How do I get rid of the feeling of wanting to kill someone

How do I get rid of the feeling of wanting to kill someone.
I've been like this for many months and the feeling is very strong, I'm not going to do anything, I just need advice

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Just kill someone faggot

just kill yourself lmao

That's hot, would bite

a) get professional help before ending up behind bars for the rest of your days

b) get into boxing, mma or even a gym and let it all out

c) go to a shooting ring and imagine you're doing it to a real person

Make dubs threads.

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shooting range*


its a natural male emotion and 1000 years ago you probably would have killed by now. idk take up hunting?

Just add this chick on SC, she will do anything for anyone.
Shes the local area discount hoe, without any cost, she just love the attention

Do you feel like killing a specific person or just anyone in general?

Yeah what other dude said, do martial arts after corona. For now do some hard work outs


>c) go to a shooting ring and imagine you're doing it to a real person
that doesn't sound healthy..


An specific person

Who? And why?

You grow the fuck up you fucking child. Only low IQ apes leap to violence right away. Fuck you.

Have you tried killing the person? That might help

just dont do what tiger king did

pale weak reddit hands typed this. youll be the first strangled for your supplies in the collapse

get something like a stick or plates (cheap), something destructible, and go smash them

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A girl, she ruined a very important and long friendship that I had, in addition to slandering lies about me to all the people she knows.

Stomp a tranny to death or shoot up a synagogue

Nice pic user

Not yet, just thinking how ruin her live without getting in trouble.

dont get emotional with girls you'lll never win, use logic

Forgiveness is the best answer, but its not possible in all cases.

If you are in one of those you just have to allow yourself to let go of the anger. Not cause they deserve it. Its for your own peace of mind.

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I’m don’t get emotional with girls, I’m a girl, I just want to take out her fucking throat and watch her screaming, triying to survive while I’m killing her

>let people walk over you and ruin your social standings
ok ghandi

its easy kill someone you retard

stop being a retarded COOMER might help

>im a grill
post tits?

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Give in to it. Kill yourself.

Hatefuck her

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post tits

Ok coomer

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Nah, I’ll better masturbate while I sell her information to a rapist or something, suicide it’s just for stupid assholes that can’t do something to solve their problems

Dubs have spoken

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Karma is real. I had a similar situation with an ex. She ended up with like 6 kids in a marriage she wants to escape but the guy is wealthy and a control freak. Also, I realized that she is trash anyway and I can do much better.

TLDR let it sort itself out.

I’ll post this as a proof

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Dumb idiot

Ok Coomer

tits or male



it's real!!!!! post more you're so hottt

Thats a trap

I’ll don’t show nothing more, I’m not like that slut

I’m not :c

no one will ever know. youre not a slut if theres no societal reprecussions


so i guess shooting range and hunting wont apply to you, try meditation or hatefucking hookups from tinder?

a trap wouldnt have such beautiful hips

My gut feeling is to say "don't be a whiny faggot" but that isn't fair to gay people, because a lot of them are having fun and living their lives, not acting like sorry for themselve's turdburglers on the internet.

I’m actually into medication,
I’ll try to massive punch her in the face/head until she becomes unconscious


my guy brain just says confront her with the intent to punch. but idk. she will keep talking shit until she gets hit

ye, get off period first

Me fiance had to deal with my mental issues, I became an idiot and hurt her. She left with no contact to take time to heal.

I am working on not being that asshole anymore, but I am so confused if I should even take her back were she to give me the option.

Didn't satisfy me sexually and I feel her appearance was trashy (based on opinions from others, she's like a 2). I feel I can do better but I feel like if she gave me the option to come back it'd be the right thing to do and repair the siutaiton?

what does /b think, hijacking post kinda lmao But I became violent so I can advocate how stupid and pathetic someone in that situation is.

honestly op if you ever decide that you positively need to kill someone then at least do it to people humanity could do without, like pedophiles or heroin dealers

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please ma'am... i'm begging you... post more nudes.....


Thanks user ~

>I am working on not being that asshole anymore, but I am so confused if I should even take her back were she to give me the option.
>Didn't satisfy me sexually and I feel her appearance was trashy (based on opinions from others, she's like a 2). I feel I can do better but I feel like if she gave me the option to come back it'd be the right thing to do and repair the siutaiton?
>what does /b think, hijacking post kinda lmao But I became violent so I can advocate how stupid
leave her nigga


yeah, or join the army and be a grunt, fukkit

I’m not in that, dummy

well we're separate but I mean, if she came to ME wanting another chance together, I just leave it and look for something to satisfy me?

I didnt get violent for any reason because of her, became a substance abusing POS, i dont abuse drugs no mo.

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I’ll do it user !! “I’ll “

nigga yo brain fried.

this sounds like a good plan

Timestamp svp

yes. bow down to your coomer god.

not anymore, it was for awhile though

also op have you ever tried exercising these sensations through music? whenever im angry asf i listen to this on a loop and it genuinely helps a lot
idunno what your music taste is like but just loud angry shit like that usually does it for me

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Just do it it’s not really difficult and if will get the weight off your chest

Oh fuck, thank you so much

Get a cat scan of ur brain OP you might have a brain tumor. That marine (Charles Whitmann) in 1966 that shot up hell people in Texas university from the tower. They said it was due to the tumor pushing on certain parts of his brain causing mood swings and shit.. you might be the next active shooter yo... get to the doctor's bro