Why are you still single?

Why are you still single?

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Because I'm terrified of women, for basically every reason you can think of.

Why you scared fren?

Life is hard

I'm poor. I'm ugly at best. I have a small dick. I'm suicidal. I'm sure there are more reasons but you'd have to ask them too.

I am not single

Working on it I just got my own pad so the future is bright

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I just said so. Every cliché reason said in threads like this applies to me. I'm scared that I'm not good enough in basically every way. I'm scared that even if I was good enough that she'd dump or betray me for some arbitrary reason. I'm scared to trust ANYBODY, let alone a member of the opposite sex. I'm scared that even if did improve myself in the ways that desperately need it, it still wouldn't be worth it due to forces out of my control.

I'm scared of living, and I'm too much of a fucking coward to kill myself. I wish I was never born.

I don't know how to have a normal conversation with women without having proper replays to keep the conversation going or looking like a weird fuck

Coz I suck

Life is short and there's multiple people out there for everyone. If you can speak well and have some ambition in life besides the internet, just talk to a girl without believing they are some sort of goddess. They are people too with just as many fears and hopes as you.

Baby mom is a degen, locked up. Raising my kid going on 4 years I'd rather do this solo than bring a roastie in to tell me and kid what to do.

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Ever thought of improving your self image. It'll helps when a girl see's a man has some kind of self worth.

Hate women.

girls are intiminated by my classically handsome good looks.


they probably hate you too

I am 100% okay with that. I don't care what they think.

Girls are stressful and require maintenance. I like being able to not talk to anyone for days on end, just can't do that when you have a gf

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Girls are fucking animals they're an annoying waste of time and money.


why feel the need to tell a bunch of strangers on the internet you hate women if you don't care?


Don't know a single girl I'm interested in enough to invest time and love into. I have felt like having a gf lately, but I just don't know anyone I'd like as a gf.

Because they asked and it would be rude if I didn't answer.

This is the most sensible answer here. Good for you. You have the highest chance of dating a good person.

Im pretty succesful with women. I'm hitting up a new chick every week. So i choose to be single, because the same pussy gets boring, nawn-sayin?

Even during this virus I'm still slayin pussy.

Don't worry you'll find a good man one day.

single doesn't mean not getting laid

I'm not good looking enough. I'm not ripped enough.
Idk where to meet them and I'm not in the mood for useless chitchat.
Always having to please someone stresses me out.
All the stories of how women fucked over loyal men for their own benefit scare me.
I have very bad luck in general.

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Literally what's the fucking point in dating? How the fuck is this fun?

Thanks kind sir. I'm not saying I wont hit it again when shes out. But she for sure isn't staying here.

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That doesn't answer the question, at all

I have high standards and don't really care for meaningless sex. I've had enough to where I'd rather see a real future with my next partner before I go investing time and emotions into a girl again.
Plus, women nowadays are complete fucking whores; it's sickening. I'm talking to a cute girl who seems like she's got a good personality. Maybe after a few months we might work out.

I'd rather breathe the air in China than go on a first date.

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I simply don't meet anyone. Self employed, which doesn't help and moved to a new town not too long ago.

Yes I've tried the online stuff, but when you're average looking it's a waste of time. The local Meetup groups revolve around drinking and largely consist of other blokes looking for the same thing which means it's a waste of time for everyone.

Last girlfriend was 4 years ago.

I can't relate to anyone and I feel alienated from just about everyone

I like getting different opinions of how my dick tastes.

been single since june 2018.

broke up with first love forealsies, and fell into a pit of Depression; i then broke up in pretty bad fucking acne (7/10 bad) and that resulted in me not wanting to leave my house and socialize. recently got some sort of gel of benzoyl peroxide & antibiotic and that seems to be doing the trick in clearing my shit up.

once the gyms in my area open back up, I'm gonna go work out for 2 hours everyday like I was last spring; the girls will start approaching me again B)

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Women are a mix of Josef Stalin and a Monkey.


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>Why are you still single?

Because I put no effort into being in a relationship.

A voluntary incel is called a MGTOW, Man going their own way. Volcel (isn't an actual term by the way, you sound retarded) would stand for Voluntary Celibate, which just boils down to celibate and that means you don't have sex until marriage. Not that you choose not to date. Happy to educate you.

I just got out of a relationship. I've been speaking to a new girl now that wants a relationship with me bad but I dont really want anything like that now. In a relationship you should have something good to share or something positive to bring to the table. I'm a firm believer that you've gotta love yourself to love someone else...in the right way at least. I currently dont love myself nor do I feel that I have much of anything left that's good to share with anybody after that last relationship. It wouldnt be healthy.

