When will this orange piece of shit be removed?
When will this orange piece of shit be removed?
Rent Free
in 5 years
8 months
He'll probably get the virus around Easter, trying to prove to the US that it's safe to go out into public gatherings and get back to work. Or the world will just have to wait until the US elections when he gets absolutely and unequivocally destroyed by whatever aging idiot the democrats prop up there.
Blah blah, orange man bad, blah blah.
Sooner, if he get COVID-19
Covid will do what the GOP won't.
In 7 years.
He will run as VP for the next pres and he will abdicate.
If there's a God, Lyin' Donnie will end up dying of covid within the next few months
Ok boomer
>He can't win
>Its not rigged you're just losing
From your mouth to God's ears.
I hate to break it to you......
No, Jan 20, 2025
I was thinking the same shit about you?when are you going to stop being a snowflake and grow some balls pussay
>coronavirus 2020
Pick one.
Term limit isn't removed. He won't get removed
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
>inb4 retards think you're on the "muh other team" and start posting democuck memes
never, as he will walk out of the white house in 5 years as he welcomes in the next president, nikki haley
U rly that retard?
>Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Cool story bro, just don't have Trump Dick Sucking Syndrome either. Those that are mentally incapable of being skeptical of the president should be euthanized. He's not a God.
The divided and conquered gotta conditioning bro
Tribalism is a caveman mentality, makes sense why people with caveman brain would jump to it so quick.
wow, way to discredit cavemen faggot.
I'm sorry, which political party was claiming that there were 3-5 million illegal voters and didn't even come close to proving it?
To be fair, it's been indoctrinated in us since birth to be conditionally apart of the 2 party divide and sustain power system.
Only those who have a somewhat high level of IQ can see through it. Don't blame people for immediately jumping to a preconditioned conclusion that their own parents, media, and education instilled into them.
Not a thing, you whiny retard.
So you're saying trump supporters are basically retards?
Well, maybe people should stop being fucking stupid.
Retards are smarter.
>Highest approval ratings ever, including when he was elected.
>Is saving America
>Has done literally nothing the psycho TDS fanatics said he would do.
>Has made America better.
>Is actually leading in this time of crisis. Becoming more serious while the media and other politicians have become parodies of parodies.
You're a paid agent OP. My only question is, how can I get your job. I'm dead fucking serious. I need a decent gig.
Head so far in the sand you don't notice history repeats?
Same rhetoric same outcome
Stomp your feet and bash your hands on the table.
Honestly not suprised, same how I wont be suprised at the end of this year when he stays in office.
Don't worry you worthless, subhuman shilling faggot. We are going to.
The enemy Trump will be eradicated and we will erase his entire criminal administration down to the last braindead grifter.
After he serves office in 2020-2024 he will leave office
You think you're funny but you're just retarded. Kill yourself.
Well, you are great at posting misinformation and lies as facts, so I'd say you're shoein for the shill industry.
China lied, people died. Also Bernie will never be president.
in 2028
also, xi and I are very good friends, I like him a lot, he made my daughters chinese trademarks happen relatively quickly, and for that, he's my best friend.
Trips makes it true
fake approvals are desperate.
COVID-19 heavily affects red counties and old people. It's the GOP-killing virus.
Trump failed harder at the response to this than he has ever failed at anything in his worthless life.
Motherfucker is TOAST and will die in prison if Coronavirus doesn't get him first.
LoL no. Not even then.
The great boomer remover will turn the country blue, and the reds are oblivious to it.
Trump lied and is lying, Americans died and are dying.
>Your governor has to kiss my ring if you want ventilators
Got corona, dies, thats it, orange ape - hopefully!
>be anarchists
>mom dresses you to protest
>probably NEET
>guaranteed commie
>lives in basement
Holy shit, memes imitate reality.
smh I read that in his voice
For the sake of arguement, this is me appealing to the rational logical cognitive machine in your head, what happens if he is re-elected.
what is the next course of action what do you personally do.
>religious assholes continue support a man who embodies every sin and who has never gone to church
>Evangelical retards begin worshiping him and unironically call him god emperor
>God sends a literal fucking plague
Not totally related, but has anyone else noticed Biden has gone from a little bumbling, and it was funny to joke about him having dementia, to now where I haven't seen him hold it together for more than a minute and I'm actually kind of scared he actually has dementia.
My grandmother has it. At first she'd just say she's forgetting things. It was a joke. Ha ha. After a few years it's just a running joke. Then within a few months she just completely went downhill to the point she had to be supervised 24/7.
Are there any fucking Gen Xers/ Millenials worth a fuck that can run for Congress/ governor so we can eventually have presidential candidates whose impending deaths aren't even subject matter?