Seriously what do you think the American public will do when Trump's failed response to the Coronavirus kills ten's of...

Seriously what do you think the American public will do when Trump's failed response to the Coronavirus kills ten's of thousands of people, if not more?

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I personally would suck a creamy log of shit out of Andy sixxs juicy asshole

How would have the turd sandwitch been any better?

Trump will say it’s somebody else’s fault, Obama and/or the Chinese, also fake news, and people will probably roll with it and re-elect him.

The virus will take care of it ...

lie down and take it. americans are too afraid and weak collectively to do anything,

Or you know, the majority of the country is fine with how he's running things? It's you and a minority group that kicking and crying like little children

We'll vote him into office again because fuck you.

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good thing dead people can't vote

You read my mind x

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>Seriously what do you think the American public will do when Trump's failed response to the Coronavirus kills ten's of thousands of people, if not more?
Re-elect him

We could use a good cleansing in this country to cleanse ourselves of the stupid. Real question is how much of our public will be left uneffected by this virus because the Democrats fought Trump every step of the way during these times of crisis?

Fuck off op you piece of shit

12000 people died during 2008-09 swine fly epidemic ..... Obama did nothing .... what are you talking about ?????TRUMP 2020

Over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy. This figure includes over 209,000 Allied casualties, with nearly 37,000 dead amongst the ground forces and a further 16,714 deaths amongst the Allied air forces.

Lol, you leftists keep praying. But, it ain't gonna happen. You people live in a world of delusion

in 7 day .... what Corona ?????

> Really
> Trump 2020
> Make them cry again

All Americans live in a world of delusion.

ok foreigner lol

>The American people will do as the media tells them. >The media will do as the kingmaker says.

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Run of the mill flu

>Fuck off

the retard spin

That was over a year.
In three months, the worldwide death toll for SARS-CoV-2 is 33,000.

They don't compare.


We're at 33,000 deaths in THREE MONTHS.

There will be calls for the president to resign, but Trump's voter base will not change, and the Republicans will still cover for his incompetence.

Probably elect him again. He’s running unopposed.



I'm going to laugh because it's his voters who think it's overblown and won't take care of themselves.

>post like a faggot

They will get the rest of us sick.

World, asshole

And yet they're the ones that think they're entitled to the ICU beds when they get really sick.

You mean like every country in Europe?


ABC News/Wash Post 3/22 - 3/25 845 RV 3.5 49 47 Biden +2
FOX News 3/21 - 3/24 1011 RV 3.0 49 40 Biden +9
Monmouth 3/18 - 2/22 754 RV 3.6 48 45 Biden +3
Emerson 3/18 - 3/19 1100 RV 2.9 53 47 Biden +6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 3/11 - 3/13 900 RV 3.3 52 43 Biden

Probably the same thing they did when Obama failed to act on H1N1: elect him for president again.

I want to go to a coronavirus party where there is this fat orange skinned Trumper bitch dancing to classic rock
getting everybody to grab her fat greasy drunken pussy

I personally hope that it hits America hard.

As someone who isn't American, but has seen the total disregard for the lives of others by US foreign policy, I have simply come to the belief that American lives should be worthless.

America for too long has been a terrorist nation, going into countries and blowing them to bits. It's goons raping people and covering up the facts.

American businesses have tried to spread Americanisation as an ideology, thus wrecking the cultures of many countries, and the lives of many people.

I welcome the virus effecting America. I want to see millions of Americans dead. But moreover, I welcome the total economic collapse of the US. Because there is no way you will recover this time. You were already struggling with the last recession you retards caused. And then Trump cut corporation tax to its lowest levels ever.

And with America down, having not helped in this crisis, the world will embrace the change to dispose of you and find a new way.

America is finished. And I am laughing while watching it burn.

>swine flu pandemic

>60.8 million cases,
>274,000 hospitalizations, and
>12,469 deaths

Did anyone blame obama ? nope.exe

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What is your point faggot? The pandemic is still just beginning and if you're denying how bad it is you're either completely fucking retarded or projecting because you're scared but don't want to admit it.

Quit being a faggot and take this seriously because it's the absolute scum of the Earth like you that cause good people to die.

If Trump can get U.S to #1 in the killed column, he get my vote in the next election.

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Well, all the liberals will be dead because it's only the big cities having problems, so, probably re-elect him.

You're wishing death upon innocent people you fucking smug fuck.
I'd beat your fucking ass
I'd beat your fucking ass to a fucking pulp

Your country will burn with them. Nobody is above this.

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Louisiana is the fastest growing region for cases you fucking stupid Trumphumping fucking faggot fuck shut the fuck up

12k people died in America. IN AMERICA not THE WHOLE WORLD. MILLIONS died of H1N1 IN THE WHOLE WORLD.

Volunteer then, Nancy

They'll rationalize it OP, like they always do.
>He didn't know in advance
>It's not his fault, it's China's Fault
>No other President had to deal with what he did; so what it's worth he did pretty well
>He was quick to respond and he's doing excellent, unlike those ungrateful Democrats
>It's not his fault, it's the Democrats Fault
>At least Hillary isn't President, she would have done worse

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Because he's about 12 years old he lives with mommy he has no real responsibilities he's glad that he gets to stay home from school and troll on the Internet and yell at niggers

You were told to shut the fuck up
flat earthing Trump cock sucking trolling faggot fuck

And millions will die of Coronavirus IN THE WHOLE WORLD. The US is already at 2,500 deaths and the infection rate is increasing exponentially because a bunch of dumb fucks aren't taking the situation seriously.

By the end of the year we will have surpassed Swine Flu. There's a fucking reason entire countries are shutting down.

He wanted to shutdown travel from china early in the pandemic, but democrats viewed this as political and racist of him, so he didn't.


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I have and I do, bitch. What have you done in your time? Jacked off to trap porn and shitposted on Yas Forums?

You can't reason with
mommy's basement dwellers mommy's basement dwellers mommy's basement mommy's basement mommy's basement dwellers

It isn't his fault that americans didn't take the precautions seriously

i'll tell you what i'm going to do: i'm voting for trump

Probably the same as when any other common illness does the same, or worse.

I just came to this thread, faggot. I haven't said fuck all about flat Earth. Stoopid bitch. 4 more years of

>There's a fucking reason entire countries are shutting down

It's called panic and mass hysteria. And I thought leftists were supposed to be educated. lol.

You are quite correct, the president which uses far too much spray on tan is incompetent, is a criminal, is a racist and has no business being in a position of power whatsoever in fact A variety of lawsuits will be brought against this former president once he is voted out of office and he will spend time in prison finally finally faggot finally Trump shit finally frog poster finally finally finally this presidency will see justice served against it

Since it appears that his approval rating is going up, I'd say they're going to reelect him. Why? Because we're fucking idiots.

It kind of is, he's been downplaying it since the beginning and his supporters are incapable of thinking for themselves.

> Trumps failed response

Like locking down the country while limiting to the shortest bear market in history?

So when are you losers gonna replace old man winter with Fredo? At the convention?

Trump is overstating Democratic opposition. None of the party’s congressional leaders and none of the Democratic candidates running for president have directly criticized that decision, though at least two Democrats hav

Mm, yeah, we'll see how that line of reasoning serves you by the end of 2020.

lmfao the majority isn't with him. the dumb ass literally said it's a liberal hoax lmfao. you must be one of those asswipes that supports him no matter how bad he does. does being that fucking stupid physically hurt your brain?

You are a flat earther who thinks you're feefees supersede known science. You are a stupid trumpshit and you were told to shut up