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who's gonna issue the eviction when no circuit courts are open?
Based ID. Heil!
>unemployed neckberd larps as landlord
class traitors will be hanged as well, you knoow.
>class traitors
The only one hanging will be you, commie. All the weapons are in the hands of people that hate your guts, when the chips are down people would much rather flock to nazism and fascism than communism.
What’s with the commie insurgence on Yas Forums? Do they really think they should get to live in someone’s unit for free?
kys economically illiterate animal
They'll do so when the courts open then sue them for the amount they owe, and if they don't pay they'll garnish wages and bank accounts. Either way, the commies will pay.
They can't wage slave so they are here. Pathetic
It's the responsibility of the ruler to keep the ruled happy. If not, rebellion occurs.
tremendously based and red-pilled to a significant degree
fuck jecky chan and commies ?
Landies sure are ramping up the coping mechanisms. April 1st is around the corner. Don't you think this time could be better spent? You could be working a real job, refinancing that mortgage, and paying off as much debt as possible so that you wont be hit as hard when nobody pays rent. You could be talking with your bank right now to try and close your mortgage at a slight loss so the hot potato doesn't pop on you. Don't let this opportunity to save yourself pass you by.
Law only works when there aren't enough people breaking it such that it is enforceable.
There are so many people in this country that are going to not pay, that it will straight up not be possible to enforce the law against them for not paying rent.
Landlords have lost.
please, fellows, Gordon needs to be able to afford a blue lambo to match with his gold one
Have a heart and pay.
Or be fined and evicted when the virus is over.
Flaming hot based
twitter would be so boring if this doesnt pass through. we will be forever wagies forever typers scrollers on twidder and youtube posting 40 minute essays to one other endlessly and never shit just sucking Jews cock endlessly. its like if the only we know is how to suck Jews cock and nothing more. type up som more on muh twitter and fuggin like
Judge Mossberg.
Evictions are halted
Wont happen. Judges aren't going to side with landlords over this shit during this time. You fucking moron
They're screeching and shitting all over the place about landlords in the last two weeks, they do it on Yas Forums too. It's funny but you gotta realize they actually think they're winning people over to the "revolution" now because uhh... evictions were frozen for a month?
yep, this is pretty freaking based
>fined and evicted
Gordon will be in a debtor's prison due to the car note on his lambo looooong before any of us sees the inside of a court for a preliminary hearing regarding rent payment during COVID. In other words: dilate, landie.
you do realize nazis and fascists kill landlords too, right?
Does anyone think rental prices will go down after the evictions? I might move out of my parents house finally
Daily reminder that all landlords who bought their properties on credit just to pray on others who couldn't secure that mortgage or didn't want to, are POND SCUM
Parasites on society, they thought they would simply take a loan pump that loan into an already overpriced property and have other suckers pay it off for them, such an amazing business idea, what could go wrong huh? well somehow it did, at last.
Remember, landlords are leeches of the worst sort, because not only do they artificially inflate housing prices with someone else's (fake) money, by doing so they force others to fall into their trap (rentslavery), since no one can afford a house or can't even get a mortgage, and since the space is limited there is no limit to how high the prices could go.
>buy a property on cheap credit
>prices go up, less properties available
>people forced into renting
>buy even more properties on even more credit
>prices go up even more
>even more people forced into rentslavery
This feedback loop above is every fucking parasitic landlord's wet dream, until eventually those psychopaths own every single house every single appartment
>b-but muh landlords provide an important service to society!!!
No they fucking don't, if landlords didn't exts houses and apartments would be so much cheaper, that everyone could afford one (to live in, not to speculate and leech off of others)
I can sympathize with landlords who fully own their properties but they will survive.
On the other hand every single overleveraged PARASITE deserves to have "their" properties taken over by a bank.
It'll be funny when the current tennants end up buying the properties that were "owned" just a second ago by their former landlords
Pay your rent losers.
Daily reminder that you will never ever own a home.
landlords will probably be more willing to offer cheaper rates to people they can trust after all this
they surely will never own a home if they keep stuffing some landlord parasite's pocket, and they're realizing that day by day, the end of you leeches is near
>landlords willing to earn less money because of trust
kek'd lout at this
>willing to ofer cheaper rates
if anything they will raise rents to those that pay because their parasitic noses will smell deep cash reserves in those people
this, top kek
not a landlord myself, but I imagine they're going through a lot of stress worrying about how to pay to keep the utilities on for their tenants. and the pain of having to go through the court system and evict them once this is over. cheaper rates in exchange for a reliable check from responsible renters makes sense, don't you think leftypol friends?
> he actually believes this
I'm detecting quite a bit of tranny seethe here. does the idea that, after being evicted and homeless this summer, more responsible people will be able to move into your former living quarters and pay less for it? also bump, I like this thread
Holy based! Commies btfo!
Also my landlord said he's cutting rent by HALF until this thing dies down, which is awesome. I lost my job so this really helps, and PLUS I get $2000 Canadabux for the next 4 months. NEETing it up for 4 months while collecting 2k/month and rent at half price? I don't know what the fuck the commies are bitching about.
If only..
Sadly, i think it'll be the other way arround.
People are too stupid nowdays.
You may take our lives, but you will never take our RENT.
kamille !
housing prices will go down 80% soon. and this time stay there because even retards will see this repeating in 10 years if they just keep accumulating loans to buy props.
rent will follow.
Tick tock, REtards
No revolution coming
Just negative equity
Just a property bubble popping
Your boomerbox headache is about to become a terminal financial mistake
Enjoy holding the black mold bag
Enjoy your new roofing
Enjoy the neighbor "declining"
Enjoy your"investment" getting trashed
Enjoy section 8 vouchers
>housing prices will go down 80% soob
This. I'm getting an onslaught of messages from real estate brokers right now trying to get me approved immediately to buy their homes. The houses being built across the street from me have gone into overdrive on production. The construction companies are no longer taking their sweet ass time like they have done over the last year and a half. These people are trying to sell anything and everything they can at top prices right now.
That means they're trying to not get left holding the bag. Housing prices are about to plummet and rent is going to follow.
>he thinks trump will let the markets fall before the dollar
> Thinking Trump will be your president next year
Holy based
mods = FAGS
Stay deluded
If you're not in a position to be able to pay rent you're never going to be in a position to hang someone.
>TL;DR: I'm mad that I can't budget worth a damn and am going to be evicted because quoting the communist manifesto doesn't pay the bills
>thinking biden will stumble his way into the presidency
Landlord here, truly based
You're a faggot and everyone who matters hates you. I hope your tenants hang you like they did under Mao. Sincerely, someone who works for their living.
Imagine being such a pathetic loser who literally pays for a living and cries about it
Grow up you fuckin incel, work something USEFUL, learn to invest your money retard
The key to success is learning