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Early thread for you
oh, welcome raptor
yeah it is, woke up around half an hour ago
how's yous
It's going ok, was playing a game and forgot about the thread tbh.
going to have some lunch n such so I'll be about now.
how's your day going?
>It's going ok, was playing a game and forgot about the thread tbh.
that alright, if you got something else to do you should do it, there's no hard feelings
>going to have some lunch n such so I'll be about now.
alright, cool, how's your day going?
day has just begun, continuing the lion king from last night, stopped it almost halfway since i kept dozing off, i was supposed to get back to work today, but due to the virus its closed since its a non essential service, i should be getting a message towards the evening on what will happen, think i'm going to be out of work for atleast another week or 3, until my country figures it out, but who knows
by the way, mind if i ask what game were you playing?
Nice early one tonight
early for me, pretty late for you
how are you doing, doggobro
At work, about to actually start working. I'll be off and on until I'm done.
>At work, about to actually start working. I'll be off and on until I'm done.
ah, alrighty, have fun!
>something else
I've nothing else at thgis moment.
>day going
well enough, just chilling mostly, got some work done around the house and now it's just time to chill basically.
Escape from Tarkov is the game in question today.
>I've nothing else at thgis moment.
fair enough
>well enough, just chilling mostly, got some work done around the house and now it's just time to chill basically.
that's good, there's been stuff around the house i've been meaning to do as well, might do it today if i want to keep myself busy for a few hours
>Escape from Tarkov is the game in question today.
i've mostly heard about it, but i don't really get into most shooters, say, heard about rimworld or factorio?
>might do it today
It's always preferable to have it done.
that's fine, It's a pretty unique title.
yeah I've got both, Factorio is a favourite of mine.
>yeah I've got both, Factorio is a favourite of mine.
oh shit now we're talking, rimworld is pretty hard, never really got to fully finish it, and i'm sad with the way tynan kind of deals with it, but overall i enjoyed it vastly, the multiplayer mod is also coming along nicely, if the game has mod support it gains a point in my book
factorio is a different kind of pleasure, though towards the end of the game it really makes you multiply what you do by 3, still a 10/10
Dog fucker
yeah but that's when you get drones and complex train networks and intense delivery systems.
>yeah but that's when you get drones and complex train networks and intense delivery systems.
that's true, drones are great, never really understood the train system too much, i mean once it got to traffic lights and intersections that's where i had some trouble
but the main thing i'm talking about is the line where the whole process scales up, suddenly you got to think of ways to have more lines of conveyor belts to move the products around, you got to set up several mining rigs and move them a few days later when all the materials are exhausted, things in that sort of category, but i guess i just haven't thought up enough about it enough, i'm currently on a long break from it but i can't wait for my next run of the game
Ugly fucking hyena
Once you get how the signals work it becomes much easier to make the complex networks you want and need in factorio
Thank God for md5.
damn this is a really well made video, gonna look at it now but i'm gonna save it and rewatch it before i start playing, just to refresh my memory
also, just noticed she connected 2 trains at the front, is that a thing?
yeah, you can have as many trains stacked as you want, but going more than 3 is a bit redundant.
especially depends on how many carts you have, I'm unsure what the number is for when you want 2 trans or more, I think generally speaking 2 carts to 1 train for max efficiency and speed but I'm uncertain.
never really thought of doing that, that's great, i'll do it in my next run
There's obviously no requirement, you can have 2 1 2 if you want of 5 1 or other ridiculous stuffs as well.
but yeah 2 carts to 1 train should be your usual go to.
You can also power them with rocket fuel and solid fuel.
>You can also power them with rocket fuel and solid fuel.
yeah that i knew about, i know the fuel affects the speed aswell, i also know about the systems that utilize vehicles as storage
IT's a great game honestly.
finished the lion king, only thing i can say is "rip"
The Remake?
Yeah... it even looked like it'd be massively disappointing in the trailers.
On break, storms are about to get crazy here, possibly tornados
thanks for the bump
oh boy, got a shelter at your work place?
No but we got a hole, like actually a giant ass hole inside. I'll send a picture in the chat sometime, it's kinda funny, but weird
good morning gentlemen, does anybody know who is her?
and that provides protection?, haha alright, if it works
saw that thread before
Yeah it has another purpose but it works really well for that too. I'll explain it sometime.
I'll bbl
whats up
quiet tonight
>I'll bbl
okay raptor, thanks for all the bumps my guy
hey guys!
how are you?
I just woke up, I'm still at my friends place. feeling a bit groggy but we had a good time.
>how are you?
i am alright rita my boy, good to see you
>I just woke up, I'm still at my friends place. feeling a bit groggy but we had a good time.
glad you had a good time, remember to stay hydrated!
>remember to stay hydrated!
yep, I'm working on that. We want to go out later and grab some greek food. I think I'll order some bifteki with french fries
never heard of it, but it looks good on google images
welcome back raptie
Saw a snake, not uncommon, what is uncommon, at least for me, is how quickly it ran away once it saw me.
there was this moment of pause where I guess it was kinda shocked, then it bolted.
odd encounter.
that's the advantage of a multicultural society, you get to learn a lot of tasty stuff from others
Short break again, gonna eat and get back to work
>Saw a snake, not uncommon, what is uncommon, at least for me, is how quickly it ran away once it saw me.
yikes, i know most snakes aren't harmful to humans, but its pretty unsettling to just see one, regardless of its status
that's true
i really like this photo, it really captures all the emotions this doggo is having
>most aren't harmful to humans
lmao, if you're not where I am, sure, that's true on just about every other continent.