Pussy pushups and crunches if you're ugly . I haven't worked out in a year and before this quarintine I could do alright

Yeah fuck off idiot.

I've only had sex once and it was with a drunk land whale

I'm hopeless. I've had rockets hit on me, but I pussed out.

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I could have married the woman of my dreams but instead I chose to make the people around me happy they would not accept her they didn't like her not I'm the one single wishing I would have made myself happy instead of others

The government is clamping down on all of our lives, and they have no time for those who need to adjust their souls. I think we're returning to a "you got it or you don't attitude slowly," like that scene in Barry Lyndon

"These men are the best. It's not a matter of if they are good at this or that, with them there is simply no question."

Or maybe Im just worried about the quarantine. It's getting worse and worse globally. Guess everyone won't know what'll happen in the event of worldwide rioting for internet/running water etc. There's a lot of time to think about it and I wish I was in class.

I don't know what I'm gonna do w my life. I don't have my own place, I can't afford it until I start figuring out work. Until I move out I'll start to get over my coping mechanisms I guess right? I could feel the mental walls going down and up from when I left home and when I came back. But there needs to be a human connection or my complexes will just follow me around. I just have school. And work. I'll take anything that isn't wage shit at this point, but school has a way of depressing the fuck out of me so I can't be very sociable or confident like you need to be in a work environment.

I guess some people get to make friends. But my school is private, and thoroughly homogenous. I don't even know if I have my own interests. Reading, punching things, runescape. Had a strange past for sure. So I guess I'm condemned to meeting strange people.

What if I put no effort into dating? Like literally none.

Because of my confidence at first. Was working on improving my self image, started to care more about my looks and was making major change. Things were going great.
Now that the virus hit I can't go out and socialize and fart around like I was just 3 weeks ago, so right now I'm gonna mainly blame the virus. It fucking sucks, makes me depressed being alone all the time again.

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I guess I'm not attractive enough
>Inb4 nigger

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not ugly by any means, actually, quite the contrary :^)

Yes, like I said you'd be a MGTOW. You choose not to waste time and energy on women and focus on yourself

Can't find hot gopnik girls in my area, mostly.

You're not unattractive, I'm sure there's a chocolate princess out there for you

Yeah I wouldn't label it but sure. I don't date or put any effort into dating.

You're alright, man. Just stick to your own race like humans were always supposed to do and you'll be fine.

Well you labeled yourself a Volcel and I was just correcting it because thats not a term that exists or makes sense

Ironically I'm generally not interested in black girls. Makes dating difficult I think.

I could probably do that if it weren't for the kid

Because I always blow it when she tries to have sex on the 4th or 5th date. I have a medically diagnosed micropenis and have to accept the fact that I'm never having sex and nobody will ever accept my body physically.\

I don't want anyone to see and I'll never be able to satisfy a woman physically so they're better off not dating me.

Dude. Go to a barber at some point, ask for a 2 or 3 on top and a medium skin fade. Do that and you'll be fine. You're not ugly. It just looks like you're sloppy

Then why you bitchmade

I think your talking to two different people. I guess MGTOW makes the most sense. I don't ask girls out, and I don't plan to.

Don't white girls like that fren?
I got approached more than anytime in my whole life while visiting Canada for two weeks. (I'm mexican but still applies).

Get a line up too.

Idk mate they aren't biting on tinder or bumble very much. And I never get approached in person here in the US east coast

From what I've noticed the only white girls that go for black dudes are trashy, not because they go for black dudes but they're just all around unpleasant people to be around, just something I notice, so yeah it would be difficult to find the right one. Maybe broaden your horizon

This was meant for you too:

Thanks nigger! I appreciate the crash course!
However, I'm a very sexual lover who believes that physical and mental appreciation is required for a healthy relationship. I have a way with words that I don't quite enjoy utilizing until I see real long-term potential with a partner. Therefore, I prefer to stay single and not sleep around. I kind of goofed on the last girl because I didn't like her family, but I still think it's reasonable to not want to marry into a trash family just for a single rough diamond. But she was psychic, so idk I prolly missed out.

Not me
Also not me, but checked

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>Go to a barber
Anyways I'm trying to grow out a large frow to try cornrows for the first time

The tism and I can't stand uggo's and that's all I attract I'd rather be depressed and mentally ill than repulsed by someone that "likes" me.

After one rape people might look the other way but after your third one begins to develop a reputation.

people always say 'use your fingers and mouth!' but legit 95% of women want a rough piping in the bedroom and the other 5% are legit lesbians.

I can lick/finger all day but some next guy is gonna come along with more than 1.5 inches and she's get an orgasm I can never give