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Where do you live and how bad are you? sorry dog


Nah, I'm fighting fit.
My body will assimilate COVID-19 into my immune system, it will then allow me to attack people with my COVID-bolstered immune system whenever I want.

Must be fun to watch, as his body hosts an epic display of gladiatorial combat between COVID and AIDS

Washington state, sick as fuck it going on 7 day hating life.

I wish this thing had a higher kill rate

Just wait until this shit hits Africa, It will be a four front war between AIDS, COVID, Ebola, and Kony for body count

Maybe you shouldn't have licked that toilet seat, faggot

Hang on user

Popcorn time

So I understand you’ve got COVID-19, but mind telling us all what the fuck happened to your face? Did a bomb go off on it?

What does it feel like?

Ok, zoomer


The Corona Flu is a false flag to cause social destruction and bring down the world economy and to bring in Martial Law before it collapses to protect the banking cartel and the politicians who are behind it.

The banks will collapse and will need bailing out again and will be doing bail-ins by stealing money directly from peoples accounts, they also want to force everyone on to a digital currency that they will control and use to enslave everyone with.

Get your money out of every bank and financial institution there is, they are already using the corona flu as an excuse to restrict withdrawals and want to push people onto digital transactions and in the future will try and confiscate everyones money.

This is the New World Order they have been planning for the last century.

He got t-bagged real hard in Halo

You sound like Alex Jones.

You fucking libertarian strokeposter!

I'm on immunosuppressants for my MS... if I get it I'm fucked. Stay strong Yas Forumsro

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what did you just fucking call me?

haha youre gonna die

All behold the extra-virgin!

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Shut up, nigger

I know! I fucking blame Chyna for this shit

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I'll try soldier

Nothing you corpse-temperature-IQ dildochewer

Not YLYL, but still lost.

>not even on oxygen

I just got the news that my Uncle has just died from Covid-19.
There were no ventilators available to put him on.
If you’re not taking this seriously then you’re not paying attention.

Allergies, he has allergies.
And he is such a jew that he decided to go to the fucking hospital and increase his, now inevitable, viral load.

>guys! it's serious! people you don't care about who were already sick are dying!

Fucking cry me a river.

if it turns me into a myopic fag like you, I'll stay the fuck indoors.

>Washington State
>far left Democrat controlled state
>3rd highest number of Chinese virus infection and deaths in the nation
Eh, hope you feel better soon OP. But what did you expect would happen living in a leftist failed state?

Yes. All funny and lols till it happens to you or someone you know.
So edge of you

hey look! You took my advice and finally fixed the spelling from Marshall to Martial!

Now if you only applied your educational capacity to not being a literal retard, imagine the possibilities!

My mother works at a hospital, in patient scheduling.
Her bosses aren't taking this seriously, that is why they moved her from her old, safe workplace in a mall office to the fucking hospital.
God, I hate bureaucrats.

A bit of a retard aren’t you .
I hope you don’t get covid-19. I’d prefer you to die of a slow cancer.

If someone I knew was life-or-death sick anyway I'd be prepared for them passing away. I wouldn't force the entire fucking world to come to a complete halt just for them.

Sorry user

Trumptard spotted

We all die you stupid virgin.

Bitch, I used to work for a certain 3 letter acronym'd gub'ment agency

I'm also a believer in the mandela effect where JFK was murdered in a 2 row Lincoln Continental and then was shifted to an alternate reality where he was killed in a 3 row car and Jackie O killed her husband

Watch the video and explain how in the original history the state congressman was shot in the front passenger seat and now the magic bullet did or didnt hit anyone else?

I'm telling you right now this is an anomaly nothing other than random natural occurrence created

And as much as I h8 Trump, the current administration is making a decent effort in making sure US citizens can get by for the next 6 to 8 months

The US fucked up by turning their back on Bernie and putting a worse pedo as the front runner to dethrone Trump

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Thing is, I still find it hard not to joke about it, Humour has always been a fallback for me in stressful and depressing situations.

haha youre angry

>guy isn't a selfish cunt, must be a Trumptard

Nice logic.

>sniveling leftist incel detected
No one's fault but your since you voted in these inept, corrupt far left power hungry grifters. They mismanaged the China virus pandemic from the start.

0.01% will not make a difference

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What part of Washington?


Yes...I'm angry we all die.

Auto-correct sucks

>Bitch, I used to work for a certain 3 letter acronym'd gub'ment agency
is codeword for

Relaxing at home working from the couch, rough shit. Just because u cant clean toilets over the internet faggot

Sucks for your uncle. This is gonna be one of those things that everyone you know is gonna know someone who got sick and probably someone that died from it

No autocorrect on Yas Forums, phonephag

Fuck you and your hoax

Libertarian spotted!

>Pandemic hits
>World goes on lockdown
>Spend all day on tv, internet, vidya
>My life has not substantially changed

The southern states are gonna get get raped by it. Their shit healthcare infrastructure and poverty along with poor education and lack of social distancing is a recipe for disaster. Once nyc is done burning to the ground we will focus on boring parts of the country

>the sort of job you can do from home

I really pity you. Make sure you're working hard for the boss man. Are your timesheets filled out?

What part of Washington are you in?
Seattle? Lynnwood? Everett?
Tacoma? Renton? Please let us know!