Why does America have more cases than China?

Why does America have more cases than China?

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Are you seriously suggesting that China has tested all their 1,200,000,000 (or whatever) citizens for the virus and only found 81,000 ?

More likely that they've tested less than half as many as the USA has tested.

They've been at 81,000 for a month straight. I wonder what the reason could possibly be.

This, and they would lie and say they have fewer cases, tested or not.

mommy.. why are all the foreigners so obsessed with us

Because YOU FUCKING country is obsessed with the rest of the world.

huh?.. LOL

Seriously the answer is always. Your country has joo's, spreading fake news and other germs, viruses that heighten your fears of the world outside, so then your forced to be vaccinated, then they have you, traceable by microchip and in constant sickness till the goyim are dead or under total control. This virus is the first step of NWO, communism will be implemented endgame fools, to late to wake up.

Please don't shit talk Italy. They currently have a 10% death rate. It's pretty ugly.

oh right, we must believe those china numbers, because, you know, it couldn't possibly be because the most dishonest government in the world would lie about something like this, like they didn't close their airports after knowing it was out, like they lied at every step of the way, call this the CCP virus, this is the fault of the chinese communist party.

Because America is number one in everything


China has been testing thoroughly, which is a major reason they have been successful in reducing the spread of the virus:
>“To actually stop the virus, [China] had to do rapid testing of any suspect case, immediate isolation of anyone who was a confirmed or suspected case, and then quarantine the close contacts for 14 days so that they could figure out if any of them were infected,” Aylward told New Scientist in an exclusive interview. “Those were the measures that stopped transmission in China, not the big travel restrictions and lockdowns.”


Unless you can show some evidence that shows that China has been reporting dishonestly, you are clearly wrong

By all accounts the US has done abysmally badly at testing:


Btw that's a quote from Bruce Aylward assistant director of the WHO. By all accounts, China has done a thoroughly efficient job both at testing and at preventing further spread of the virus.

The CCP ackording to the CCP has done an excelent job at stopping the virus the CCP leaked out onto the world after the CCP held it's collective Tongue about it, even imprisooning brave chinese doctors that tried to spill the beans. Yeah, go ahead, believe the CCP's lies.

Either 1) China is lying
Or 2) China stopped testing/reporting

Not just the Chinese government, the WHO, and most of the rest of the world barring the rabidly anti-Chinese US neocon administration of Donald Trump also recognise that China has done an excellent job of stopping the virus

They quarantined a whole city, forced people to measure their temperature daily and upload the results.

Dictatorships are shit, but effective

the CCP obviously, also theres been a suspicious 20 mil drop in mobile phone users in china

bwah ha ha.
just No


some speculators say it might be clickerbots

lmao do you actually believe the numbers china put out? Fuck outta here

expect that statistic to disappear too now that it's becoming known. The CCP always lies, .. I mean all governments do, of course, but the CCP as a fascist totalitarianism dictatorship can do it oh so effectively. What they cannot do well is protect their citizens from the disease they (sic) accidentally released and did little to stop spreading.

China has 14 million+ dead according to phone statistics.

They made it illegal to report anymore infected months ago.

America is just being more honest.

Fascinating opinions, but the evidence shows otherwise. Interesting you Trump cum-guzzlers always provide your opinions with no evidence to back them up whatsoever

never once listened to trump, sure as shit didn't trust anything I heard the CCP saying.

stay mad, you commie simp, that shit right there keeps burning. If you're lucky you'll break out of your cognitive dissonance,

i mean its not really an opinion, the chinese government are infamous for lying to their people and censoring the media, and for that statistic: bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-23/china-s-mobile-carriers-lose-15-million-users-as-virus-bites

they covered it up initially, but changed their tune pretty quick. this is why they were able to contain it, very strong action and a relatively obedient population. the reality is telling yourself "China lied about numbers" isn't going to make Murrica recover any faster.

Interview with a senior official in the WHO


>"...that containment was effective and did allow the rest of China to be able to contain the outbreak in a very effective manner. The shape of the epidemic and the small number of cases that were seen outside Hubei are a testimony to the success and the effectiveness”, he said. “It’s very important to realise that such shortcomings are not unique to China, and that very few countries are manifesting any greater speed in action”.

If you Trump cum-guzzlers would for once venture into the world of researching legitimate news rather than brainless propaganda for your dear leader, you would realise that you are wrong about basically everything.

how does Trump's cum taste?

It is an opinion, as every reliable source attests to the fact that China has dealt effectively with the virus, more so than the vast majority of other countries. It is an opinion, since you, and the rest of your Trump semen-consuming peers, have failed to provide a single piece of evidence for your argument.

The fuck does Trump have to do with this?

1. I'm not American.
2. Trump is a slow-boil cuckservative who hasn't accomplished a fucking thing to save the white race and in fact has only accelerated the death of the white race.

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How does Trump and Mike Pompeo's diarrhoea taste?

the fuck are you going on about? China lying? Also how can i be a "Trump cum-guzzler" if im in the uk, Trumps a fag lol

>China has 14 million+ dead according to phone statistics.
Citation needed. Because you know the phone statistics come from companies of the under the chinese government, so if they fake one set of numbers why don't they the other ones too?

>They made it illegal to report anymore infected months ago.
And they do this because? It would be literally against their self interest.
If they don't report, they can't stricten quarantine measures, because the rest of the world notice, so they would actually work against their own interest, because they can't implement new measures.

