What exactly is the ideology that most Antifa members hold? Obviously there seems to be a lot of them who are just angry goons - hell bent on destroying anything and everything. But at least SOME of them have to be doing what they do for ideological reasons, right?
What exactly is the ideology that most Antifa members hold...
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They serve the globalist agenda, like all leftists.
Yes but what do they THINK they are protesting for? What is their ideology?
>What exactly is the ideology that most Antifa members hold?
1. I am a wimp and my parents pay for everything
2. I wish I were brave enough to do petty crime on Saturday nights
3. But I can't shake my moral training
4. HEY! Fascism is evil therefore anything AGAINST fascism is GOOD
5. I can smash things, burn things and assault people with no qualms, as long as it's Antifa !
6. Wow, I love the excitement, and there's no risk because of the masks and all my friends being here too. AT LAST I AM A MAN.
7. Oh god oh god oh god what if Mom finds out ?
Mostly they think of themselves of anarchists. They believe they are going to achieve anarchy by way of Marxist Communism (which is supposed to be a form of socialism where the central authority slowly fades away). They believe they are going to achieve Marxist Communism by way of violent overthrow of the current regime.
All of this make about as much sense as thinking if you squeeze enough lemons you will eventually get tomato juice from which you can make gasoline.
alex jones please go
they're generally various Marxists and/or anarchists
ThE gLoBaLiSt AgEnDa
>What exactly is the ideology that most Antifa members hold?
Angry goonism.
Do whatever global capital tells you to do.
You'll probably get better answers there.
social liberals, economic conservatives, 80% of americans are like this
>>social liberals, economic conservatives, 80% of americans are like this
I don't think this describes AnfiFa.
In fact I think it's more like 30% mixes. 30% are social liberals, 30% are social conservatives and 30% don't know or don't care
30% are economic conservatives, 30% are economic liberals and 30% don't know or care.
I don't think there's much of a relationship between a person's social views and their economic views, so being conservative in one aspect doesn't mean you're conservative in all matters.
Savior mentality.
Any real Antifa member is an anarchist.
They're anarchists.
Source: An anarchist
Antifa = Anti fascist, people who are against fascista, who believe they have the right to massacre all the people they kinda don't like.
The ideology: if you want to be able to push hate speech under the guise of legitimate arguments im going to call you out on what it actually is
No you're not, you like the label of being an anarchist. They wouldnt be forming get togethers if that were the case
You're right, none of what you said makes any sense. Glad you realized it at the end there
And this is the caricature in most right wingers heads that helps them feel good about themselves at night
>What exactly is the ideology that most Antifa members hold?
Coming from a former anarchist, anarchists seemed to make up the majority of... principled(?) members.
But overall the stereotype about them is true. They're all overly-privileged kids who glanced at a Che Guevara picture once and are ready to fuck everything up and anybody* they think might oppose them because YEAH REBELLION!!!
*Anybody provided they have the larger numbers and weaponry
Nah, pretty sure theyre all faggots like you lmao
How are you sure? Did you bend over in front of some and agree to take all comers?
There the next neo facist movement who believe that power theru force is the only answer to create a socialist Utopia.
They believe that all the worlds problem can be blamed on a single autonomous group who can be anyone. Thus any who disagree with them are the problem, and are thus justified to do anything they want to said individual.
Part of this universal problem ideologically is capitalism and traditionalism.
Another problematic ideology to antifa is individualism and personal freedom and responsibility.
They don't want to be seen as indivusals who are responsible there own actions, but defer to group think and group action.
Ironic as there supposed to be anti fascist but fascism means ->Many as One
>>What exactly is the ideology that most Antifa members hold?
>Coming from a former anarchist, anarchists
Antifa are not anarchists. Comprehend what you're arguing first
There in lies the ultimate problem with Antifa and all other past Facist groups, They fail too account for Human nature.
Our nature to turn vicious and spiteful, even monstrous when we have unlimited power. That's what they seek, Unlimited Power vea the government. Power to the group or the party and not the individual.
This is why there so agents freedom of speech and personal rights.
It dismantled the idea that what there doing is not only wrong but in all ways shapes and form, No different then the groups there trying to oppose.
They don't want to think anything else past what the group thinks.
Do anything past what the group wills.
To not do this means YOU yourself are responsible.
Groups like antifa when given more and more power are more then happy to strip it away from everyone else. There clearly fueled by hate and rage and when they can get away with it.
Watch as they turn into the vary thing they claim to oppose. As all those who argue with them, disagree with them.
Are killed in mass. All the wile they claim to be the saviors of humanity. The Solution to the problem.
They claim to hate the Nazis...There just a hole new form of Nazis. Wanting the same thing and in the end will do the same things as well.
And when the genocides are over and there tried, they like the nazi's will blame everyone else. They arn't responsible, They where only fallowing orders.
This is why antifa
My point exactly. The man the german people turned too to oppose this man.....Kaiser Wilhelm...
Because black t shirts look cool you stupid fucking retard.
They are a bunch of autistic retards. Not "Antifa" you fuck tard. Same with those fat ass, old, retarded white thrash Trump supporters. Straight RETARDS! Not "supporters".
