IN JANUARY, the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION send officials to china WITHOUT SAFETY EQUIPMENT to monitor the situation and then they took COMEMRCIAL FLIGHTS back home.

The US outbreak of Corona was caused by Trump.

and we only know because of a whistleblower.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Media did the same thing.

Did you care no.

We can no longer trust or vote for Trump.

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Maybe if you start a thread about it on Yas Forums every 15 minutes it will help.

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First thread, fuck off fag

He listened to WHO

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is under fire for remarks on Wednesday saying the “world was slow to react to the coronavirus” even though he previously praised China’s handling of the outbreak and WHO officials claimed in January the virus could not be passed by human-to-human contact.

First thread? Are you fucking kidding? You assholes have been burying Yas Forums in Trump threads for almost four years. Why don't you post this horse shit on ? You have a whole board for this with IDs so you can keep track of conversations.

Wasn't he supposed to do all that within his first 6 months of presidency? He's still trying to do a single thing that Obama accomplished in his first term.

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He denounced WHO in favor of the CDC, which he personally defunded

Fuck off cuck, learn how Yas Forums works

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Wrong - from Snopes

What's True

The Trump administration's proposed 2021 budget includes cuts to the CDC's activities related to chronic disease.
What's False

Congress hasn't approved the budget, so CDC funding in 2021 remains unclear.

>Fuck off cuck, learn how Yas Forums works
t. cancer who got here in 2016

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lol I bet you are the same faggot that comes to all these threads and screams 'go to Yas Forums!!!!'
kys dumb faggot

I'm sure he's somehow profiting from the CDCs arraigned failure. He usually does shady shit like that

The TDS is stronk with this one.

That is probably more than one person, you hotdog. People are tired of autistic political spammers.

>doesn't understand the concept of random

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50 threads per day (many with identical posts and responses) ≠ random.


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trump is a liar when he opens his mouth

go shout down the andy sixx or bbc threads if you are sick of spamming in between your visits to the trap spamming threads


Hardcore derangement

And Trump lives in your brain rent free for the past three years.


We're not talking about the proposed 2021 budget in which Trump is trying to further gouge the CDC


It's a palatial estate with all the empty space.

Andy Sixx and nigger / trap porn are nowhere near the level of cancer that Trump threads are. You people are worse than furries or bronies ever were.

trump-19 is a hoax by the democrats

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Oh, the irony.

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There are literally 20 categories of spamming threads continuously everyday but this one is the one that needs to stop

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This one is the most prolific.

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You mean this one doesn't align with your retarded political views?

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Settle down champ

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Did you just think that you could fucking fool me with that comment of yours? I've searched your name up in the Navy SEAL database and you have never even graduated BUD/S, hell, even served in the Armed Forces. If you were actually a Navy SEAL, then you actually know how to spell guerrilla, you fucking moron. And you say you are the top sniper in the entire US Armed Forces and have over 300 confirmed kills. If that were true, then why the fuck is Chris Kyle a household name and you aren't? And plus he only had 160 kills. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. Plus why the fuck would you say you have a secret network of spies yet you just revealed that you had your secret network of spies? Are you a fucking idiot? If you can kill someone seven-hundred different ways, then list them all, I bet you can't even come up with seven. And if you had access to the entire US Marine Corps arsenal, then why the fuck did you just say you were in the Navy SEALs earlier? If only you could have done your research prior to posting your little “clever” comment, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you goddamn idiot.

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let me tell you something you piece of fucking shit. I’m handsome as fuck and have a babyface that allows me to pull easy teen pussy because of it. You should see some of the tight little bodies I’ve fucked. I have a 7.5in dick and not a single girl I have ever banged has failed to text/call me for a bootycall late at night. I embrace any challenge I get from someone who tries to stand in my face and intimidate me with their height, because it’s pathetic. Low center of gravity, fast reflexes, and ridiculous core strength will allow me to either 1) quickly take you to the ground where I will stomp your fat face or 2) out last you with endurance because your shitty, overweight frame required to ground that extra height made you more tired. I make 85k a year as an mid-level engineering manager at Ford (I’m 23 btw, they will most likely promote me to upper management within the next 2-3 years). I fuck shit up in every single sport and would destroy any of you (minus basketball where skill/talent is substituted out for height). I’ve been compared to Messi in my soccer style. Quick dribbling and cutting in between every opponent in front of me. I scored 95 goals throughout my high school varsity soccer career. I made the varsity football team freshman year as starting runningback but soccer and football were the same season so I couldn’t dominate both. Sports I would destroy you at in order Soccer Football E-sports Baseball Endurance running Tennis Golf Footgolf Ping Pong others I know you. Ugly is a given. Probably curly hair. Tried to grow a beard but it was patchy and you were sad for awhile about that. Struggling to find a way to validate yourself you took to reminding everyone how you’re “Over 6 feet tall!”, as if that was some sort of cutoff for being a man. When in reality you’re just as pathetic as every other self-hating wannabe piece of shit out there, yet you have somehow convinced yourself you’ve won the genetic lottery.

