What are your thoughts on the exponentially increasing number of white women dedicating their bodies to black men? Is it ok that they only want to date you once they're 37 years old and over it?
What are your thoughts on the exponentially increasing number of white women dedicating their bodies to black men...
>Is it ok that they only want to date you once they're 37 years old and over it?
>discord tranny thread #7809804
>open tiktok
>see hot teenagers
>go to one of their pages and start sifting through tiks
>"sorry black guys only"
Yeah what's the deal with that. Lots of tinder profiles also asking for black dudes only too
It's the black dicks.
Proud whiteboi here, IR porn addiction ruined my erections. Now i'm just looking for a BBC wife to support.
You'll fall too, faggots.
Women that were rejected by white men. Nothing but garbage
i really have no clue but its terrible that its even infecting our youth
Fuck you, faggot. You're on this thread for a reason.
Hahaha whiteboi faggot, you're secretly into it too.
on Tinder I don't even bother with girls in the 18-25 range, they're all preferring black or middle eastern dudes. 30+ women are still redpilled at least
I hope thea all get coronavirus and die
That's because you're impotent without IR porn. Admit it.
Women don't actually like black people outside your cringe circlejerk.
My sister reckons almost all of her friends have fucked black dudes by the time they're 19-20
Yes. To hurt your feelings. And free (you)'s. Clearly it worked.
Welp, tally ho good chap
im into the fact that these girls are willing to be open about whom they spread their legs open for, and teh fact that there's almost no requisite in order to gain access to their pussy beyond being black. im not sure if its an attention thing or what but its insane. im into it the way im into a dog fucking a woman.
nah i don't buy this one. could easily be an inside joke or just tyring to fuck with her friend.
unfuckable tranny general
Aint no way you aren't into it or you wouldn't have stumbled into the room faggot.
Admit it. You're an impotent whiteboi.
Haha faggot. Im ok with me. You ain't ok.with you.
im so confused by the screenshots you post dude. like what is teh line showing me? that her name is j.av.xx? or what. there should be more of a reason when you post shit like this dude.
i clickd on the room bc i had pictures to share and seeing how this is an imageboard i like to keep "relatively" interesting threads alive when i can. now if you are to ask why i have teh pics i do, its easy. when going about your regular life and you see shit like that it really makes you wonder what the fuck is up with these chicks and why are tehy so mentally fucked
anyway im out of content to post so im out of the thread
This is the new generation. Whiteboi EXTINCTION is here (and will be promoted by everyone from tiktok stars to politicians). Soon same race sex will be illegal and blackedraw will be on every TV channel 24/7
White women are retarded.
Hahaha you can't even admit what you are, whiteboi. That's how fucking faggot you are, secretly stroking off in silence to the IR porn you claim to hate.
She WILL have BLACK babies!
Yes! All great ideas. #GoodNightWhites
also not white lel
Notice how you never see these girls faces. They are usually 6/10 at best.
Whiteboi Extinction is coming. Get out of the gene pool, faggot. Africa is coming.
It's really happening
I fucking love it. Now where do we cuck whitebois fit in?
Whitebois have to step up and support them.
When the day of the rope comes, they will also hang. Mark my fucking words.
This discord has free megas of amateurs, bois.
and millions of whiteboys are jerking off to it
Lmao I’m the guy from the thread yesterday that pointed this out. Your back eh bro ahahah
whats up my dude?
This image demonstrates our role perfectly
If I had a daughter and she fucked niggers, I would enter the "I gave my daughter her life, I can also take it away" mindset.
Chilling doggie
It's coming and we whitebois can't stop it. All we cab do is keep promoting IR porn.
kind of scary
You realize women of every race have been wanting white cock for EVER. Light skinned, light eyed, blond hair babies are the most desired. You realise that this a slave fantasy. White Couple get a big farm negro and bring him up to the big house, the negro is treated as a object not a human being. Not 100% of the time but this is where this comes from.
OP has been trying these threads now for about 3 hours, no one is buying it you slimy jew
been searching for girls commenting on blacked instagram posts. fucking hot
Only happens in some countries, with women that want the... forbidden fruit. Usually they try to settle down, later in life, with a white guy. I have no issues with them being open about liking black guys, having past relationships with black guys and all that. In fact I would enjoy knowing that all of them be open about it. Makes it easier to assess a possible partner.
I'm lucky to be surrounded by girls who hate niggers, muslims and kikes.
> tfw when I dont care
> tfw when I already have a waifu
thats good
There is more than enough pussy to go around. No shortage of women where I live. Guys need to stop acting like pussy is like toilet paper right now. Stupid asses standing in line, buying them shit, waiting on them.... best pussy is easy pussy, free pussy, grateful pussy
disgusting honestly.
They do this for attention. These videos always get so many views from angry retards.
White men are doing just fine
yeah of course but those sheboons are really ugly.
I don't blame them, as our women are the master race. White women are the women the asians and niggers want to fuck. Ugly nigger women BTFO, niggermen chose the master race. Only in porn though. Seethe.
of course they are the master race even the yellow fever fags admit it.
You’re all forgetting corona is hitting state capitals. State capitals have high percentages of niggers and other shit skins. This is also mostly affecting them in the area. We’re looking at the black population going from 14% to 5% with no recovery for the foreseeable future. At the same time black men are being feminized. A quickly increasing amount of homosexual and trans black men are showing up.
I want equal pay for all RACES not just for handicaps in women. White people can't get paid more can anybody in the workplace. Why people can't be the richest. Can't pay the white actor on anything more than a minority doing the same job. No matter how much they are in the film. White people have t on start paying for the 400 years of overtime.
Honestly looks like shit falling out of her vagina.
And yet IR porn keeps growing, making whiteboi teens who find it impotent and useless to reproduce.
That's a real big if there, incel
I want non white bloodlines to be colonised.
not a good picture but i dont see it honestly.