So I'm looking at ways to commit suicide and I looked at this little cheap gun. Its 125 dollars...

so I'm looking at ways to commit suicide and I looked at this little cheap gun. Its 125 dollars, but I'm wondering if it will do the job well. I don't want to wake up in the hospital with a brain suture or anything. I just want the job done and fuck off from this planet.
But, I'm open for any cheaper guns out there. Where should I look, and which one has good killing power?

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get something with a shorter barrel. Why does the cost even matter? just buy anything

I don't know, in case I need to leave something for family or whatever, but yea you have a point.
What's the best gun to go out with then?

make your own gun, scratch matchheads for powder, use a metal slingshot round
have fun with your anhero

Get a KSG like the r9k kid.

first off, you need to watch more movies, second, the ATf aint gonna arrest you if you take a hack saw to your barrel, and it wont matter that you fucked up the chock cus its gonna be right next to your skull.

and 125 is about the price you'd pay for a 20 gauge new out of the box from wallmart, but you can find them for about a hundred bucks. 20 gauge will kill ya dead just as well as a 12 gauge.

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KSG? Looking...

a little 22 pistol angled towards your spinal cord through your temple should do the trick, cheap, effective brain scrambler

>wants to kill self
“Boy, I better not break the bank here”

Use credit faggot. Is it gonna matter once you paint your wall with your brains?

you'll be lucky if the ksg doesn't jam before you can get a shot off, buy a kimber, go out in style

If there will ever be a gun that will fail a suicide attempt and leave you alive with brain damage, it will be a .22 caliber. Is this a joke?

if you fuck up that angle you will skill of the skull and leave you to bleed out slowly. its not like they are that much cheaper than a single shot shotgun anyway.

Even suicidal people still can't imagine ceasing to exist.

thanks for the info, I'll check it out.
I don't know about that, I just want instant death, and a little pistol like that sounds both terrifying and not enough damage.

Broke faggot.
If you’re concerned about spending more than $125 cause you wanna “leave money for your family” you should just gang yourself.
Cheap. Effective. Robin Williams did it.

dont get a .22 pistol. its a meme that its a brain scrambler started from an old mafia book that boomers and fudd take as fact.

What are you saving money for??

gang? what's that?

hang. annon is a retard who cant type

you haven't been paying attention to the thread huh?

It's going to be extremely messy, you should not do it at all, someone will get traumatized cleaning it up, you should instead seek help for your problems and start a new life elsewhere if everything is beyond repair where you are. There's a whole world out there, filled with ideas and possibilities!

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a 12 gauge loaded with buckshot will ensure a swift death

although i urge you to reconsider your irreversible planned actions,
^ only 5 minutes user, it's not like it'll matter once your dead

hang. belt around neck in closet
shit might as well jerk off while doing it, best cum you'll never have

*hang. I’m on my phone and this damn autocorrect messes me up

any 9mm will do, if you want best suggestions go ask /k/. place muzzle in mouth aimed toward the lower base of your skull at the back.

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ah hanging, too slow and weird, guns where its at.
Nothing like instant death to get the job done, being terrified and all.

People that clean it up don’t get traumatized at all.
The family on the other hand...

yes it is

>gang yourself.
>Cheap. Effective. John McClane did it.

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9mm? alls you need is a 22. lr you chink faggot

you're funny user

If you can’t afford something more expensive then leaving money for your family obviously isn’t a concern, is it?

sure you are reddit le donald faggot
your next

read the thread you illiterate fuck

Yeah just shoot yourself in the head 3 times. Problem solved.

if you use a .22 to kys you really deserve to be in a coma. eat shit.

nah im good bitch boi... off to play vidya while you cucks die :))


Best option is a 12 gauge shotgun with 00 buck.


Don't do it if your parents are still alive. They love you, you can wait them out

Consider working two shitty jobs and saving up like 3k and going on a trip to Mexico or Southeast Asia or something first. You could find something great there that you aren't finding at home.

People who are willing to kill themselves aren't cowards, so roll the dice on something that might bear fruit before you decide to just cash out


Guns aren’t trustworthy. Just eat some bad crab, that should do the trick.

No thanks, my parents are evil and I'm basically stuck with them. I just want to end it, I had a childhood filled with holes. Whenever I had good times, the bad times would be 2x as much. I'm ready, and I feel that its best. I haven't achieved anything substantial. And it doesn't look like I will.
Funny? Liking instant not uncomfortable death is funny to you? I think its great, no discomfort etc.
True, I could go do that before suicide, see if there is something worthwhile afterall. But, the past never will change, but lets hope THIS TIME will be different, right, things will finally change? Nah, its not happening. Death will set me free.

kidders not knowing once a 22 enters the skull it will ricochet, unable to leave the skull. might as well blow your head off with a .357 to make sure of it, retard.