That’s some shit ass photoshop

Ignore this newfag, he's lying.

I know that because I'm an MI6 operative with a licence to kill and unlimited resources from Q branch.

I find it funny that almost everyone that threatens someone on the internet is a navy seal sniper. The seals seem to have more snipers, with roughly 4 billion confirmed kills between them, than any other branch of the United States military has soldiers.

It's simple. If someone on the internet says that they're a navy seal and threatens you, they're lying.

Real special forces don't brag about it, post it on the internet, or use it as a threat.

Is autism contagious?

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Navy Seals are elite, self’controlled, disciplined, trained and educated professionals. They do not threaten or act like this because they do not have to in real life as they are special warfare warriors who allow their actions to do their talking… They do not act like “Rambo” individuals, but as TEAMS to accomplish a mission to the best of their abilities.

This was most likely not a Seal from the Teams, but an individual acting out, which does not negate the threat from someone. Try blocking the individual and if you feel threatened and unsafe, take the information to the authorities and make a statement. They can take the police report for record and possibly launch an investigation using the internet provider address.

Best to you.

You need to protect yourself from this guy as much as you need to protect yourself from any other 12 year old 6th grade punk ass with the keyboard balls.

This guy is nothing. A real seal wouldn’t have given you the ‘heads up’ about what his mission is going to be. Why would he? It would be like telling bin laden that they are on their way. He wouldn’t have been a target if he was informed!

Navy seals are professionals. I’m going to even go as far as say, there are probably not many on this internet, drama sites regardless. The ones I had on my ships (US Navy. Persian Gulf 91 and 92) were to themselves. They esentially spent every waking hour in the gym or eating! Not trolling to intimidate people. They don’t have time in their lives to play bullshit, childish internet games like this guy did!

He wouldn’t spend the time searching someone down across the states who said something that hurt his feelings on the internet anyway, especially since they don’t have weak feelings!!!

>Getting yourself worked up
"Lol don't get worked up bro"

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But in reality he just here for the Israeli like every politicians except he is even more involved

Did the guy also claim he has over 300 confirmed kills? Or that he can kill you in over seven hundred ways, just with his bare hands?

There’s a well known Internet meme known as the Navy Seal Copypasta, which contains a large number of hyperbolic statements. If you click the link provided above and scroll down, you’ll find what the person said.

I don’t know about the context, but if it took place in a comments board or Internet forum, it’s likely that they meant it in a light-hearted and ironic sense, and thought you’d be in on the joke.

Learn how to use Yas Forums

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You have to one up his lies with an even grander tale of bullshit. Let him know that you are an ex-KGB special interrogator who left behind the Russian intelligence agency after falling in love with your life as an MI6 double agent who would occasionally work with the DGSE to keep an eye on the FIS.

You put all this behind you and are now on the pay role of the CIA and since you don’t recognize him from your time in the Intelligence industry he must be a lair.

>blatantly shilling this hard for the CCP
Winnie the Pooh won't like you more just because you post this

Tell him you’re an army ranger who’s so deadly you spent 10 years in prison because a judge declared your body a deadly threat to society and that you have a unique set of skills…a very particular set of skills…and that you’ll find him, and when you do,…or just report him to Facebook/police. He’s a liar and a coward. The more people brag and talk shit, the less likely it is they are what they say they are. He’s probably 42 yrs old, 400lbs, and living in his moms basement playing Warcraft all day.

Took you long enough to reply. Finished with your autistic copypasta?

The guy is a phony, but could have (probably does have) mental health issues. Don’t make eye contact and back slowly away (metaphorically speaking, of course).

A real SEAL would never threaten a civilian (hello, court martial and years in military prison). As far as having access to US military spy resources over the internet, he has watched WAY too many movies. What is he going to do, reallocate resources to maintain visual contact on you 24/7? Sure, he has access to that and no one will notice.

Seriously, ghost the guy.

Better yet, report him to the local police. He has threatened you. If he threatened to kill you, that is a felony. At a minimum, he is now a person of interest.

trump is a joke to real Americans

>trump is a joke to real Americans
As much as that's true, still not as embarrassing as Bernie.

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