Antifa are just a bunch of rambunctuos, wanna-be-edgy, pseudo-political fuckwits that name drop Nietzsche without having read a single paragraph of their book.
They basically just gather while awaiting to be "triggered" - for an excuse- to break and smash public property. Before they return to their minimum wage jobs, complain about the work schedule, and await their chance to sell out.
No loyalty. No ideology. No solidarity. Just pussy footed "thugs" wanting to hide in a crowd, wanting an excuse to break city property, and the reason why political discourse has flown the window and why Darwinism is the prevalent doctrine at this time.
Those faggots have 0 percent chance of surviving emotionally after they get imprisoned.
This is some pretty powerful reversal of reality.
Antifa exists because of the paradox of tolerance.
When people talk about the evil of fascism, they mean the loss of freedoms.
No matter how much drivel you type.
Because reading the rise and fall of the Third Reich, reading about Karl Marx and the Frankford school. Having family that survived the Holocaust.
Like history doesn't repeat itself.
Say what you will, but reality is. When you give any group of people unlimited power with no singular responsibility.
Call it Fascism, Socialism, Communism. Imperialism...Doesn't matter.
When there is no personal accountability, when there is control vea group consensus.
People are killed in Mass!
Deny it all you want. History doesn't care what you think!
You typed that all out like a good little Goebbels. Disinformation at its finest. Here's the only truth your beloved ever said before eating a bullet, which by the way, is how you should exit as well
>>better answers
You'll get better psyop material on (((Yas Forums))), that's for sure. Not better if you want truth.
>wouldnt be forming get togethers
Never spent any time around anarchists, have you? Ever heard of the phrase "mutual aid"?
until I read the name at the end I was sure that was an antifa quote
I think the ambiguity of the subject of that second clause perfectly describes the issue
so you admit youre incredibly biased then
Some are ideologically driven, and they tend to be anarchists, communists, or anarcho-communists. Now they are entirely morally bankrupt thanks to the fact that their entire movement has been hijacked by globalists. They used to be the biggest enemies of globalism, but now they are its non-governmental militant arm.
of course you did. Go ahead and live by all else he said, just dont be surprised when you die like the rest of the fascist regimes in history.
Antifa is not looking for ultimate power.
They want to stop fascism.
Fascists consider that to be a grab for ultimate power.
You're a fascist.
And a liar.
"Frankford school". Like the navy seal pasta where he brags about being educated in "gorilla warfare." Can't even spell it.
So would stop fascism? Certainly you have to say you don't want it, survivor family and all. They don't think and they don't care. Just like you don't.
Antifa hasn't killed "en masse" yet. Nazi cuckoos have. Whre does that leave you and your great erudition?
Cope harder
why would i live and die by what he said if I dont like him? I certainly implied that it was bad
shut up commie
Chaotic evil vs lawful evil?
Communists. With all the people Stalin killed we can’t allow these violent extremists to feel safe. Don’t just punch a communist. Dox them. Follow one home if you see one. And if you get the chance beat their skulls in with a metal bat. It’s what those leftist authoritarian bootlickers deserve.
Nothing wrong with that
Antifa are Communist goons, acting on behalf of globalist oligarchs, like the pathetic tools they are, you retarded faggot.
So you're pro-fascist.
You wont get tomato juice from lemons but a from a fuel is plausible.
Yes there is tranny faggot. Quit trying to act like communism hasn’t killed more people. You deserve to die.
trolls trolling trolls
Ah yes the gorillion
Fascism is the melding of the corporate and military as a ruling entity. Which describes our government as it exists today. Regardless of which of the two (one) political party is in the White House or controls Congress, the vast majority of cabinet posts are filled by either Wall St or Pentagon members. As such, antifa in theory should be diametrically opposed to both. As is, they are wind up toy protesters, i.e. controlled opposition, just as Al Qaeda and Isis were on a terror level. Most likely funded by NGOs backed by Soros, who of course, despite his credentials as a financier, is an intelligence operative, just as was Epstein, although the had different roles. Antifa would not have been a blip on anyone’s radar had Hillary won, even though she would have had us knee deep in blood in both Syria and Iran. She is the epitome of fascism, the darling of the intelligence agencies and Wall St. For whatever Trump is, he has resisted wartime aims of these groups. So, Antifa has no real ideology. They are activated or deactivated as their controllers see fit
Disgusting. You lack conviction. I hope I get the pleasure of seeing you out in public with a hammer and sickle on your shirt. You’ll know it’s me when you’re at home feeling safe and your head gets beaten in.
It’s not that complicated. The ones who have ideologies tend to be anarcho-communists. Most of them think they’re legitimately “fighting the power” when:
>they do nothing but destroy property and attack elderly folks
>even if there was some “fascist regime” they were fighting, their ideology is significantly more dangerous.
>the majority of media applauds there ideologies, if not antifa itself.
Basically they’re every straw man argument the right uses against the
left but they really and truly ARE those things (ie soyboy liberal cuckboys/blue haired rich college trannies virtue signaling on behalf of black people, most of whom would love nothing more than to kick their teeth in)