Imagine living in the USA while the coronavirus pandemic is raging. God I'm glad I live in a 1st world country where the medical treatment is free.
Imagine living in the USA while the coronavirus pandemic is raging...
What did the man teach it's child. THis information is.... to take how many. My child should only consider one. I don't like the sinning going on here.
It’s not free Per se where I live(Canada).. but I do Like being able to walk into any hospital in Canada and get served without having to instantly pay. I’ve heard that there is insurance companies that are refusing care because of loopholes in a corrupt system.
I love dense people. Even free health care systems will be over run by this virus. No system on this planet is prepared for the numbers that are coming.
Never had to pay on spot for a hospital visit in the US before
Many do... I love how selfish Americuck’s are..
Most hospitals just bill you. Payment plans are common. Private owned, small walk in clinics often want payments upfront, but they really aren't hospitals.
No they don't you ignorant shit.
Not the point. Sane countries can coordinate treatment much more readily (no billing, insurance provider, pay upfront horseshit) because they already have a national system, and people don't have to be afraid to get tested or treated because of cost--which leads to more contagion and sickness.
Free health care just means longer wait times in a normal hospital God forbid you need to see a specialist you're queued up for a few months to see said specialist.... So in other words if you went cause of this virus have fun sitting around waiting thru the 100s of others there
Paying 8000$ only when you are sick
>bad and expensive!
Paying 900$/month 11000$/year whenever you are sick or healthy and paying another 8000$ because "free" healthcare is crap
>good, cheap and civilized!
I wasnt aware there was a charge for testing. I dont believe that they are. Personally I think they should charge for testing. Too many dumbasses with zero reason to get tested shit themselves and ran panicking to the testing sites, waisting the limited supply of tests that someone with actual symptoms really needed. A $20 charge would have stopped that Bull Shit
Yes, you stupid, stupid child. Have you ever seen the U.S. bills for cancer treatment? Or even a c-section birth? Do you really think being in between jobs should destroy your ability to pay for medication?
Just like Italy. Free healthcare & everything is fine! Dumbass
Yeah Italy is handling it fucking fanatics. So it Spain. Sorry you live in a shit hole and feel the need to shit on Americans
every liberal city and free hospital in america is filled to the brim with niggers who don't wanna have to look for work on monday so they can stay on unemployment
Do you think that everyone should literally pay the price for one person's bad genetics or accident?
>imagine living in any country while the Corona virus is spreading.
FYI no country is out of the hole yet, once 50%+ have some immunity built up it will stop spreading in that country. IE: Germany could still have a massive outbreak in a month or two
that just not true - my father was 74 and he got cutting edge treatment for his cancer that kept him going for years - he got it almost straight away
So this is how the amerifats are imagining how the Canadian/EU healthcare is functioning. Heh... funny. And the capitalistic pigs are smiling when they hear that the US brainwashing was successful.
It is not normal to let people die of a desease just because they're poor. That is the worst kind of system you could imagine.
Your saying every single person in America gets good quality healthcare? That’s fucking laughable.. There’s only been like let’s say a million documentaries that completely disagree with you.
And what happens if you can’t pay ?
Btw, it's not 900$. It's ~100$, and we even have higher salaries over here in the EU by almost a double. AND we don't have to pay our medical treatments with hundred of thousands of dollars/euros when we get sick. Sounds good? I bet it does.
I'll just leave this chart.
I'm a US veteran.. I get free health care. Not worried about money or cost
There are more per capita infections and deaths in Europe kek
My city has like 200 casses and 5 deaths nyc is 6000kms away
my income tax was 7% in canada. my friend took a trip to the states where his daughter got sick and had to go to the hospital for 2 days. for 2 days and a few saline bags he got charged $17,000
>it’s way better that the state pays instead of an insurance company because reasons
>she was just sick
>hospital stay for 2 days and saline
Hahahha ur bullshit
i haven't even seen a sick person, where is this corona virus?
because now im not going through a middleman who wants to deny me coverage for reasons and don't have to go through the hell of not having doctors in my insurance network so now i have to pay full price even though im "covered"
no, american healthcare is bullshit
in quarantines.
If you think Italy and Spain are not handling it well just wait a couple of weeks for the US to reach the same point of the pandemia. Then we can compare. The full countries have been in quarantines for 2 weeks already, how do you expect the outcome of the US is going to be without any measure?
I'm glad I live in a country where I don't have to be on a waiting list to see a doctor
>im glad i live in a country where people are so poor they'd rather die than call 911
Nobody is denied coverage, Everyone in America who needs it can get basic state provided care for free
Everyone else simply pays for better care because it’s worth it and not expensive
Most euros also by supplemental
Insurance because basic state minimum care is horseshit
If you don’t believe me ask your mom and dad faggot
Post flag or fuck off
How's Italy doing? Supposedly they have one of the best Healthcare systems in the world, user!
No you are just full of shit if she was in the hospital for 2 days it was a serious thing and why would you care? Send the bill to your insurance company.
Oh wait!! I mean the state of Canada
that's whats gonna happen to america if doesn't flatten the curve
The us has been in full lockdown for basically 10 days already
he had travellers insurance. so it was billed to canada. but when over half of america's debt is from medical debt kinda shows how bullshit it is
And those rules are enforced by the State. If health insurance was more like car insurance, it would be much better
lol I hope you die
still better then america right now,idiot
That doesn't happen, at all
>paying for other peoples healthcare bad!
>so im gonna pay for other peoples healthcare instead
No it won't, faggot. We're well into the virus spreading and still only have a 1% death rate, and a much lower infection rate per capita
I don’t live there you cockmuncher
>a blog
Fucking niggers.
Voluntarily, not by force
That's nothing. Here people can't even leave their houses, only to buy food and medicines. Most of the people is working from home or not going to work. US streets are still crowded as usual, that won't be enough, you will see don't worry, we already learnt that.
the chart needs updating, Italy is way way down
>medical bills for 2 days in a hospital is 17,000
>im glad insurance is optional, im glad to pay half a years salary
Yeah, we said the same thing at the beginning. Just give it a couple of weeks without taking hard measures. Good luck.
What's with all the Christian nutjobs during this pandemic?
My facebook and even discord groups have had this same weird christian "the end is nigh" shit going on for a few days now and it's getting even more nutjobby
bout to get a lot more common
..we already do that though. How do you think insurance works?
>medical bills for 2 days in a hospital is 17,000
this sounds about right for any country, but if you are staying 2 days in hospital you don't have a runny nose. even appendix removal is released the next day.
And I'm glad you're one less faggot in this country.
Dude's wearing a dust mask. Upside down.
>medical treatment is free
9 times the death of america
You missed where I said if the system were different. If you could buy insurance across state lines, if it weren't so tied to your job, if you could buy insurance whenever instead of a certain time a year, etc. Also, there are tons of regulations that make medical care expensive.
Ahhh yes. The people touting their free healthcare always seem to forget about the vast amount of free roaming niggers and mexicans that would bleed this country dry if you kept hand feeding them.
>Ignoring the fact that the virus reached Italy 1 month before it did the US
It doesn't say he was denied, he was referred, and it didn't specify the reason. And California is a shit hole. Try again.
>america is a shithole try again