it hurts bros.
my son is going to be born in less than a month and im two states away from where his mother lives currently and i just got laid off from work over corona. i have no savings. i dont think i will be there to watch him be born.
it hurts.
It hurts bros
Giving up drops your odds to zero
what should i do?
i have no car. i only have a bike. should i attempt a two state bike route?
One month and you are only two states away? Hitchhike your ass over there rn you deadbeat.
But srsly you can totally make it. Money or no money.
Make a piece of cardboard and attach it to your back while biking. Tell ppl you are trying to make it home. $10 says someone takes you at least part of the way.
A real man would find a way. You sorry fuck.
This will make for the dopest story to tell your kid.
Uncalled for
Yeah two states and ten days is totally possible esp with a bike.
Not really, OP already knew that he had to get his ass in gear but he's here complaining instead of pedaling.
If you can go work at Home Depot for a month and tel them you need just enough to move to the other state and then you gotta transfer
this is smart.
this is also a thinker.
you're a dickless faggot, probably a tranny, get out of my thread
thank you for the support.
im thinking i should attempt the bike ride. how much food and drink should i bring along probably?
Fuck that noise, panhandle for a bit and take a bus.
You people have never tried to get somewhere without a car before? Wtf is wrong with you people
Fuck you, you’re a fucking dead beat. Did you ‘just’ find out you were having a baby? Must have been quite the shock when this baby just showed up outta no where huh?
Just bring as much cash as you can. Bringing food is just extra weight. That cardboard sign is your meal ticket.
$3 at McDonald's per day will keep you from starving.
Look, some of us get so much poon we can't keep track of all the babies. IT IS JUST HARD TO BE GOOD LOOKING OK!
Seriously this. You're not trekking across the amazon. Hitchhike. Borrow bus fare.
okay. yeah thats right. dollar menu.
Google the distance and mark out the McDonald's on the way. Keep your phone charged at each one.
Which states are you going to/from OP?
The baby is being born in 2 months and you don’t even have money for a bus ticket? What about shit for the baby? Crib, strollers, car seats, changing table, nursery supplies, clothing, diapers, formula. This kid is doesn’t stand a chance.
yeah. i can also save a couple bucks and beg them for water cups
nevada to oregon
the mother already has that stuff with her
>nevada to oregon
Bruh. That's like 970 miles from Las Vegas to Portland. Take a fucking bus or you will die.
So all you had to do was show up, and you STILL fucked it up.
Average speed - indications
Beginner, short distance (say 10-15 miles): average speed 12 mph. Most cyclists can achieve 10-12 mph average very quickly with limited training. More experienced, short-medium distance
So if you are a madman you can do 10hr days for 10 days and make 1000 miles.
Sounds like a pipe dream tho.
greyhounds are like $150 though. i dont have that kind of cash right now.
Dude has a sugar mama for his baby, doesn't seem to be doing terrible compared to some parents I've seen.
ill probably try to push 16/17 hour days to see if i can clock in just under a week. ill only stop when i see cheap motels, $15 a night roach trap motels and shit
i believe in myself though. this is my only option.
You can totally beg for $150 before the baby is born. You only need to make $15 a day over your food.
true. if i get at least $15 a day i can have the cash in 10 days give or day a day.
i dont know the first thing about begging though. who and where?
Walmart sleeping bag is is $20. Get a tarp and burrito that shit. Instant bivy.
Totally ass but cheaper than a hotel.
We, seeing as you don't need to worry about work, go home to see him be born. Do you not have a car?
blame liberals of course.
or obama
or hillary
or china
you know. blame someone.
Cardboard on a visable median. Just don't get in a fight with a hobo over some turf, they might have a disease and bite you or something.
First image here, better make it a good one...
No. I work five minutes from the job i (used to have at this point because i got sacked today) have. ive worked there for three years now and i moved into my apartment because it was close. so i just ride my bike.
where would i sleep where the cops wouldnt pick my ass up?
Solid list im capping this to unironically post later lol ty
so, holding a sign out in front of circle K or something?
Yes the cops would harass you but as long as you aren't hurting anything they will let you go. And yes I would ask them for a ride. Hobos get rides from ambulances to hospitals in the next town by insisting they be taken to their desired ER.
Out behind a bush near a Walmart is ezpz if you wake up before the sun rises. If you are out of the way 99% of the time people won't bother you.
how would i ensure my bike wouldnt get stolen? could i lock the bike to myself somehow because i assume the behind of the walmart has no bike rack.
Anywhere popular will work. Cops can ask you to move along but it's not against the law to ask people for money.
Just make sure you aren't obstructing traffic or are somewhere unsafe, they can arrest you for being a danger to yourself or others in most states.
okay. ill try that but if it gets too close im gonna take my bike out.
While sleeping? That's the hobos greatest enemy. Most of them sleep during the day so that it's safer.
So this is tough if you are trying to panhandle at the same time because that's when people are awake. You need to panhandle at peak traffic hours during the morning and evening.
i cant believe im taking hobo tips from Yas Forums lol. this is my life.
i appreciate it though, thank you.
uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh would the drug store be a prime location for this hypothetically?
Honestly I'd just go ham asking for money and looking for aluminum cans all over.
LOOK I WANT TO STAY AT HOME BUT I NEED TO SEE MY NEW BABY! (or whatever makes people give you help)
give him back to God.
>i have no savings.
This is where you lost my sympathy. Everything else is sad and I feel for you. I’ve been through so many ups and downs and layoffs. My emergency fund has saved my ass time and again.
Yes. What are the two states? Been a warm winter.
I slept in my car for almost a year. I learned a lot from the internet about being homeless. I try to pass it on.
Walmart, target, Walgreens, anywhere that will let you. The key is to be friendly with whoever hassles you. If you get hostile people are going to kick you out. You won't be the first or the last person to beg wherever you go.
nevada to oregon
based. are you terry davis?
Fu, I had bank before my wife took it all. Running dry happens to the most prepared.
Not everyone has external help.
You're just being a faggot.
>terry davis
Omg my sides are in orbit. That has to be the weirdest compliment I've ever received. This made my day.
Idc, you called me Terry Davis. I'm the fucking king of b now.
this isnt me, fuck off
you are the king.
Move your ass it's your son