Why are Asian dicks so fucking tiny?

Why are Asian dicks so fucking tiny?

Attached: asiandicksosmall.webm (480x848, 1.96M)

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Why is he naked, also rip glasses guy

nvm on 2nd look, he doesn't have glasses.
I assumed cus asian, guess im racist now.

welcome to the club, nigger.

because they're stupid retards that will cook anything. including their own fucking wieners!!!

Attached: deformed chinese dude very disgusting.webm (270x480, 626.78K)

Fucking souce!

That room must smell so bad

1. Smaller target; an assailant trying to kick you in the dick might miss if the dick isn't so big
2. Big dicks get frostbite in bitter winters
3. smaller dick = greater range of movement, you don't have to worry about a floppy flaccid dick or low hanging balls getting in the way
Incidentally good on him for getting naked, straight guys will always hesitate at touching a naked man, even in a fight.

That was dirty, dude looked like he was trying to get his naked buddy to disengage

Ive fucked a few Asian men and they always had average sized dicks. OP's video is literally a micropenis

Are you talking worldwide average? Because there's like two billion Asian guys that are skewing the average towards 5 inches

yet they are the most populated race by far on the planet

Yeh he connected hard. It looked like he was swinging for the big guy and caught him by chance. R.I.P little dude.

I have no real life experience with Asiatic cock, but from what I've heard, their erectile power is unparalleled. Little dicks, but always hard and ready to jackrabbit into hairy sideways pussy.

Asian dicks are smaller, and Asian pussy is tighter. At least according to that Masters and Johnson study from many years back.

I’m not asian

Not him, but most guys are 5-6 inches hard

How do you people even find these videos lol

worldstarhiphop uploads shit like this daily.

Worldstar hip-hop is the nigger equivalent to LiveLeak

When it comes to random assaults i don't really discriminate, they're equally entertaining.

I'm not sure shaving should be the priority.

Genghis Khan

there're not all small although it's asian traps that seem to have bigger dicks.

Attached: 영우짱123 on Twitter.jpg (577x499, 37.88K)

No I mean the Asian men have all had 6 inches or a little more.. Never even met a man with a penis as small as that and I've been with 50+ people. Are you basing your claims off of real life experience or just copying what other people say? Sounds like you're projecting insecurity to me

No need to overcome natural barriers.
While on the way to the New World, on the other hand, dicks had to pass through the knots in the walls of the cargo-holds.

Yeah? Uh, that doesn't sound like anything M&J would have researched.

Imma need sauce plz user

>bragging about how many lowlifes you've been fucked by
lmao I'm insecure? I was just joking around, but now you've awoken the nigger inside me.

We're not talking about gay penises here.
Everyone knows gays' penises are smaller than average. That's one reason why they're gay.

she's very cute

Attached: 영우짱123 on Twitter(7).png (640x899, 831.06K)

>but now you've awoken the nigger inside me.

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HAHA look at this fag being an expert on fags

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Thanks user, fappage in the near future for me

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I do not know but that is the funniest thing i have seen all week

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Asian vaginas are tiny as well. Had a chinese gf and it was impressive how shallow her pussy was, couldn't fit half of my penis in it.

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what compels a man to save these onto his computer?

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>but now you've awoken the nigger inside me.

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Not the first time you've fantasized about a nigger being inside of you is it you insecure little man?


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Attached: big-dicked-thai-boxer.jpg (474x637, 194.56K)

I don't know what's more hilarious:
1. The fact that there's some dicklet of a man with a bunch of naked asian dude pictures with tiny dicks.
2. The fact there's another dicklet with a bunch of naked asian dude pictures with tiny dicks trying to argue otherwise.

Cockgobblers the lot of ya

I've been known to gobble some cock in my time, that's why I post Asian men with tiny penises as I fantasize about dominating them with my huge rock hard 5 inch penis

I've been waiting months.
There is none. Hope is meaningless.

Attached: 3.jpg (720x480, 27.95K)

ive seen it on pornhub

it's afraid