Is it ethical to order pizza during this crisis?

is it ethical to order pizza during this crisis?

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fatty has to eat so go for it

is pizza worth dying over?

if you said yes, jokingly or not, i feel sad for you to get that hooked on peasant food, fatty

i ate some pizza yesterday. its the drivers choice to delivery it if thats what you mean

Yes you're supporting a business and this workers. My local is doing contactless deliveries so what's the issue?

Yes it's fine, they have a policy to knock and leave it at the door now, well at least here int he uk anyway.

As long as they're working they need to make money. The ethics of it is mainly their employer's concern.

As long as you don't tip.

Serious answer here.
Yes. Order devilery for whatever meal you aren't making yourself if you can.

Have the delivering person leave it at your door and text you that it arrived, then go to get it after they leave.

This practice is very appreciated by everyone involved.

I have ordered pizza like 4 times since this became a crisis.
quit being a pussy... You are probibly a peasant aswell if you are here. most people with actual class dont know or care what this place is


I literally have done it 10 times in the past few weeks, did it again today.
It keeps the economy going and peoples paycheks going

>is pizza worth dying over?

is it ethical asking such a retarded question?

Domino’s pizza sends me alerts every fucking day to buy their pizza during this quarantine

That where i get my pizza from too. I turned those pesky alerts off though. those are cancer.

theres actually some solid research that shows that covid isnt transmitted on food, so if youre careful with the packaging and handoff your in the clear. thats why restaurants are allowed to stay open.

jesus christ that looks good.

now i'm hungry

trips of truth

i camed in my pants

only if you ask for the cutest delivery boy

one bite

everybody knows the rules

dubs confirms

>>virus mediums such as expelled droplets magically avoid food!

I don't understand why so many people here are fucking stupid. Yes it's fine to order pizza during this crisis. In fact, pizza is probably the safest thing you can order since pizzeria's bake their pizzas in oven that are 800 degrees F+ and that would kill any bacteria. I would just recommend that to be on the safe side you put the pizza on a tray and into your oven at 350F for maybe 10 minutes and ensure that the box is thrown out. Make sure you wash your hands after touching it too. The virus can live on cardboard for up to 5 days I believe. It varies between surfaces.

Sorry meant to say some pizzeria's do that, usually neapolitan ones. But regardsless most other places it's 500 degrees or more

you must not enjoy life very much

ontop of that u can just put it back in the oven for 10 minutes if u are that scared and get rid of the cardboard box in the meantime then wash ur hands.

you know that restaurants aren't closed because the virus being transmitted by food, don't you? i really hope you do

why are they closed?

because they are non-essential gathering places

I ordered Pizza Hut carry out last week. Stop being scared you faggots.

Only if it's cheese pizza.

Can you source that though?

i can't believe anyone would forego ordering a delicious pizza just because of some little "crisis"

only if you sniff it

I read that pizza caused the virus, so no. I call it revenge.

where can i order guano pizza?

Only if it has pineapple

had to get one

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are those anchovies?

don't order it from italy

yes i like them

virus not bacteria

Make your own instead for 1/5 the price and no corona virus

Not dominos, anything but dominos.

i went and picked up the pizza the shop is only 2 minutes away

There is no 'dangerous new virus', it's a fake crisis to cover up the real reasons behind the economy crash. Now order your pizza, you stupid fucking mongrel.

Ethical - yes
Hygenic - no

You don't like their thin crust? Not judging
user, to each their own!

When he gets to your house, be sure to offer him a nice gay blowjob as thanks for being out working!

I literally did this earlier this evening

Is it pizza to crisis orders?

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Crisis order ethical pizza?

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>i use literally a lot
>because twat

Yes , restaurants need your money right now . I work at Subway , and sales are way down right now. (Pic not related)

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Make your own pizza. Heres the latest one i made today :)

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This thread is more funny because dirty joke haha

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Wuhan market in China

Sick twisted fuck


Just throw in a sterilized individually wrapped roll of TP with your tip. They will remember.