Ask a black introvert anything

ask a black introvert anything.

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damn camera. why does it always rotate photos?

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are you black ?

are you an introvert?

How do blacks feel about the whole cuckold thing?

can we ask you anything?

How do you steal from people while staying inside?

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I find the concept of cuckolding cringy, and weird. I'd hate it if i was in one of those situations.
yup, I'll answer it if it's not a blatantly racist troll.

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i thought all back ppl were huge dick, athletes/musicians with special genes which make them super alfa? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!!

you've been watching too much TV user, we all aren't blessed with those traits (except the penis part, I'm happily blessed).

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Do u like more white woman or black woman ?
Like me I love more black woman

fake news (except dick part)

I'm a bit more appreciative of black women, but I like all races of women.

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How come blacks get way more mad at white people for dating their women than whites?

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in reference to black men dating white women, I can understand why it upsets us. it's because alot of black men like to date white women while putting down black women because they won't put up with their shit.

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Me too

But the people see weirdo the mix relationship

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what race do you hate the most? What would you replace them with?

nigga u crusty as fuck

Why are black?

Aww yeee where da white weman at?!?

what do your tits look like?

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it's acne.
not great, they still look like they're from a 14 year old chubby boy.

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Please go take a shower. You look like you stink.

I don't have an odor.

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please post your ass i am extremely enthralled black man ass please this isnt a trolll or a joke post i am 100% fucking serious please post your ass i need this

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Hey there Twomad

any show recommendations?

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Can I say the Bigger word?

sorry, I'm not really open to showing my butt on the internet.
I'd recommend Mr robot, Atlanta, snowfall, and better call Saul. they're call really good shows.

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Yeah bro

kill yourself nigger.


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what is your full opinion on the word nigger

who did you sell my bike to?

I don't really care much if it's said on the internet, but if It was directed to me irl it might make me confrontational.

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If nigger is racist and nigga inst then why do blacks get mad if someone else uses it? If its not racist then you shouldn't be offended if someone uses it


Are you lonely? Me too, bro :(

What is your 5 year plan starting right now? You do have a plan, don't you?

I don't really have a 5 year plan. my current goal is to get a ged so I can get a job, and move out.

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How long have you been procrastinating that goal?

Do you believe in the notion that blacks cannot be racist towards whites?

half a year, but u wouldn't call it procrastination. I don't have the necessary funds.
they most certainly can. racism isn't exclusive to race.

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still here

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Hi urkal why u don’t play sports

my name isn't urkal, and I don't play sports for 2 reasons. 1. I don't like sports at all
and 2. I have asthma.

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Which do you find more unpleasant?

1. People who are blatantly racist towards you.
2. People who try too hard to come off as not racist, and having a savior complex towards your race.

blatant racist are worst because they're most likely to shoot me.

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Better. I will ignore your threads if they're porn related thumbnails you faggot

You're much more likely to be shot by another black person. It's much more statistically relevant of a threat.

what? you don't like porn?

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more fat black ass

As the user who asked the question, I agree.

I still wouldn't feel safe around them. I live in the south where guns are given away like lollipops in a corner store.

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Dear god...I need sauce.

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more queens

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