God-tier black metal thread

God-tier black metal thread

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old stuff from In Flames

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Shit, wrong file.

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This gem dropped not long ago. I like where black metal is headed, tbh fam.

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Metal is old school trash
Listen to the new Metal


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Band is Vukari.

I just keep doing shit wrong, what the fuck.

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I love this shit. It is atmospheric to the extreme, but never uninteresting or even unexciting.

You might like this one, user.

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In Flames is melodic death metal, and it is only for those who need their hand held.

I listened to that one and thought it was very recycled. I'll listen to it again.

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>god tier
>black metal
Choose one

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Carach Angren is fancy lad, overproduced, devoid and micromanaged, theatrical metal. It is for posers and is not welcome here.

This, fuck broadway musical metal

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Newer atmoblack/depressive stuff I've been listening to lately m.youtube.com/watch?v=-xZ-lwFFj34


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Fucking love this album.

I'm definitely happy I listened to it again. It was very powerful, and there was more variation than I had acknowledged.

Vessel of Iniquity

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get a load of this chump

I really like this. There's a lot of sincere formality, and it's suprisingly robust sonically. The vocals are very enjoyable, and it has much cohesion.


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Mgla - Exercises in Futility is one of the most emotionally moving albums I've ever heard. It's fucking phenomenal.

Saw those guys a few years ago in a dumpy little bar in LA. pretty rad show.

>emotionally moving
You trying to suck our dicks or something?

Why can't France produce one (1) decent black metal band? Why do everything they touch turn to shit?

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Why do you ask, you trying to get your dick sucked or something?

Yeah, I'm down. No homo tho

Thoughts on Krallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough? Intraum is great but the rest of the album sort of wears on me for some reason.

nigger are you completely fucking trolling? France consistently has always made the greatest black metal imaginable. Better than German, Poland, better than fucking Scandinavia.

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That's like my favorite Krallice album. Everytime I listen to Krallice, I notice something new, or I am enthralled by some element I hadn't been paying attention to. All of it is so fucking complex musically. I love Autochthon.

>are you completely fucking trolling?
>Praises French so-called "black metal"

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Ok. So you are simply a complete faggot. Nevermind.

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This stuff is for alcoholic dads who used to listen to Creed when they were younger.

That does sound like a lucrative market.

>death metal
>black metal
>speed metal
>thrash metal
>heavy metal
>metal metal
>glam metal
>metal metal


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The Great Old Ones

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agreed. great example of a modern 10/10 god-tier black metal album.

At least I don't listen to French garbage.

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Neglecting doom metal, folk metal, sludge metal, and stoner metal is how we can tell you suck.

Five Fingers In A Nigga's Ass. I have a friend who listens to good metal, but calls FFIANA his "guilty pleasure". I can't fucking understand it. It's complete trash.

Correct response
Hello, newfriends

whatsamatter with french bm, newfag?

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Is he wearing chains and blackface? I might check this out

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