Hey Yas Forums, I have a belly button fetish. Because I'm bored as fuck, ask me anything, preferably about my fetish
Hey Yas Forums, I have a belly button fetish. Because I'm bored as fuck, ask me anything, preferably about my fetish
Do you remember the OBF?
I'm a bit too young to remember it, but I've heard stories about it. Wish I had access to an archive
Gonna post a few more pics while waiting for questions
Do you just like pictures of belly buttons, or do you like to do things to them during sex?
Too bad, friend. It was heaven on earth.
What's your favourite belly button?
Pic related: One of my faves is Aya Beshen of Hegre Art
ever cum in a belly button?
(I have, it's great)
I WOULD like to do things to them during sex, BUT am autistic virgin, so I'm forced to only appreciate pics & vids. Shit gets stale tbh
I don't really have a single favorite belly button, so long as it's not an outie, then we're good
here, no OP
I like looking at them, and mutually fingering or licking them during sex.
Pic very related
Have not, am still virgin.
I haven't either..
Another question: What's your favourite video?
Pic related: Ticklish Dawn on Pornhub
is a navel piercing the true mark of a whore?
How exactly does that type of fetish work, like what would you do. Here's some OC for you
Thought I was the only one, good on you brother
Not OP, but I would tickle, finger and lick that belly button. Maybe play with the piercing a bit.
Oh, there are so many out there, I don't really have a favorite, since it's so hard to pick just one
Not necessarily
How many of us are there here?
Say your country/state.
Australia here
Thanks bruh
Am OP, definitely would
US (Mass)
Lol what's obf?
tbh, most of us don't like piercings. Some do though.
Official Belly button Forum
Back before the social media titans rose, small, niche forums were all over the internet, and the most notable one for belly button fetishists was OBF. Nowadays, the largest forum for belly buttons is reddit's r/bellybuttons, and in recent years it's become more of a GoneWild-style amateur self-post sub rather than what OBF was
OP here, I'm the minority that loves them. Don't like 'em? Take 'em out. Simple as that
It was the biggest site for this fetish. Had about 6,000 or 7,000 members at its peak.
When Covid-19 is over, I'd recommend renting suitable female company by the hour, if it is legal where you are.
Hahah shit, that's exactly how I feel about r/bellybuttons too.
You assume I didn't dump a majority of my meager college student savings into stonks before the crash
I'm glad to find a fellow bb fan on here.
you don't see them much nowadays but I like the ones pieced with a proper ring, as opposed to studs
Yeah, there are much smaller subs like r/bellybuttonfetish and r/bellybuttonfingering that SORTA keep the original vision for r/bellybuttons alive, so there's that
Yeah, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, chief.
Barbell > CBR
Get a streetwhore, much cheaper
Didn't know about those, and I thought I'd seen everything.
Thank you!
You assume I know where to find disease-free cheapass streetwhores with belly button piercings in my small town of
*finger guns*
ah, I understand your predicament
Being on campus in a city 11x the size of my town helped, but beer flu shut everything down.
Fuck me sideways
One of the most beautiful Asian belly buttons I've ever seen
FWIW, I'm reliant on hourly rentals for this sort of thing, and that has stopped due to the Kung Flu also. The day restrictions are off, I'm straight back to the red light zone.
Yeah, but I don't make enough to sustain hookers, and quarantine isn't doing me any favors on that front
What do you think about my belly button piercing?
cute pic but can you prove yourself?
maybe a closer shot of your bellybutton and piercing?
that is unfortunate user. hopefully you can afford to do it from time to time once quarantine is over.
Eh, would rather get a gf with a belly button piercing than pay someone to care about me
Why would anyone WANT to dye their pubes?
Thanks for trying with him anyway.
More god-tier Asian bb
How's this?