COVID19 is wrecking up some serious shit globally right now

COVID19 is wrecking up some serious shit globally right now.
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How ready are you right now?

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Other urls found in this thread: the covid 19 is fake

I don’t see your AR in this pic.

Threats over. Trump said go back to work.

Ready for what? Shits getting worse yes, but the Trump administration will sweep it under the rug in a week and reopen everything

Yep, it's going to be fake news come next week.

>you die before you get to use it all

Fucking idiot. What do you think is going to happen? Are you fucking 12?

Die of old age? It's a big stockpile but not that big.

>not opsec

lol k

Lol dumbass

enough toilet paper to last a decade, enough water to last a month

No one is savimg himself for this happening alone. And I say this being a prepper myself. Perpping will get you OUT of the shitshow in the first crucial moments when normies panic and are caught unpreppared and clueless about anything.
But in a SHTF long term scenario, prepping only gives you some startline advantage. Nobody can seal himself out of its times.
>pic very related

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My body is ready.

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>Threats over. Trump said fuck you and go risk your life so the stock market gains because thats all he cares about

How so? A lot of people have had it and recovered months ago. Even right now we have way more people recovering than deaths. Is is this really worth hurting the economy?

Are you not following the news? They're sending military officers to hotspots in this country. There's going to be a strict lockdown.

Are you not seeing what's happening in Italy right now?

Citation needed.

A lot of people in Italy don’t seem to care. So yeah I know, but look at the numbers these past 8 months instead of being a sheep and listening to the media.

It's just the flu bro we're only at 715,492 cases globally and by tomorrow who knows what the number will be, probably larger but whos counting?

Check your meds. You're a tad out there.

Respirator mask and extra cartridges from work so I can shop around outside the house, no problem. Water still works, Electricity's fine, the Grocery Stores will remain open - just like they are in Italy... So no, I didn't hoard a metric ass-ton of toilet paper and food.
You can still buy groceries, and if my TP runs out I suppose it's a good excuse to cut up some old shirts into rags or maybe just hang myself instead of blowing a hole in my head because I didn't run out and buy a fucking gun and ammunition at the first sign of the coronapocalypse.

Fucking hoarder. I hope you get diarrhea.

Now there i see enough toilet paper to shove it down your throat and suffocate

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if you need to leave your house in the next 6 months you done fucked up. the death rate is approaching 20% now.

Only the retards bought up all the toilet paper. Coronavirus doesn't make you have to shit more, so you're going to use a normal amount of TP during the quarantine.

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Where tf do you have a 20% death rate

It's because of idiots like you that there's no toilet paper left in stores.
Congrats, unless you have a family of 10, you've got a decade's worth of tp there.

i don't understand the tp + paper towel hoarding
it's fucking annoying to be a normal person who buys normal amounts of stuff and can't find some necessities for weeks on end because retards bought 20 years' worth

It's not actually that high. Not everyone will have symptoms, so it's impossible to track how many people actually die versus how many have it.

You would only be sick up to two weeks, you wouldn't need all this. Grocery stores have no reason to close because again if you get sick it's only two weeks. What a dumbass.

>Only the retards bought up all the toilet paper.
No, the retards are the ones WITHOUT toilet paper.

I think he's looking at the resolved cases. Out of all the resolved cases 82 percent have recovered and 18 percent have died.

virus is shed from your sick body even after 2 weeks, dumbass.

I had 12 rolls before this thing started. Now I have 11.
I think I'll be ok...


What's dumber, going out and buying 309 rolls of toilet paper because you panic or having 4 and using them like normal?

The former, clearly.

You just don't want to admit you made a zero IQ play.

What is wrong with you? You don't need that much TP.

See this:

Imagine thinking Toilet paper is a necessity

dont give a fuck anymore.

And what the fuck do you need all that paper for faggot? In a survival situation it is worthless

LOL HEB retard from texas. No wonder.

You're a retarded TP faggot

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Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya

He will die with a clean butt. That's all that matters amirite

You’re a fucking dweeb

isnt it weird how there are no conspiracy theories or claims its fake at all? does anyone know anybody in real life who has it or has died from it? enough of the fake news to establish a totalitarian regime worldwide and control you scared little sheep. IT. IS. ALL. FAKE.

If I told you I knew somebody who died from a confirmed covid-19 you wouldn't believe me would you? So what's the point.


>isnt it weird how there are no conspiracy theories or claims its fake at all?
what are you talking about i hear that shit all the time????????????????????

try and find something on youtube or twitter... try to google it being fake lol i don't buy into the bullshit.

People are saying that's a decade's worth of toilet paper, but after counting those packs that could last me a good 18 years. In 5 years when this is all past us, you're going to still have a lot of that taking up space.

Attached: 3u1932.jpg (888x499, 69.75K) the covid 19 is fake

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The virus is more likely to kill the elderly as they have weaker immune systems and preexisting conditions.

Italy has one of the highest median ages in the world.



sell purell infused adult diapers


>purell infused adult diapers
What, so old people and perverts can sterilize their hands while masturbating?

It's march 2020 user, nobody wants to catch covefe.