I'm a beta retard who's never held a woman's hand and who has imaginary sex with imaginary girls. Ask me anything.
I'm a beta retard who's never held a woman's hand and who has imaginary sex with imaginary girls. Ask me anything
Step 1 is to realise your problem
Step 2 is to fix the problem
Welcome to a big chunk of the population who post here. You think you're special?
>implying as if there is any problem
I have a question: go kill yourself
What problem?
I doubt a big chunk of the population who posts here has sex with imaginary women.
That's not a question.
Show us your dick
It's barely 4 inches, I doubt you'd want to see that.
Small cocks are cute, we demand pictures.
Mine isn't, but whatever. Here.
I'm 26.
you haev ajob?
It looks good, I would suck it
I see no problem, would suck and frot.
It's probably just your shyness and personality dude.
I for example am still a virgin too, kissed a girl and almost wasted my first time with her, but she was a whore so I declined.
Uni, so no. I had one before uni, though.
Thanks, that's sweet of you guys to say.
Which one of us is more beta?
>28 and have kissed two grills
>First one while getting black out drunk in a bar. Woke up in a different place making out, ended up just a one time thing.
>2nd time kissed a grill I talked with online for years. She seemed happy with me and promised to stay but I still got ghosted.
>Haven't approached another female in 8 years and probably never will
>Which one of us is more beta?
Def me. Sorry you had to go through that, I don't really like women other than for their bodies, so yeah, I'm happy to let chad have them, I'll keep the imaginary qts.
Hey I'm an alpha who after a series of girlfriends decided my work matters more and you can buy sex and love with the money you make, the latter being a fake concept either way. You're not missing too much not holding a woman's hand. It's just as sweaty as yours except with pheromone that trick your brain into giving you a boner. Stop being a loser by working on yourself and the whores will start piling up to hold your hand and take a chunk out of your action.
It looks good, well proportioned, straight, no discoloration. 8/10 would suck and ride.
>the whores will start piling up to hold your hand
That sounds disgusting, but thanks for the tip.
Don't listen to a dudebro who's suggesting you should pay for sex. Just because he's a braindead moron doesn't mean you have to be.
Oh, I have payed for sex before. You know, just to see what it was like! I tried it twice, and decided it just wasn't for me. I have no regrets, though, I wanted to know what it felt like and now I do, and I can say with 100% certainly that physical sex is way way WAY below what I do.
Thanks. I still don't know why she ghosted me if everything was great. I bet imaginary women are more loyal and compassionate.
I just want someone to live together with and start a family I guess. Getting laid isn't a problem because I can easily afford a hooker.
Once I start raising imaginary kids I'll probably pass you on the beta scale.
>I bet imaginary women are more loyal and compassionate.
Lol, yeah, I guess you could say that. For the most part, with most of the girls, our interactions don't go much beyond sex, but I do have a sort of "imaginary gf" I keep around often, and yes, she's very caring, loyal, undestanding and compassionate. At the end of the day, they aren't really women. They have the bodies of women, but their brains can be whatever I want, so that's a big plus!
Can I get the pic without the shitty text, pls?
She cute.
Get an asian. Small dicks don't matter to them and you don't look like a lard ass. My penis is average and my asian wife acts like I'm mandingo
I was never an "alpha" by any means, but I fucked my fair share of women in my day. I'm 41 now.. my dick barely works anymore. Haven't had pussy in about 4 years now. But I stuck my dick inside of 10 women in my 41 years of life. That's no huge number by any means but it's decent enough to not be a beta. Really all you have to do is show interest in what women want. Even if it bores the shit out of you, even if you don't want to hear them bitch and complain.. just listen.. offer advice WHEN THEY ASK... listen when they don't.. compliment them.. make them feel like they matter.. then get your dick wet. It's not that hard. It's only difficult when you're like I am now.. the old boy doesn't want to rise to the occasion anymore. My advice to you is fuck while you can because a lot of guys deal with ED eventually... and let me tell ya it sucks!! Stop imagining having sex with girls and get out there and do it!
Get ready to anhero
Elliot Rodgers is now your hero
>Even if it bores the shit out of you, even if you don't want to hear them bitch and complain.. just listen.. offer advice WHEN THEY ASK... listen when they don't.. compliment them.. make them feel like they matter.. then get your dick wet.
That seems like a lot of work for very little gain. I'll just be blunt, I really don't care about women in that sense.
Nah, I don't want to hurt anyone because they get pussy and I dont, lmao. As I said, I don't want women, it's fine. I don't mind women, but I don't want anything more than loose friendships with them, at most.
My life doesn't revolve around women as is the case with people like that.
>That seems like a lot of work for very little gain. I'll just be blunt, I really don't care about women in that sense.
Honestly? It is a lot of work. I know guys that "claim" to be alphas say they just smash pussy and move to the next, and while that may be the case with WHORES, most women aren't like that. You have to show interest for them to spread their legs, that's just part of the process. And if you don't care about women, you're probably never going to get pussy unless you find a whore. I dunno, my thought? Pussy is fucking wonderful but after awhile it wears thin. It's been 4 years since I got any and i'm at a point in life where I really don't give a shit anymore. I'm content with the way my life is. And it's less stressful not having to chase pussy and deal with all the drama that goes with it.
>Pussy is fucking wonderful
Tried it, didn't like it. Imaginary pussy is actually better for me. Thanks for the tips, though!
Just to clarify, when I say I don't care about women, I don't mean that in the sense that I don't care about what they have to say or anything like that, I'm a very open person, and I enjoy listening to everyone, and I care about everyone for the most part, I just mean that I don't care about receiving that kind of affection from women, if that makes sense.
