What is your favorite game of all time?

What is your favorite game of all time?

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Destroy all humans for old game, mass effect for new games. Killing floor for multiplayer

Knights 1

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Great taste op. Mine is the original Paper Mario

Dank Souls

Playing pin the knife on a tranny

Gotta say kerbal space program, learning curve steeper than a cliff, but it's fun as hell.

I never got past the learning curve, should probably try it again. How long does it take to get fun user


When you know what you're doing

One of the best in the series, fuck the oldfags who call it one of the worst games ever.

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Rogue-likes are the superior form of videogames.

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Interesting. My favourite is Super mario RPG: Legend of the seven stars. Which was a super nintendo paper mario Pre-lude. Paper mario is at the same level though.

this is up there

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Anno 1602AD.... Gotta give those bitchy aristocrats their fucking wine and tobacco even when there is no suitable land to grow it on???? Fucking whiny bitches

The trilogy on the Wii is incredible. So fun with the motion controls

Classic Wow to not go insane during quarentine

Far Cry 3

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rogue likes iterate on rogue, not this nu-roguelike rng bullshite

Yeah I completely agree. I'm not a huge motion controls fan but they nailed it. Really feels like you're samus

maybe a bit stereotypical but it totally blew my 10 year old mind and still holds up well

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I like Seven Stars more than the Paper Mario series. It was also the one Squaresoft jrpg where they had a solid execution throughout the entire game experience.

FF4 kind of drags after a certain point.
FF5's main villain is a fucking tree.
FF6 starts out strong and I like the concept of the world of ruin but Kefka held everything together and he's cooped up in his tower.
FF7 was cool, but monster Sephiroth was weird and unnecessary.
FF8 is trash except for the card game.
FF9 starts out really strong, starts to fall off a cliff around the outer continent, and then out of literally nowhere necron appears.
FF10 was so fucking close and then Yu Yevon is inserted into the plot as a completely unnecessary addendum to the Jecht fight which is what the game has been building up to the entire time.

Seven Stars? None of that. Solid experience the whole way through.

I suppose. Not much difference, though.

Based same. Thousand year door is super, super close, but I was at the perfect age for the original paper mario. Perfect amount of comfiness.

Second favorite for sure. I remember renting it, barely getting past the deku tree, not knowing what the hell I was doing.

Rented it again, got all 3 jewels, and it blew my fucking mind when it was the start of the game, not the end.

So then I finally got it and never looked back.

Impressionable games on my psyche contenders:
>warcraft 2
>quake 2
>warcraft 3, especially battlenet custom maps
>legend of dragoon
>WoW (classic to WotLK)
>super mario sunshine
>Wind Waker
>star phantasy online
>pokemon gold and silver

Bonus FFT:
Really cool start. Loses it's way by the start of the third chapter. FFT was at it's strongest when you were fighting against real humans with viewpoints grounded in reality.
Demons is just... I mean it's too on the nose that demons are the bad guys.

>FF4 kind of drags after a certain point.
as my favorite of the early FFs how dare you

>FF5's main villain is a fucking tree.
No lie I don't even remember FF5

>FF6 starts out strong and I like the concept of the world of ruin but Kefka held everything together and he's cooped up in his tower.
Kefka was probs my favorite villian

>FF7 was cool, but monster Sephiroth was weird and unnecessary.
wat, I disagree. Jehovas phat ass was the least necessary for me, but I get it. The rest of FF7 will always be a masterpiece for me, especially
>the music
>the background
>the honeybee inn

>FF8 is trash except for the card game.
I want to disagree with you so bad but I can't. I did play that game for goddamn hours. Most addictive before gwent came along.
Fuck the scaling difficulty.

>FF9 starts out really strong, starts to fall off a cliff around the outer continent, and then out of literally nowhere necron appears.
Only one I haven't played (I'm terrible)

>FF10 was so fucking close and then Yu Yevon is inserted into the plot as a completely unnecessary addendum to the Jecht fight which is what the game has been building up to the entire time.

Disagree to an extent; yu yevon was kinda outta nowhere, but the story left room for it to happen. But fuck if that cringe love story didn't bring a tear to my eye.

>Seven Stars? None of that. Solid experience the whole way through.

Can't disagree.

I really liked Legend of Dragoon as a kid. I still really like the first disc today. The problems though start to compound on themselves.

A manhunt after a civil war is less thrilling. Albert just can't fill Lavitz's shoes. Lloyd's side-chick appears out of nowhere when she really should've been introduced in the first disc and makes for a less than interesting climax of the second disc. Shana might've been a benchwarmer, but there was literally no reason to replace her with Miranda and really late in the story to do that. The Black Monster twist was neat. Dart's father being a twist was neat. The final boss was trite with all the usual tropes.

>Albert just can't fill Lavitz's shoes

really my biggest gripe
It made lavitz's death all the more harrowing, but he was my favorite of the party and it was a little deflated after that.