Yeah but shooting yourself 3 times gives you a 300% chances of success #science

Thanks for the info everybody.
I'll make use of it as I can.
Can't wait to leave forever.
Peace yall.

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>No thanks, my parents are evil and I'm basically stuck with them. I just want to end it, I had a childhood filled with holes. Whenever I had good times, the bad times would be 2x as much. I'm ready, and I feel that its best. I haven't achieved anything substantial. And it doesn't look like I will.

Just go, leave and never go back. Leave no contact information behind and block people on social media if they try to contact you.

I doubt there's physical barriers preventing you from leaving secretly at night, just wait for summer so you can sleep outside without freezing if you have to and then try to find a job that provides enough money for rent or something.

Start a new life elsewhere where you're not surrounded by painful people and painful memories. Make new neutral memories and later on even happy memories.

you sound like a larping 13 year old on facebook.

Electrocute yourself dumb cunt. 110v kinda sucks in the US. Go into your kitchen, find the GFCI outlet and use both live wires. Current is out of phase so you get 220v. Cheers!


I’m just trying to keep my buzz going and you’re really bumming me out dude

that that fudd lore and shove it back up your asshole m8. thats one of the biggest gun myths out there

I'm 26
Hey, maybe if I do it well enough, you'll kill yourself too. Eh, that doesn't sound right, but who cares I'll be gone.


So what's preventing you?


15 out of 7.7 billion people care about you user. Is it worth it?

my brotha, coming from one fella with a deathwish to one who is actively planning suicide, i really hope you don't do it.

Read the Bible, ironically, starting to believe in god is what made me start wanting to neck myself (heaven sounds dope, and earth is pozzed) but it really is good for the soul and mind.

My dad once told me about an idea he had to have an easy life,
be a trucker for a couple months (Real good pay) and save up money, then move to Bosnia, (or whatever country will make you happy. maybe looking into family history and checking out your homelands would be dope)
Maybe starting a business there, like a bar or club or whatever.
please brotha, you can always choose what your life is like, it doesn't have to be between shit or looking into a gun barrel.
i don't know, maybe i should mind my business but i love you brotha and I wouldn't be able to sleep if I just closed the tab and tried to forget about you.

My parents are controlling, they hurt me but at the same time they need me. If I try to leave they stop me and do anything they can to keep me around. I'm kind of that person who gets bullied a lot in the house. And I just can't handle it anymore. Being a punching bag has its limits and its time for me to move on the easiest way I can. I feel this is for the best because they will never allow me to do anything of that sort(one time I asked if I could take a vacation and they said they needed me to save money).
Stuff and bullshit like that, I'm 26 so its fine if I die, no one will care anyways.

Are your legs broken?

I get it man, I really do

But roll the dice on travel first, it changed my life

I was religious once until I started to hear alternate ideas and stuff. Now I'm not so sure anymore, kind of apart of the reason I want to die.
No, but they use a lot of emotional and mental control techniques to make you feel bad and make you feel like you are the reason you are terrible. They say things like, "You are miserable because you make your life miserable" and stuff, and its not easy to go live on your own. I'd rather just die on my own terms than deal with life after all the shit I've been through. Death is just easier and simpler.

Why try to save money on a gun if you're going to be dead anyways? Might as well spend everything you got on something powerful that will get the job done.

I don't know about that since some guns, even at high payrate, won't get the job done. I have to choose carefully and easily, something available with a strong shot.


Use a Red Ryder

>they hurt me but at the same time they need me

They have to manage without you because if you died, they'd be in the same situation.

Just walk away and don't look back, you can always return years later when your life has stabilized, leaving secretly is for you, not for them.

> I'm 26 so its fine if I die, no one will care anyways.

No it's not fine, that's the prime age for partying, starting a career, being sort of a grown up etc. but you're being kept a prisoner emotionally by other people.

Just sneak away at night and never look back, there will be no consequenses...

Might not kill you, but it’ll give you a gnarly blister

OP, Try to stay alive. Life is short. However, if you cannot take it anymore , try taking some sort of pill so your last afterlife thought isnt a 12 gauge barrel pointing at your skull. Dont kill yourself.

You say that sneaking away is so easy?
What about all my shit I left in the house?
If I do decide to do this, where will I go to find a job?
You think they won't be looking for me too? I mean, I could move to another state or city, but I wouldn't know what to do in uncharted territory.
You've gotta admit, that's fucking metal and very easy to get the job done. One pull of the trigger and I'm dead and that's it.

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if you gave a shit about your family you wouldnt kill yourself. you selfish cunt bag

Doesn’t sound metal. It sounds expensive. Don’t be contradictory here

Well, your right, I don't appreciate my family. They cause me a lot of headache for the simplest things. But, I thank you, I'm about to order the gun. It'll be great.

> Dont kill yourself.

Said every fucker to someone who ate a bullet.