>Tried it, didn't like it. Imaginary pussy is actually better for me. Thanks for the tips, though!
Hey no problem. If you tried it, didn't care for it, and prefer imaginary pussy? I say go with what works best for you.
I was a pussy hound when I was younger, that's why I invested so much of my time into women. I wanted what was between their legs. I probably was a try-hard, but I got laid so I just went with the formula that worked for me.
I look back on my life now and I clearly see I invested WAY too much time into women, but at that point in my life? I didn't care. I got what I wanted so it worked out. But being 41 now, I just don't care if I get pussy anymore. I think my sexdrive kinda just tanked out. Not sure what it is exactly, but I don't even crave it anymore. Anyway, godspeed with whatever you do. If the imaginary pussy works for ya? Just keep going with that. Would be a fuckload less drama anyway going that route. Cheers!
Thanks for the kind words, and I hope things work out for you as well!
That's the age I lost my virginity. From then on I became more social and had several relationships. There's hope for you yet.
Hope for what?
How is it better? What do you do?
Might be >paid, actually? Idk.
>What do you do?
It's basically meditation. It took me some time to get right, but I basically spent a ton of time practicing how to feel and visualize "internally", so I can just meditate and kind of get into a dream state, and go from there. It's much less chaotic than dreams, but it feels pretty similar, and if I wasn't such a slacker, I'd have gotten to the point where it'd be pretty much the same. And no, while I'm doing this, I don't touch myself. I don't like fapping that much.
Yeah, from there I just get with whatever qt I feel like at the time, and we do stuff as you do.
>How is it better?
For me, the actual sex itself is better because it's just more intense. I don't have many other ways to describe it, it just simply feels better. And orgasms aren't physical, I don't actually cum irl from it, my imaginary body cums.
As for everything else, like kissing, hugging, general touching and so on, it feels better because it feels a little less "fleeting" to me, it's like the feeling remains a bit longer, and it has the nice bonus of being easy to focus on specific feelings. When I kiss, I love getting "drowned" in that feeling of the touch of slick lips. I hope this was an adequate explanation. It's hard to really describe it, to be honest, it's a very personal thing.
do you fuck tulpas?
How do you practice feeling and visualisation? Do you just imagine it or what?
You are the only person who can fix yourself. Otherwise you deserve to suffer.
Na, not till you remove the 3 letter word that starts with J
I'm a normal too.
I guess? Tulpas are imaginary friends, and I have one, so yeah...
One thing I forgot to mention, was how good it feels to fuck someone who's so deeply connected to you as an imaginary friend. This only aplies to that one girl I keep around, of course, but it really is an amazing feeling, because you can express your love through raw emotion while you fuck, and you'll both just "get it". It's incredible.
I had a few exercises I did a lot, but it's mostly just meditation and doing it until you get it. Lately I've been slacking off a lot, which I shouldn't be because there's still so much to experience with this, but yeah. As an example, I had one where I would just practice touch with textured cubes. I had one where I started with a dot, then made a line, and a triangle, square, and would keep adding points and trying to make everything look fluid as I did. You can play chess to see if you can keep track of all the pieces. I did a lot of 3d "visualization" where you basically just try to get a real 3d feel for things, and I paired a lot of "3d rotation" exercises with that, 3d wise I also used touch a lot, where I'd just have something in "front" of me (usually a cute female, cause, you know...), and would touch them to really get a feel for what they were like. When I first started out, I was really bad at keeping my visualization fluid, so I did a lot of exercises to aid that. There are also tons of simple exercises like just focusing on your imaginary body and just trying to "feel" yourself, feel your own weight, and all that stuff.
To clarify, all of this is done sitting (or lying) down, and you don't actually move your physical body at all.
Fix what? Suffer from what, corona?
>who has imaginary sex with imaginary girl
Larping and excessive daydreaming is holding you back.
It gives you just enough instant gratification to not want to actually get out and find a girl who likes you.
I feel like that would just make you horny and wanna fap. Do you ever fap too?
have you tried practicing imposition (where you can "actually" see and feel them, in the real world) at all? idk if anyone can actually really do it but from the tulpa community there's people that claim they can do it.
also have you ever thought about making a guide for others to follow, or take inspiration from?
Lmao, I worked A LOT for what I have now. Make no mistake, this shit is NOT easy to do, you need the right mindset and you need to stick with it or you'll get nowhere.
Sometimes I do, but it's more of an urge I'm working to control, rather than something I enjoy.
>I feel like that would just make you horny and wanna fap.
I personally feel satisfied after I do it, unless I want to do it more, in which case I just use the same method. Like I can have sex before bed, and I'll just go to sleep more than content afterwards, it's not like a "god damn, I've been thinking about this thing and not actually doing it, so now I really want to do it", you know? It's not "fantasy", it's just imaginary!
>have you tried practicing imposition
Nope. It's something I've wanted to get into for a while now just out of curiosity (induced hallucinations seems rad as fuck), but personally that's not what I want from this. Part of the fun of the imaginary world is how much freedom you have, so why would I want to ground things by bringing them to our world, know what I mean?
Yeah, I have, but I don't think many people would care about it, so it's hard to justify. I may do it one of these days, since I enjoy writing, but I have no big plans regarding that.
I would care for a guide about it :) I think it's very interesting
also there's nothing grounding you in reality if you've already got your dreamscapes down, it's all in your head so it's not like you couldn't just switch back and forth seeing them in your dreams and seeing them in the real world.
How long did it take to learn?