld
But it isn't.

>If everything is entangeld, there is only one "field of consciousness"
That doesn't logically follow in any capacity. You haven't even defined "consciousness" let alone "field of consciousness", let alone demonstrate that this even exists. Don't jerk yourself off and say your assertion is logical when it clearly makes leaps in logic and relies on fallacies to reach the conclusion.

So sad you are not into physics.

Another claim which has nothing to do with your earlier assertions. So you admit you have no evidence and your belief is unsound / bullshit

I´ll try it to make it easy for you. Do you have a consciousness? I guess yess. So whenever you think some thoughts this affects some atoms in your brain and vice versa. This atoms where created in some "pair creation" process (bigbang)are entangeled and have a counterpart enywhere in the universe. Whenever an atom in your brain alters his spin due to your thoughts the entangeled counterparts in the universe cange their spin emediatly. without time delay.

The truth is just to scary for you.