What's she doing now that people have moved on from the climate crisis meme?

What's she doing now that people have moved on from the climate crisis meme?

Attached: greta.jpg (4000x2250, 891.94K)

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Flicking her tender young bean to bbc

Coughing, if I had to guess. She's been diagnosed positive with COVID-19, unfortunately. Admitted to an ICU in Uppsala on 27 March.

Dunno. I'm guessing she's not being a petulant child and posting threads about strangers whom she obsesses over.

did you mean to type fortunately

It's a brutal disease, user. I can't wish it on anyone.

No, she just said she FEELS she has it. Just like she could SEE the Co2.

Brutal disease if you're 90 years old diabetic with heart condition.

what's this gay ass fee fees shit on my Yas Forums

It kills young people too you fool.
Even if you’re healthy it can leave you with lung damage.

Still going after that Nobel. Now she has college secured, she'll be quite for at least the next two years.

no one has moved on

>trumpers were never there

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>people have moved on

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With China and other businesses having been shut down for almost more than a month because of the corona virus, The earth has slightly fixed it’s self from the sudden decrease in pollution.

I wish newgrounds was still big there's be like 200 shitty flash games where you could punch her face or make her choke on CO2 emissions til she turned all green and bloated

I miss teh NG adult section.

Imagine typing this unironically

China ain’t shut down it’s back to full operations pumping out Corona Kira masks ventilators! China’s taking over!

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>What's she doing now that people have moved on from the climate crisis meme?

Remaining desperate for attention and claiming she had Covid-19 then listing symptoms of something clearly not Covid-19.

Attached: Greta Crotchberg.jpg (1024x682, 490.82K)

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Sitting around being retarded.

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Getting her hot, tight young little honeypot getting slammed

You're actually really cool, keep it up!

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>implying she would waste water by using a toilet and not squatting bare ass outside, shitting out a log while screaming about how wasteful modern toilets are.


>17 years old

That healthy vegan lifestyle.

>he's a tits guy

How embarrassing

>You did not fell for that shitty shoop right user?
Yeah shes a little underdeveloped, still cute.

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i didn't even mean her tits, she looks like a nine year old

tending a convenience store as a man

she's eating beans, farting in plastic shopping bags, and then tying the bags around her head.

i meant her looking like a child, not her face faggot

"Social distancing because of COVID-19 has temporarily decreased air pollution"

Climate change solved, thanks to Greta.
Next job … America.

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Are you implying Greta started COVID-19 herself? I think you’re on to something.

No, Greta is cancer. Covid-19 is a virus.

If it isn't porn I don't care.

Greta a cute ^_^

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>What's she doing now that people have moved on from the climate crisis meme?

Triggering the snowflakes on Yas Forums

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Dude wtf is up with that face

>What's she doing now that people have moved on from the climate crisis meme?

If you mean because everyone is focusing on corona, it's actually given her even more ammunition.

>pic very related.

Attached: corona.png (436x540, 183.82K)

The pictures her people release are usually softened up and filtered.

Then fuck off jew


I'd wreck her downie dookie hole

I want a pair of Greta’s soiled panties. I want a pair of Greta’s soiled panties so bad!!!

Well, vegans regularly shit themselves, so have fun with that.

Oh, she flipped out about maybe having corona and gave herself a psychosomatic illness. Then she got bored of it. She's never been tested.


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Now I REALLY want a pair!!!

I think it's worse than that. I suspect that her parents TOLD he that she likely had it and, being a potato, she believed it. Just as they wrote her speeches, have people work her social media, etc. It's like a vegan cat or a 4 year old "transgender". You KNOW someone else is making the calls.

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Bill Jorgensen says Greta should sell her soiled panties to raise money to fight climate change

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Benny Hill was great!

no idea who the fuck this is

probably staying inside like the rest of us

There’s no one betta then Greta!

ITT: losers

Stunningly beautiful !

Oh, yeah, I don't even think she operates that twitter, her dad does. We caught him logged in as her or something once already, I forget. He gave some elaborate excuse and the media pretended to believe him, of course. To me Greta mostly means Greta (Fictional Character)

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That's sick.

Yes!! She thinks she has Corona is autistic a woman and a minor! She has so much pittypoints and is pretty much untouchable! Shame she is white ist it.

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back to taking all the elites cocks most likely

They tend to fuck cute boys, not ugly boys.