>Americans think that $1200 is free money when it's just an advance of their tax return
>Americans don't seem to realize that Trump just added $2 trillion to the debt to bail out his billionaire friends
Americans think that $1200 is free money when it's just an advance of their tax return
Other urls found in this thread:
>foreigner mad he isnt getting money thread
>Foreigner don't seem to realize that the Senate and House drafted that bill and all Trump did is sign it.
We're not a monarchy. When it comes to creating laws, all the president can do is either sign or veto, and if it gets put back on his desk unrevised three times it goes into law even without his signature. Yes, Executive Orders have crept more into law-making territory in the last few decades, but this isn't one of those so you can't blame it on the President. Good or bad, Congress did this.
>it's just an advance of their tax return
*citation needed
Still reeling from Democrats plummeting to 18% approval this week after blocking the financial aid bill twice as Americans are dying and losing their homes & jobs, eh OP? I mean, you low IQ mentally unstable far left extremists are part of why Trump has 60% approval for his handling of the pandemic, while your beloved Democrats have their lowest approval in 5 decades.
Damn! Op just got bitch slapped! Fuckin KEK!!!!!
It means I’m able to invest that money instead of the USA.. of course I still have a job...
Read the bill
>Retarded drumfkin thinks this is a republican/Democrat issue
Cry more, comrade. Your beloved Chairman Xi appreciates your service to the PRC.
>doesn't realize monopoly money only makes the poor poorer
>is too poor to own anything
>"Biden still leads head-to-head race, poll finds"
You forgot about this part, Trumpcuck
Get corona'd, you waste of fucking flesh
Slurp my thick americano cock and ballsack, jealous europoor cuck
>advanced tax return
>added 2 mill in debt
You literally contradict yourself after posting two lines on an image board. How long until you kill yourself?
you seem upset.
That's rich coming from one of Trump's cult members
Yeah, the world needs less of you straight-up evil motherfuckers.
Retard alert
whatever man. not the same guy you were arguing with. just thought you seem upset
Business employs all the people who need to go back to work when all this is over. In addition, we are in a period of strong dollar value, the extreme of which is deflation. Printing money is a good hedge against deflation, and is a great way to jumpstart a halted economy. Thus isn't a left or right issue, it is econ 101.
Pretty much in the billing section 2
Also exactly how bushbuxx worked
It's not from our.return, but you're right
1.7 trillion to the elite, while his idiot supports cheer
Commie detected, seriously I’m all for freedom but isn’t it kinda unpatriotic to wear your terrorist headband garb and be a politician? Go back to your shit hole jihad homeland you fucking sand nigger or put on a pant suit you kike loving human shit stain
>"Trump now leads presumptive Democratic party nominee by more than 5 points in most must-win states"
That part of your link is the one that stands out most. Trump will sweep the electoral college and be re-elected with zero effort. The Democrats can only blame themselves.
She makes me so mad I wanna go assault the closest stupid brown Indian around me, watch I’ll got throw a cup of piss at a the stupid bitch at Dunkin’ Donuts those dumb Indian paki mutts never learn, we’ll atleast there not as bad as those slanty eyed fish headed dumb gookfucks
In the UK Employees who can't work because of the virus is getting their wage paid for them for at least 3 months up to £2,500 per month ($3,100) and can be extended if needed. This doesn't need to be paid back.
Also people who lost their jobs, and can't afford rent is having it paid for them as long as the virus continues so they don't become homeless and paying direct to landlords.
Can you say the same?
Yeah that's what I thought, enjoy your $1200 hope it brings you happiness. I will like to hear how things are next month when it runs out.
Stupid sand nigger bitch, who you get antraxed in your bin laden cunt
Pay your taxes. I’m applying for my business loans so I can keep your stupid Bernie voting ass employed even though I don’t agree with your political ideas.
I should just cut the unappreciative people such as yourself as trimmable fat.
Oh look its that guy again who cant tell the difference between liberals, communists and Muslims.
All that anger and unable to think, while he tries very very hard.
Just thought you seem stupid....
Grow your balls back you neofemaNazi shill cuckboi wannabe
Dividends were limited by this bill. These "bailouts" were needed because the USA completely shit these businesses down. These same businesses employ hundreds of millions of Americans. No sense in getting ronabux and not having stores open to buy things at. People used to know this kind of stuff
tryhard now samefags too
Yup. And no amount of hyperventilating adolescent leftist tantrums on Yas Forums will reverse the Democrats current 18 % approval. They need to spend the next few years of irrelevance rebuilding their party from the ground up so it can be a more competitive moderate entity on the national level.
No doubt about that.
I can tell the difference between a normal straight dude and the faggot you are.
FACT: you a bitch ass fag boi it’s proven by your gayness your response is nullified by your faggotry, you gay ass hat retard let me put it in terms you get: hurr durr in ur gay butt hur hurr durp fag
fuck you asshole
Picture of a fag blacc coc worship
Ok zoomer
Retard alert
That's it kid, be extra butty hurty tonight, your salt is falling out your spag pockets.
Enjoy being a basement dweller who can't get up the stairs due to the 600lbs of blubber.
Tax increase is already in the plans if Trump is elected Nov. You will be paying this money back 10 times over in the next 20 years. Lmao
Pull your butt plug out faggot. You'll feel better.
Sure kid
Bernie lost and will never be president.
no, but it is unpatriotic to be intolerant of other Americans' religious beliefs given that freedom of religion and speech is what this country was founded for
imagine being the guy that posted this
Yup. Plus he added tax exemptions for giant real estate faggots like himself. Poorfags are idiots.
haha wow user you sure epically owned that libtard. b&r my friend xD
Patriotism is for faggots and boomers. You ain't a boomer.
can I have source?
I love how fags are suddenly worried about catching a disease no the Corona-chan has arrived.
now that Corona chan*
Some of us realize it. We're being held hostage by the rest.
Kek. Bragging about 47% approval numbers.
implying i get a tax return.
i setup so i pay intentionally.
learn to troll better.
altho the 2 trillion in debt should matter, fiscal conservatism is death in the US, neither party cares anymore.
yet another reason to not vote major party.
I love how Republics oppose socialism unless it's in the form of bailouts for Wall Street and farmers.
vote libertarian instead
Fucking this.
Fuck your commie mudslime islamist curry nigger, I love America and and one that disagrees is a nigger fag
Imagine you being the spawn of a normie you retard
At least they're not giving it to the banks this time
I doubt your the biggest fag alive yet you chug cock and queers at unbelievable rates just like yo mommie taught you
>Americans don't seem to realize that Trump just added $2 trillion to the debt to bail out his billionaire friends
most of us do. It's just the red hat wearing retards in the red flyover states that fall for his bullshit.
Send back your money
It’s getting late son, finish up your chicken tendies and kiss your momma before she tastes like my nutsack
Lol, definitely doesn't own a business.
Hurrr durrr durp derp hurr.... my thoughts exactly you fag
Sure so. Run an MSP. 22 employees. Basically working to keep hospitals infrastructure up and running for remote visits.
>Retard still doesn't know
no u
Found the derp
Advances on your own money isn’t socialism
Derp alert