Ask a US Marine who served in Afghanistan and Iraq (2004-2009) anything

Ask a US Marine who served in Afghanistan and Iraq (2004-2009) anything

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off

How many kids did you rape and/or kill?

What was it like growing up in Dudleyville?

Were you a waiter?
What did you serve there?

Why are you fat

this isn't reddit nigger

did you survive?

How much dick did your girlfriend suck while you were off fighting for our heroin?

How do you feel about the fact that your dad lost to asian rice farmers?

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How many of your fellow Marines did you fuck? I hear you military people have a propensity for fucking each other, given you do nothing all day long.

Rah Musa Quala in 2011, Irbil 2016

Is it easier to shoot a little girl or little boy?

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This is fake bros he's using an airsoft vest of the PT Body Armor and those don't even come in green

Was the dodge charger woth you girlfriend running a train while you killed babies? Or did your co running a train on you make up for it?

jesus you seem like the real marine based off your spelling

Oh, how edgy you are!

What is your favorite flavor of crayon?

May we please see your anus?

What’s your favorite flavor of crayon?

How many times did an F-15 or A-10 prove how useless you were

Q: Why don't they watch TV in Afghanistan?

A: coz of the teleban

Please send me your address. I'd love to thank you for your service in person.

How does it feel to be a retard?

Have you encountered any bacha party?

Fat guy in commercial small arms flack vest. Sure kiddo not even third world armies equip that shit to paramilitary

are you happy that you got to serve Israel and help them achieve their goal of greater Israel?

Did you have fun? At all?

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Thats a discreet plate carrier, flak protection is bulkier/puffier, its not properly adjusted to fit him though.

Worse then. If you're not wearing one of these you a dead jarhead.

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All that for a peace treaty


>dead if you're not wearing an empty dragonskin carrier
You don't know much about body armor, do you?

looks too much like stolen valor to believe you piece of shit

>muh stolen valor
I love when basic bitch military fags get all asshurt because somebody is scamming the bullshit hero worship system

whats a marine?

Your flag is on backwards. Also you are a pog.

How about you TONGUE MY ANUS,nigger

Did you enjoy killing sand niggers?

Not a cringe thread

how mch kababob cost in kababobville?

If you were president, what country would you invade?

Air Force bro here....
1. Were you certified retarded before you enlisted or did they cert you when you got out.
2. Are canyons part of your A-bag your do they just include them in the MRE's

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Why do you military faggots think that you're better than everybody for sitting in a tower doing nothing for 4 years wasting the taxpayer's money?


How man guys fucked your wife while serving?

Why u gay?

How does it feel being a real life welfare queen?

Do you have any plans to join the special forces or join a contract security company?

You're too fat for your armor.

You can tell that Yas Forums has been overrun by. plebitt lefties by the replies to this thread.

Maybe i dont like welfare queens wasting my wage theft when i can protect against threats to my freedoms with my second amendment sticks.

What the fuck are you wearing because it's not a uniform.

Well you turn your gear in, so he had to buy that after discharge or even didn't go at all, I'm voting on the latter.

Can you give me my money back and can you get a real job
i can kill sand niggers myself as soon as i get my 2nd amendment back

What's it like being a fucking tool for capitalism? You child murdering piece of shit, unemployable in the real world punk?

Let's be real junior, you probably couldn't even kill yourself properly

Tool of capitalism???
of fuck of ya dumb commie
who do you think the 1% are.

go nazbol or go play pretentious pacifist

You're gonna die by the 'rona and no one gives a shit. You were never important and only wen into the marines because you were too fucking stupid to do anything real with your life and had sociopathic / narcisstic tendencies and needed to take it out on others to feel worthwhile / a man. Go kick a dog off a cliff, I'm sure you have already

Not with a body fat percentage like that you didn't. Why are you lying on the internet while wearing a shitty no name plate carrier like it will improve your life in some way?

so tough, you'd get turned into fertilizer saying it to someone's face and you know it too.

Lol faggit you couldn't kill anybody without you "tax" funded M4 and your "tax" funded air support.

go ahead prove you can do shit alone. i like to see you fight isis without guns Mr Rambo

Is pic related?

Lol the younger Republicans hate the military queens way more than any lefties dare to try.


i think mainly because they grew up with this war on "terror". slowly becoming more aware this war is for Jewish interest and the Military are not only traitors but also fucking Larpers.

they are republican but not cuckservatives which are apposing factions


Why you wearing your rig wrong marine!?