Also if they would have the same spread rate as the USA, the whole country (literally everyone) would have been infected a month ago, and trust me, this would be noted by the rest of the world

This makes no sense on any level

Don't try to push your moronic white identity politics into everything. You are even less relevant to this question than the moronic Trump cult followers

nope but playing like they're not still and constantly lying is the simp path. Get real. They fuckin' studied corona viruses in the wu han biotech research centers for years, then blamed it on a wet market? ... then they are so incompetent and scared of being the messenger who gets shot, that they cannot communicate the disaster up the chain until it's too late and everyone is already infected, then while they tried to spin their tale about how it wasn't that dangerous, leaked videos emerged that showed chinese officials welding apartment doors closed and worse. But you're right about one thing, the US is just as fucked. Everyone's fucked, thanks CCP, you got a big long yellow dick, and you fucked the world. Good luck Yas Forumsros, try not to die.

>Why does America have more cases than China?

America likely just has more reported cases; China probably has more than double of its reported cases.

The WHO is demonstrably wrong about most everything they ever say and should be disbanded as an organization because it's worse than useless, it's counterproductive.

they stopped testing weeks.

China cracked down on the virus, but still didnt even allow the WHO or CDC too move in and help them. That alone is questionable. Putting their citizens in unnecessary risk to save face?
I suppose China did manage to stop the spread but its obvious, that they are downplaying the numbers to protect their feeble view of their own honour.

Citing the WHO is not very convincing by the way. Its basically in the CCPs pocket. No wonder they have nothing but praise for that failed state.

> have failed to provide a single piece of evidence for your argument.

A single piece of evidence was already given in this thread you lying sack of shit. See: Other evidence is all the articles about them making it illegal to report more cases a couple months back, factories wasting electricity to fake productivity when they have no actual workers present or only a skeleton crew, and continual breakdown of the social order in China with police fighting police right now. China is getting worse not better.

> Wuhan reported only about 2,500 #coronavirus deaths
> but 5,000 urns were delivered to one mortuary over just 2 days.
> Wuhan has seven other mortuaries

how do the china shills respond?

Muuah, this!

>Citation needed. Because you know the phone statistics come from companies of the under the chinese government, so if they fake one set of numbers why don't they the other ones too?

There was one phone company that didn't report stats for one month. The Chinese government didn't think to fake the stats on this until it was a bit too late. Once they realized we were catching on through this means then they acted to censor phone-related stats.

>And they do this because? It would be literally against their self interest.

...because they're a retarded bunch of communist chinks that don't care about how many lives are lost and just want their slaves to go back to work.

>If they don't report, they can't stricten quarantine measures, because the rest of the world notice, so they would actually work against their own interest, because they can't implement new measures.

They can and do implement whatever measures they want on their own population.

>Also if they would have the same spread rate as the USA, the whole country (literally everyone) would have been infected a month ago, and trust me, this would be noted by the rest of the world

14 million dead is barely anything out of a population of 1 billion. Clearly the quarantines helped but if you think only a few thousand died you are delusional.


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why does china say it came from fort detrick?

Because trumptard is an idiot who ignored the warnings and was calling this a hoax just two weeks ago. And his suck-ups like Kudlow said stupid lies on air.

> trump said it was a hoax

fake news

>There was one phone company that didn't report stats for one month
so no citation?
>...because they're a retarded bunch of communist chinks that don't care about how many lives are lost and just want their slaves to go back to work.
But why lie about it? you are still just assuming they do because you don't like them
>They can and do implement whatever measures they want on their own population.
Yes but the point is, this would be noticed all around the world, there are people from major tech companies from the USA and europe in every major cinese city.

If they would do any draconian measures, we would know. So either they are faking the numbers and don't do anything more than we already know, or they do fake them, don't do any counter measures and the country is 100% infected since a month or so and they had more than 30 million dead people and no one noticed, but somehow their economy didn't shrink around 30%.

>14 million dead is barely anything out of a population of 1 billion. Clearly the quarantines helped but if you think only a few thousand died you are delusional.
If you think 1,5% of the population of a country could die without having any notable impact to the rest of the world you are dillusional. If this would be the case their economy would be wrecked. Just imagine the US GDP dropping by 1,5% over a month

You know people die of other causes than corona right?

China had in 2018 a death rate of 7k per million capita, meaning the expected amount of deaths in a city like wuhan every single day would be over 70 million. 5k urns in a mortuaries over two days is not more than expected, not even close.

70 thousand not million

Simple answer, they are world travelers. Remember corona didn’t start in America it came to America from a dirty diseased shit hole country. It spread because of the happiness in America. The excellent social environment, the wonderful person to person contact and all of the other great things that represent America. They’ll be fine

The reason they were successful is the welded peoples doors shut. Roving military death squads were keeping people in their houses.

I believe China actually got decimated.


Cuz Americunts are obese pieces of shit that deserve to die, about time nature serves them right


10% death rate in italy, 1% in america, now kill yourself nigel



They have an authoritarian government allowing them to force testing, quarantines, isolation across the board

china kicked all its foreign reporters out and stopped reporting new cases


Esta negro munjis el spaghetti..
Also, I'm not a nigger, fuck niggers

Not fascist


Im not asking for any proof, because I know you dont have any, but simply answer this question:
Why? This would be against their own interest