FF4: It's my favorite too of the 2D FFs. I'm going to chalk up most of it due to it being my first FF ever, and there's just some amount of nostalgia that's always going to keep it close to my heart. But, yeah, I do think it drags a bit and I think it's mostly to do with Cecil. I mean he completes the entirety of his character arc the second he becomes a paladin and that's at like what? Just before the halfway point? Tellah and Yang's sacrifices help keep the pace... but... eh.

FF6: Definitely. Kefka was the most solid antagonist. And he won.

FF7: Jenovah's weird. Jenovah is basically John Carpenter's The Thing, and that's cool. The devastation it wrought was cool. You just never get to really deal with it though because Sephiroth is basically controlling it the entire game.
Yeah, I agree it could've been written out or just stuck in the lore around the game and left it at that.
I just don't think Sephiroth had to turn into a monster. I thought his appearance in Cloud's mind/soul at that omnislash scene was far more powerful.

FF8: It's still a FF so that's got to count for something.

FF9: It's definitely worth playing.

FF10: Yeah, there was enough room for Yu Yevon. I just don't think a whole separate fight where you can't die and have to cycle through the other aeons were necessary. It's padding the climax for no reason.

I mean it was brilliant. They make you fall in love with Lavitz and of course that makes his death all the more powerful. It's just now you've set the bar this high and I never really get back up there again over the course of the rest of the game.

IX is the best imo. Ive played 6 through 13 and none of them come close to IX for me.

Persona 5.

It told a story that I will never forget, it introduced me to the concept of jrpgs, and made me fall in love with every character.
if you havent played it, the fuck are you doing

This. Search Koop on YT.

will it make sense if you've never played the others?

the games aren't connected in the slightest, you have to play it.

however, the remake is coming out very soon, i suggest buying that one. it will have a very different story, but it'll have much better graphics

I’ve been thinking about getting wc3 reforged but I saw that people don’t like it?

Very much difference. Compare TBOI to say, TOME. Nothing alike.


also I'll never feel the pain of loss ever again.

"oh, such and such that the developers expertly crafted us to love has just died a tear-jerking death? yeah sad I guess, but its no Lavitz"

Either mirrors edge, dirt rally 2.0 or warthunder

No idea about re-released games, I'm talking about when W3 just came out. Back before blizzard became the shitty company it is today. Before WoW existed. Don't know how it translates to today, just at the time of release it was fantastic, and the custom maps led to some of the best damn games ever (TD games were born in E3, obviously the MOBA games were originally born there, DBZ games, escape from X games where you have to run through a maze of death traps- so many damn game concepts came from custom maps)

My nigga

That's tough. I think it would be Super Mario Sunshine...just barely.



Gonna go play some doom now

I loved custom games. I tried playing wc3 again very recently, before reforged came out. Barely anyone playing anymore so I only want to get reforged if there’s a solid player base

Mauls, castle fight, gladiators, footies and helms deep were the best

> gladiators, footies

Aight you have me

Fuck you, FBI.

Beyond improved graphics WC3 Reforged is in all ways subpar. That's not the dealbreaker though. The dealbreaker is shitty policies. Activision is still salty about DOTA taking off and DOTA was born in the WC3 custom maps. So now there's a new clause in the EULA that any custom maps you make in Reforged are automatically branded as Blizzard/Activision's property. On top of that you can no longer play the original WC3 as the game auto deletes itself and installs Reforged so anyone unhappy with Reforged can go fuck themselves as far as Blizzard/Activision was concerned. When people were refunding enmass, Blizzard/Activision denied them refunds on the basis of "too much time played" but that caused such a backlash that they eventually allowed people to just refund no questions asked.

It's a clusterfuck.
Basically Blizzard is the new Nissan. A once great company that produced quality products until fuckery happened and you always wait until all the suckers buy their shit and then see if people experience problems before you even think about buying.

Wait. So I can’t play the original wc3 even though it’s installed on my computer?

That's what my bro said. Haven't touched Blizzard stuff since WotLK.

As long as you gotta log into Battle.net to play it's going to delete itself and auto install Reforged.

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Isn't the main difference between rogue-like and rogue-lite is that like has permadeath, and lite doesn't?

Does that mean I get reforged for free?

That clause is kinda lame, but what are the odds that another Dota was gonna happen? It’s not really that important to me personally. Greedy, but as long as the custom games are there that’s what matters to me.

Yeah. If you already have the old version installed you'll get Reforged for free. Or rather you'll get it just on the off chance you make the next big thing since DOTA.

The reception to Reforged has been... mediocre. Bro hasn't been playing and he was die hard blizz fanboy.
Dunno about the state of custom games but I think blizz created a lot of bad blood.

anybody for this gem?

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Got introduced to the game by the OST, the game is pretty good, nothing mind blowing but I only played it this year and didn't grow up with the SNES so. I see why people hold this game so close

For me it's a toss up between:

Dark Souls
Final Fantasy X
Thief 2
Hitman: Blood Money
Witcher 3

I liked it!
Wish more jrpgs gave the main character more than just a sword

Streets of Rage 3, Resident Evil 2, Shenmue

actually I should post this since not as many ppl seem to have played it and it is easily to play on emulator

one of my GOATs, hard to pick just one

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I like everything about that game except for the story.